Creative Nonfiction Drama Kids

The blossoming flowers made them remember the June they spent behind school, when they were too small to understand that the time had to pass on. Every one would bring some or the other their favorite dolls to play. They never thought that the reunion would be by someone's loss. Their only one goal when they were small that they would be together forever. But Life isn't that easy, Because we all have to cope up with small circumstances which will make us even stronger than Ever before.

This story is about the girl group '' Saaya's group'' which was as close as the moon and stars and as strong as the mountain. But everything has to end one or the another day. Similarly this group which was friends from Kindergarten had to split to move on in their life to start something apart from missing each other.

The friendship started when the mothers of the 3 stopped by and sent them to the kindergarten and suddenly by nature's spark, Kiew, Kim,and Saaya met and instantly became friends. They named their group as Saaya's group and even they had promised to each other that they would spent their life's together.

But, everything can't be as we plan, Right?

Every day they would play behind school near a small plant which they had planted promising Their friendship would be forever. They would bring their favorite toys to play along. They even named their toys by their names as Kiew's doll name was Kiew and Kim's Kim as we know Saaya's was Saaya.

They loved each other's company but, as we know happiness always get jinxed. As , in grade 4 they were split up because of Kim's father got transferred to the neighboring state and Kim had to move too. But they would play along when their parents would bring them together near the small tree they had planted.

Kim was always there when she had wanted to play with her friends.

As time got forward and they had moved to bigger grades they just couldn't meet as they met in past and because of this there was a lot of fights between them and they had to split up due to their differences.

But as they say that some by even separating don't get separated similarly had been with ''Saaya's Group''.

They again met in college when all had enrolled. And they again became friends as they were. They together solved the problems between them, gave advice for each other and also watered the plant they had planted together. They even made a box and the 3 dolls that they had named, kept the dolls in it and had promised that they would open when the future generation of their's would be there. They were very happy until Kiew had fallen in love with Kim's elder brother.

Kim wasn't happy to see her brother and Kiew together. She would always get back when they were together. She wasn't bad by nature but, had to turn one because of Kiew and her brother's relation.

Then one day when Kiew's family knew about her relationship, they had threatened her to not to fall in trap of love as in teen years Love is just infatuation between them . But she was too blind in love that they both had decided to elope and get married .

She wasn't in her senses to understand the circumstances she had to face after her marriage with her first love.

She was as happy as a blossoming flower. She hoped that her girl gang could save her from the troubles she was facing.But, Kim couldn't digest the relationship and made it even complex by which Kiew had decided to marry in disguise and marry.

She hoped that in future she would be happy by making her present complex. But sooner after their marriage, Kiew was pregnant with her first child and wasn't able to take care of herself . S he sooner fell ill and she was admitted in hospital.

After the birth of her child, Her kidneys got failed, she was in dialysis treatment. But she wasn't responding well to the treatment.

Then one day she was informed that she couldn't live any more longer and was in her deathbed.

Her group memories were in front of her, She was worried about her daughter as who would take care of her and also was very guilty to face her friends.She couldn't dare to see them in their eyes and say that this was her child.

Sooner Kim got to know about Kiew's condition by her brother while he was grieving and she came along with Saaya to visit Kiew. Only then she knew the value of her friend. Both Kiew and Kim were guilty to face each other but were forced by nature to meet each other one last time. By then the condition of Kiew was going from worse to worse. So, she decided to talk so that she wouldn't have any regrets later. She announced her baby's god mother as Kim and Kim promised that she would raise the baby as her own. Sooner, Kiew left the world.

Kim named the baby as Moei and raised her as her own child.

when Moei grew up she knew about her birth mother and handed over the doll which was named after and handed over her little palms.

She knew that the doll was the only last sign of her mother for moei so, she gave it her.

Every time when Moei remembered her birth mother she would see the doll and feel the presence of her.

Every time when we lose something we gain something in future. Don't just sit and cry from what you have lost, try to gain something from them and always remember that nothing can become worse unless we make them.

Thank you!! Everyone for reading this story. I am extremely sorry if I have made some mistakes in it because this is the first time I am writing a story online.


September 26, 2020 05:43

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A. K. Wilson
13:21 Oct 03, 2020

This stories great, but think its little too close to story of the movie Crossroads with Brittany spears. Well written though :)


07:05 Oct 04, 2020

Oh! I didn't know about the movie though, thank you for your feedback!!


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05:46 Sep 26, 2020

I would be delighted if you pass your advice about the story to me!


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