Taken By A Virus

Submitted into Contest #44 in response to: Write a story that starts with a life-changing event.... view prompt



"Hello! This is ABC Local Wardrobe. My name is Lola, how can I help you today?"I asked. I balanced my phone in between my shoulder and my ear as I picked up my four year old, Gabby.

"Hi, Lola. This is Joe from the Mount Sinai Hospital here in New York City. We are upset to inform you that your mother has passed away from COVID-19. We are so sorry. We did all that we could to save her,"Joe replied. I closed my eyes to hold back tears. I couldn't cry in front of Gabby.

"Thank you. Umm...I know you did your best. I am forever grateful,"I stated. I set Gabby back down next to her toys.

"Of course. We love helping people. I hope you stay healthy,"Joe said. My chin quivered, but I held back the tears again.

"Yes. Stay safe and healthy as well. Goodbye,"I said. Joe said goodbye, and then I sat down on the couch.

"Gabby?"I asked. Gabby set her little dolls down and looked at me.

"Mama! My dollies are just about to get in the pool. We'll talk later,"Gabby answered. This normally would've made me laugh, but I couldn't. I leaned back and let silent tears roll down my face.

"Mama? What's wrong?"Gabby asked. I wiped my tears away and sat back up.

"Nothing, sweetie. Keep playing with your dolls." My eyes watered again. "Mama has to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back,"I trembled. I got up, and went through the kitchen into the bathroom. I put my hands on the counter and looked up at myself in the mirror.

Mama. You’re gone. My mother is gone. No funeral. No wake. No burial. No, no, no! NO! She can’t be gone. There’s no way. She was healthy. They told me she was doing well. Did they lie? They wouldn’t anymore. Not when this stupid pandemic is still in full swing!

I stood in that small little bathroom for five minutes, tears rolling down my face, thoughts racing each other in my head. When I finally pulled myself together, I walked out of the bathroom and back in the living room where Gabby was.

“Mama, what’s for lunch? I’m hungry!”Gabby grinned. I managed a smile and picked her up.

“How about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my little munchkin?”I asked. Gabby nodded her head vigorously. I carried her to the kitchen table and sat her down on a chair. She started singing her favorite song, Old Town Road. I got her lunch ready and sat the paper plate down in front of her.

“You have to eat all of that if you want an Oreo, okay, baby?”I asked. Gabby was already stuffing her face with her sandwich. I shook my head and went back to the living room. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I scrolled through the channels for a minute, but resigned to Netflix after not finding anything. I needed something funny to watch to lift my spirits a bit, hopefully enough so I could still laugh at Gabby.

“Mama! I finished my sanwish!”Gabby called. I threw the remote down and got up. I walked into the dining room and picked up Gabby’s empty plate.

“Good job! Do you want a little bit of milk with your Oreos?”I asked. Gabby nodded, so I went to the fridge and got the milk out. I poured it in a cup and got out the Oreos. I pulled out two and put them on a cake plate from Gabby’s last birthday.

“Here you go, pumpkin,”I said. Gabby smiled and took one of her Oreos, dunking it in milk. She took it out of the milk and took a big bite.

“Eat over your plate!”I cried. Gabby put her dripping Oreo over her plate and took another bite. I walked back into the living room and flopped down on the couch. I went through some of the Netflix originals, and then came across a Kevin Hart movie. I turned it on and leaned back. I heard Gabby get down from her chair and then watched as she ran into the living room where I was and fell down next to her toys.

“Uh! Poo. Oh, no! I fell on Goldie! Can you fix her, Mama?”Gabby asked. She stood up, and then bent back down to pick up a little L.O.L. Doll. Its head had popped off.

“Of course, sweet heart. Give it to Mama,”I instructed. Gabby walked over to me and handed me the beheaded doll. I put the head back on and then gave it back to Gabby. She gave me a quick hug, then ran back to her toys.

I tried to watch the movie, but I was getting distracted. I kept on looking down at Gabby and seeing my mom playing with her. My mom would glance at me while she laughed at Gabby. She would let Gabby be an ice princess and Mom would be a fire princess. I look into the kitchen, and I see Mom making cookie dough for chocolate chip cookies that will turn out burnt with Gabby.

After about twenty minutes of this, I decided to tell Gabby. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. She was so big, she was almost falling off my lap.

“Remember how I told you Grandma was sick?”I asked. Gabby looked down at her hands and then back up at me.

“Yeah. You said that Grandma was sick and she had to stay in the hospital for a long time. And then when I went to Dada’s house, he said Grandma was gonna die,”Gabby whispered. Her father, Kevin, was always putting the worst of the worst into Gabby’s head. Of course, this time, he was right.

“Yes, sweetie. Well, your dad was right. Grandma went up to Heaven to be safe and happy with God,”I sniffed. I started bawling and pulled Gabby close to me.

“Grandma’s gone?”Gabby asked. I nodded and held her tighter. I heard her quiet crying a minute later.

“Yes, sweetie. Grandma’s gone. But guess what? She’s happy now and she doesn’t hurt anymore,”I said. I pulled Gabby away from me and dried her tears before drying mine.

“Good. She’s happy. Like me when I’m here with you. Grandma, if you’re listening, we love you!”

June 04, 2020 15:14

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Lauren Tobin
22:59 Jun 10, 2020

So very sad, but so sweet.


00:36 Jun 11, 2020

Thank you, Lauren! Stay safe! -Brooke


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Okay... so this story was heartbreaking, but you included some funny moments. "'Oh no, I feel on Goldie!'"... "Its head had popped off". I was laughing so hard at that 😂. Great story Brooke!


19:19 Jun 05, 2020

Thank you so, so, so, much, Peachy! I appreciate it more than you know! :D Stay safe and healthy! -Brooke


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Agnes Ajadi
18:16 Jun 04, 2020

You actually crafted a story out of this pandemic! Wow... That was amazing but sad. Keep writing Brooke.


19:07 Jun 04, 2020

Thank you so much, Agnes! Stay safe in this hectic world! -Brooke


Agnes Ajadi
07:16 Jun 05, 2020

My pleasure. Stay safe as well.


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