Stolen Code

Submitted into Contest #252 in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt


Science Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Eris "Whisper" Voltaire moved through the neon-lit alleyways of Erebos Prime, her pink hair shimmering under the glow of flickering holographic billboards. The rhythmic hum of distant machinery and the soft buzz of her cybernetic implants were the only sounds accompanying her steps, yet she felt an unfamiliar presence—a subtle shift in the air, a shadow where none should be.

Her instincts, honed by years of navigating both the digital and physical realms, screamed at her to remain calm. She had learned long ago that showing any sign of awareness could give her pursuer the upper hand. Whisper’s mind raced, calculating escape routes and scanning for potential threats.

As she turned a corner, her breath hitched. In the reflection of a shop window, she saw a figure—a ghost from her past. The sight of him sent a jolt of fear through her. It was Alaric Kane, a former ally turned adversary, who had once been her mentor in the world of hacking. Their last encounter had ended in betrayal and a narrow escape for Whisper.

She quickened her pace, her lithe frame slipping through the crowded streets with ease. The ever-present digital chatter in her neural interface grew louder, as if the city itself was trying to warn her. Whisper knew that in Erebos Prime, danger could come from anywhere: rival hackers, corporate enforcers, or even old ghosts from past missions.

Alaric was not just any pursuer; he was a master hacker with a personal vendetta. He taught Whisper everything she knew, and his betrayal had been a turning point in her life, leading her to join the Sisters of Kaos. The thought of facing him again filled her with a mix of dread and determination. Alaric used the voices in her head for his own ambitions under the guise of helping her get better. It took finding the Sisters of Kaos to learn that she didn’t need to get better, she needed to learn to embrace who she was. Rhett never saw her as broken, only unique.  

Whisper ducked into a narrow passageway, her heart pounding in her chest. A maniacal giggle escaped her lips. She heard the voices in her head like a harmonic electricity. 

He’ll never see this coming. 

She activated her cloaking device, a piece of tech she had developed herself, rendering her invisible to both the naked eye and most surveillance systems. She pressed herself against the cold, metal wall, listening intently. Footsteps approached, deliberate and heavy. Alaric was skilled, maintaining just the right distance to avoid detection but close enough to keep her within reach. Whisper held her breath, her fingers twitching at the ready to deploy a digital countermeasure if needed.

You should have called Rhett. Why did you think you could hide from him?

Alaric paused at the entrance to the passageway, scanning the area. Whisper could see him now—his once familiar face now a cold mask of determination. He stood there for a moment, as if sensing her presence but unable to pinpoint her exact location. Whisper stared into his eyes. She searched for the person she once knew and found nothing left of who he was. It made her sad to think her mentor fell so far. She felt a pang of fear mixed with anger. This was her city, her domain. No one should be able to track her so easily, not even him. Whisper’s mind raced through possibilities—had her network been compromised? Was there a new player in town? She needed answers. She needed she sisters. But she wasn’t ready to face them about this yet. 

Slowly Alaric moved on, but Whisper knew better than to let her guard down. She waited until the sound of his footsteps faded into the distance before deactivating her cloaking system. She had to find out why Alaric was here and what he wanted.

Her journey through the labyrinthine streets led her to a small, nondescript building. The door opened with a soft hiss, and she entered the dimly lit room filled with the hum of servers and blinking lights. This was her sanctuary, the heart of her digital empire. Whisper sat at her terminal, fingers flying over the keys as she began tracing Alaric’s digital footprint. She hacked into the city's surveillance network, rewinding the feeds to find him. Her eyes narrowed as she identified his movements—Alaric was systematically tracking her usual routes and haunts.

Silly. You thought you could stay ahead of him. How do you stay ahead of a predator with nothing left to lose?

A message flashed on her screen: "Hello, Whisper. Long time no see."

Her heart skipped a beat. Alaric was in her system, watching her every move. She typed back, "What do you want, Alaric?"

"Justice," came the reply. "You stole from me, and now it's time to settle the score."

Whisper's mind raced. The betrayal she had experienced was complex, tied to a mission gone wrong and secrets that were never meant to see the light of day. She had taken a crucial piece of code from Alaric, a piece that held the power to change the digital landscape of Erebos Prime. He wanted it back, and he was willing to tear her world apart to get it. The voices in her head were so loud then. 

You can not steal what is rightfully yours!

She typed quickly, "You can't have it. It's too dangerous."

"You don't get to decide that," Alaric responded. "Meet me at the old cybernetics lab in an hour. Alone. Or I'll expose every secret you've tried to bury."

Whisper knew she had no choice. She had to confront Alaric and end this once and for all. She sent a quick, encrypted message to Rhett: "Need backup. Old lab. One hour." With a deep breath, she prepared herself for the confrontation. The past was catching up with her, and she didn’t know if she was ready to face it head-on.

The old cybernetics lab was a relic from an era of rapid technological advancement, now abandoned and left to decay. Whisper approached the entrance, her nerves steeled for the encounter. She could feel Rhett’s reassuring presence somewhere in the shadows, always the silent guardian. Rhett didn’t need to know why or what Whisper was into. Their bond was decades beyond that. Rhett would never allow anything bad to happen to her. Whisper stepped inside, her footsteps echoing in the empty hall. Alaric was waiting, his tall figure silhouetted against the dim light of malfunctioning screens.

“You’ve grown bolder, Eris,” he said, his voice cold and measured. “Or more foolish.”

“You don’t know me anymore, Alaric,” Whisper replied, her tone equally cold. “What do you really want?”

“You know exactly what I want,” he said, stepping forward. “The code. The key to my empire, the very thing you stole.”

“That code can’t be used,” Whisper said firmly. “It’s too dangerous. You know that.” The voices overpowered her then.

Say it!

“You can’t steal what belongs to you anyway. I wrote that code. You know it, you were there.” Whisper looked away unable to meet Alaric’s eyes. 

Alaric laughed, a harsh, bitter sound. “Dangerous? Only if it’s in the wrong hands. And those hands, my dear, are yours. The only thing that controls you are those damned voices in your head. If we’re being honest, you didn’t write that code any more than I did. The voices did.”

Before Whisper could react, Alaric lunged, a blade glinting in his hand. She barely dodged, activating her cloaking device and slipping into the shadows. But Alaric was prepared, deploying an EMP burst that temporarily disabled her cloak.

Rhett’s finger twitched on the trigger of Nightshade, she sniper rifle. She didn’t want to take the shot if she couldn’t see Whisper, she would not risk hurting her. 

“You can’t hide from me, Whisper,” he taunted. “I taught you everything you know.”

“Not everything,” she retorted, darting behind a console. She activated a digital decoy, momentarily distracting Alaric and giving her a chance to strike back. Rhett smiled; Whisper was smarter than anyone gave her credit for. Those voices were not a weakness, they were her strength. 

The fight was a deadly dance of light and shadow, cybernetic enhancements and hacking skills clashing in a battle of wits and strength. Whisper knew she couldn’t defeat Alaric alone; his skills and knowledge were too closely matched to hers.  She closed her eyes and hoped her voices would come save her. 

You do not need us to save you. You already have everything you need to save yourself. 

Whisper’s eye flew open and she knew what to do. 

“Rhett, now!” she shouted, hoping her silent message had reached her ally.

Out of the shadows, Rhett emerged, her Nightshade trained on Alaric. The crack of a gunshot echoed through the lab, and Alaric staggered, clutching his shoulder.

“You brought backup?” Alaric hissed, his eyes filled with fury.

Whisper stepped forward, her confidence bolstered by Rhett’s presence. “You always underestimated me, Alaric. You assumed I was alone and the voices in my head made me weak. And now, you’ll pay for it.”

With Rhett providing cover, Whisper quickly accessed the lab’s mainframe, initiating a lockdown protocol. Alaric was trapped, his escape routes sealed off.

“You think this is over?” Alaric snarled. “You’ll never be free of me.”

Whisper’s fingers flew over the keyboard, her eyes cold and determined. “It’s over, Alaric. You’ve lost.”

She sent a final command, erasing Alaric’s digital presence and securing the code in an impenetrable vault. Alaric fell to his knees, defeated and furious.

Rhett approached, her gaze never leaving Alaric. “What do you want to do with him?”

Whisper sighed, the weight of the confrontation settling over her. “We hand him over to the authorities. Let them deal with him.”

As they left the lab, Alaric’s angry shouts echoing behind them, Whisper knew she had to face another challenge—being honest with the Sisters of Kaos.

Back at their hideout, the other Sisters gathered, curious and concerned. Whisper took a deep breath, stepping into the center of the room.

“I need to tell you all something,” she began, her voice steady but filled with emotion. “Alaric was my mentor. He betrayed me, and I stole a code from him that could have destroyed our city. He came after me, but with Rhett’s help, we stopped him.”

The room was silent, the weight of her confession hanging in the air. Then Bella stepped forward, her green eyes fierce.

“You should have told us sooner,” she said, her tone sharp but not unkind. “We’re a team, Whisper. We face our enemies together.”

Whisper nodded, gratitude and relief flooding through her. “I know. I’m sorry. From now on, no more secrets.”

Rhett placed a hand on her shoulder, her silent support a balm to Whisper’s frayed nerves. “We’re stronger together,” she said softly.

As the Sisters of Kaos gathered around Whisper, their unity and strength renewed, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. The past was behind her, and with her sisters by her side, the future was theirs to shape.

May 27, 2024 14:19

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