The Dancer and The Rooftop

Written in response to: Write a story including the phrase “Better late than never”.... view prompt


Fiction Sad Teens & Young Adult

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

Didn't really like the prompts this week but what can you do. Also don't really have that many words so I am trying to stretch out this part. Here at the top of the story that has nothing to do with the story. You can just ignore this. 

Also, I didn't know there was an entry fee. I understand why but still... Kind of disappointed about that but whatever.

TW: suicide

Better late than never that I do this. The plan was a few months ago but tonight will work, I guess. 

To hell with this town. I'm gonna burn this place to the ground.

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. My sister is curled up next to me. She's the only good thing in this world.

I slowly get up and cover her with my blankets. I slip on my shoes and walk out of the room. 

Still wearing my pajamas, I walk out of my house. 

I slowly make my way up to the roof of our apartment.

I take an object out of my pocket. It looks to be a small stuffed animal. I know that it's a bomb.

I grab my earbuds and shove them into my ears. I turn on some music. My phone turns onto some sort of ballroom/pop music. Weird combination but okay.

I've always loved to dance. When I leave this world I'll still be dancing.

I make my way to the edge of the roof. There's a small wall surrounding the edge.

I hop onto it. I twirl with the bomb in my hand. Soon I'll be gone from this world.

I close my eyes. I turn and turn. Soon I'll lose my footing and fall off the building. Then I'll be at peace.

I open my eyes for a quick moment. Someone is standing in the doorway of the entrance to the roof.

I stop spinning.

It's my sister. She stands there in her nightgown, clutching one of my blankets. She must have followed me.

She walks towards me.

I give her a small, sad smile, "I'm sorry, did I wake you."

She nods gently and points at me, "What are you doing?"

I look around. The building, the street below, my sister, and finally the sky, "Looking at the stars."

She looks up, "But, there aren't any."

I look up at the sky. There are never stars anymore. My teacher says it's because of light pollution. Another thing caused by horrible humans in this horrible world.

"Yes, you're right. But when they come back, they will be wonderful." I say, "Why don't you go back to bed."

She sits down on the roof of the building, "I want to stay with you."

I give her another sad smile, "You might regret that."

She shrugs.

I pull out the bomb again. I had hidden it from my sister. 

She looks over, "Is that for me."

I look down at the bomb. It is disguised as a little stuffed bunny. My sister's favorite animal, "No sweetie."

I pull a lighter out of my pocket and flick it open. I put it up to a string sticking out of the bunny. It ignites and I toss it over the side of the building.

My sister gasps. I smile at her, "I love you. Always have, always will. Try not to miss me too much."

She looks at me with confusion.

I turn up the volume of my music. I do one final spin over the side of the building.

My sister screams.

Her face looks over the side of the building watching me fall. 

My outstretched arms face the sky. 

I hear the bomb go off below me. I close my eyes. I feel like I'm in a movie. An explosion under me. I'm flying through the sky.

I hear more screams from below. My sister calls for me.

I smile from ear to ear, "Goodbye." I whisper.

I laugh as loud as I can. Why am I so happy. I'm dying. All I feel is a relief.

My daughter jumped off a building. After trying to unsuccessfully blow it up. With my other daughter watching her from the roof.

I am a horrible mother. 

I look over at my daughter. She sits in the corner wrapped in a blanket. 

I walk over and hug her. She's only six. This should not happen to a six-year-old.

How did I not notice that my daughter was going to commit suicide? How did I not notice she had built a bomb?

I walk over to the counter and grab another beer. 

I sit down in the big recliner and open it and take a long swig.

My daughter curls up next to me in the chair, "It's okay mommy. She wanted to. She was happy, laughing. She was even dancing."

She holds up a crumpled piece of paper with crayon smudged on it.

It is a small stick figure. On the roof of a building. The figure seems to be twirling. She has a big smile.

Stars are covering the whole background of the drawing.

I walk towards our fridge and grab a magnet. I stick the drawing in the middle of the fridge.

"She said she was looking at the stars. She said when the stars came they would be wonderful." My daughter says from behind me.

"The stars are wonderful, honey," I say hugging her again.

It's been ten years since my sister's death. I miss her every day but I know she died happily.

I am back on the roof where I watched her die. I twirl and spin just like she had.

I jump and dance with all that I am.

I am lost in the song.

When I am done, I take a deep bow. A recital for my sister. I know she would have loved it.

I look to the sky, "I love you. Always have, always will." I walk back into our apartment. 

December 22, 2021 22:55

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