Fiction Friendship

'' One...two.....three...four'' It was nothing then a normal night really I never can be able to sleep at this time of night so I'm always at the window counting all the stars in the sky, I always have to recount not that I don't mind at all actually just that my brain can sometimes wander off with me knowing. I sigh and stopped counting and look back in the dark cold room everything was almost completely black if it weren't for the night sky filling the room through the window the floors were cold and cement-like the walls and ceiling just feeling anything in this room with your bare feet or hands would just make you shiver all throughout your body.

No objects or toys in the room itself other than the drawer filled with white and cayan clothes that on the left side next to the sealed locked iron door and the two beds on the right and left side of the corner near the only window in the room that was across the other side of the room. I sighed and looked back and the stars began to count again ''Your counting again at this time?"

I quickly turned my head around to the left side corner of the room where a boy that was about one year older than me was slowly lifting his head off his pillow softly shaking his head as he gains his consciousness to speak again '' That is twice in a row this week you counted the stars what's on your mind, Nathaniel? '' Ah yes I guess I haven't introduced myself have I my name is Nathaniel and the boy's name is Eric we've both known each other since we were only four and five years old, we haven't been separated since then.

'' Did I woke you up? I'm sorry '' I said fiddling with the lower part of my oversize pajama shirt while making eye contact with him even if it was too dark to see him '' No, no you didn't I just woke up naturally it's okay. '' Eric said as he slowly got out of his covers and put his feet over the side of the bed taking a few steps over to me by the window shivering from the cold floor as he got closer I could see him more clearly.

His black yet silky, short hair was all curled up and messy his skin was a light tan color with a bunch of visible freckles all over his face like me and his right eyes was a beautiful orange and yellow color that reflected the night sky with his left eye cover-up in an eye patch that was warped with a bandage. We both looked at each other for a brief moment before we both looked back at the stars. It was a long yet comfortable silence between us as I counted the stars again under my breath. Eric took in a long yet refreshing breath as he slightly smiles as he listens to me quietly.

But that smile slowly faded when he stopped looking up and looked at me '' Are you thinking about home again? '' I stopped counting at forty-eight before looking down outside of the window down at the ground that was five stairs below us I was indeed thinking of home, When we were all very young we were sent to this lab facility by our own parents to be nothing for than lab rats for vaccines and cures or for being '' specially trained soldiers'' this isn't something the grown up's hide from us we are nothing but specks of dust and dirt to them I started to tear up, I was sent here by my own father I could clearly hear the sound of my own mother crying and frantically screaming my name being the people to not take me as my father hold her in place as she could not do anything. Tears were rapidly streaming down my face by now as I was pulled into a warm brace by Eric.

It wasn't just me it was eric and all the hundreds of kids here that were sent by someone family or not, Me and eric both held each other in our own embrace as we both shared our tears we stayed like that for a good while all while trying to not let our sobs wake up the other kids beside of our room we managed to calm ourselves down as we both separated from our hug I couldn't take this abuse anymore '' hey....'' I say suddenly '' why don't we both escape this place together and make a home of our very own'' I said my voice full of courage with my hands firmly on my shoulders.

His mouth hanged open as he tried to process what I just said ''Escape wh- how!? '' he said trying my best to not scream his head off '' I don't know yet but we'll figure it out'', '' your just playing dumb there is no way we can pull something like that '' he said you can clearly hear the firm and worry in his force heck he wasn't looking at me in the eyes even! ''look I know we can pull this off you have to trust me '' I showed him my pinky finger '' I promise we'll make it out alive '' there was silence for a bit before I hear him sigh and he grabbed my pinky finger locked with his '' You better keep your promise dear brother ''


That was a good whole two years since that promise and we were both no longer twelve and thirteen rather fourteen and fifteen we escape that prison along with some new two friends Rayan, and Austin but were all now being hunted we go from place to place '' Hey Nathan! , you good?'' I was snapped out of my own thoughts as I tear my eyes away from the beautiful sight of the forest below me behind me was a kid about the same age and height as me red, fire, short hair, green eyes, and brown freaked skin wearing nothing more than a black hoodie, blue navy jeans, brown mud covers boots, and a handknit scarf it was Rayan '' We gotta get going Eric send me here to get you, you good by the way?''

I smiled a genuinely happy smile as I looked at him with one blue and blind eye a battle scar ill never forget ''yup I'm good lets us catch up to the other'' said brushing some of my blonde bangs out of my face as the winds got rougher we snatched our hiking bags and made our way down the mountain.

June 16, 2021 21:13

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