Creative Nonfiction Fiction Inspirational

 It was an unusual eternal triangle, everyone was happy, all three knew about each other and were content with the situation. Two of the team were  looking forward to meeting the third party  and likewise the third link was over the moon with happiness. It was time for them to meet face to face and become better acquainted.

He knew all about her, he had seen pictures of her, he already loved her unconditionally even though they had never met. A brilliant light seemed to envelope them.

Born to middle class normal families both Jade and Paul had a happy childhood with just the usual ups and downs.

Teenage years followed the same pattern with the ordinary problems of teenage years.

From teen years to their twenties, time to decide on their future, both decided to continue with their studies Some sacrifice but nothing drastic and there were many highlights attached to this era in their lives. New friends, parties, outings and new experiences. Jade and Paul graduated within a year of each other, she a teacher and he an accountant. They loved their jobs and both were pleased with what life had to offer. Their lives seemed to be so blessed.

Commitment to marriage was still not in their schedule until they met at a common friend’s birthday party. Love at first sight, predestination? Who knows? The blazing light was rarely blurred by darkness. Little did they know of the dark cloud on the horizon.

They planned to marry, then some years to enjoy each other and life, furnish their home and save some money. The last but not least on their bucket list but the pinnacle of their dreams, raising a family perhaps two or three children and now that time is finally here.

They were so enthusiastic and it certainly was not through their lack of trying but month after month, year after year and still no pregnancy. Months seemed like days and years seemed like months. Darkness seemed to have replaced the light in their lives, they had to find a way out of this darkness.

The professionals could find nothing physically wrong with them and later suggested tests and treatments but it was to no avail.

Sometimes their hopes were raised but when they made a pregnancy test the result was always in the Negative. Once light seemed to seep through when unexpectedly a pregnancy test  resulted in the Positive.

A visit to their doctor, who recommended they make an appointment with a  gynecologist. But a test concluded that  the embryo was  lifeless. it was Back to darkness.

The clock was ticking for Jade, they feared they had left it too late. 

They considered IVF, but what if it was unsuccessful?

Finally they decided on adoption, it will take time, money and patience but it was the most promising, a long process but an aspiring light.

So much to go through, so many papers, so many appointments and so many dreams. 

An inner light shone on Jade's face as she put down the telephone and looked at Paul who was looking questioningly at her. 

“ It’s the adoption Society they have news for us, we have a meeting for Wednesday, we have passed the test we’re going to become parents”. A light has threaded through the darkness, the adoption rigorous procedure has found them commendable.

“ Our dreams will soon come true. Happy birthday sweetheart, exciting and wonderful times lie ahead of us.“ That was Paul’s post on facebook to his wife on her birthday some months ago. 

The pandemic seemed to be slowing down. Time to start preparing for that long awaited trip but then the cases were on the increase. The covid pandemic played havoc with their lives and their hearts, it kept changing their plans for five months. The number of cases kept increasing and decreasing in a maddening pattern constantly changing from light to darkness, darkness again and then at last the light  kept blazing, they could  go ahead with their plans.

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.”

The great day arrived, the missing part in the triangle will soon be in place and they will be complete..

They met her and even the masks they wore didn’t hide the love and happiness reflected in their eyes. They were seeing her in flesh and blood at last.

Oh how pretty, oh how sweet, oh how lovable, she’s a ray of sunshine. the light in our lives. But they couldn’t hug her, there was the social distancing to be observed but still sparks flew, love was in the air. Little fingers pointed at him and reached out to touch him, he yearned to grip them and hold her but he held back for safety’s sake, there will be plenty of time for hugs. But he was so happy, she loved him, she trusted him, she saw the light in him.

On their way to the hotel Jade teased Paul telling him that the child was already daddy’s girl and he felt so proud and so happy already  visualizing the great times ahead.

Jade and Paul did not feel so well the next morning and the doctor advised them to make a Covid swab test. The result for both of them was positive, so  quarantine and not visiting their daughter, their baby. Why was it that when they longed for a negative result they got a positive one and vice versa? 

Within a short time Jade tested negative and for some time Paul seemed to be getting better but then he took a turn for the worse and was taken to hospital.

The pandemic was moving at a fast pace and the danger was increasing every day. They were advised to return to their native country, arrangements were soon under way and their departure was imminent.

They were returning as a family, the triangle was formed and all the links were present, although one part was physically apart.

Paul had accompanied his family to the airport in an ambulance wailing all the way and Jade and the child in a taxi.

The child was in her mother’s arms, all was packed and ready, dad was in the ambulance hospital which was now near the plane and ready to board it.

Chaos all of a sudden, everything and everyone seemed to be in slow motion. Why did it seem so dark?

What has happened, why does the world seem to be at a standstill?

Jade  hugged the child closer as if to ward off the scene, the darkness that seemed to be developing around them. 

Paul believed in predestination, this was meant to be, he had done his part, his wife had her wish granted she was now a mother and she will be bonding strongly to their daughter through him, he’ll never be forgotten.

He was so tired and they  were safe so now it was time for him to leave, but his lovely little angel, his daughter will take his place and be the guiding light to her mother, his wife. 

He left his heart to fill the space she left in her country and she will fill the space he emptied when he left his. 

The light at the end of the tunnel for him and for her the light at the starting point. 

Was it meant to be the ultimate sacrifice for the light to be passed on to one who until now has known so much darkness?. 

May 07, 2021 13:56

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