Fiction Mystery

I just got hired for a new job In Atlanta. It's a higher paying job with great benefits and my wife is excited about the move. After finally finding a house about 30 mins from my new job we began to pack up everything. I am an aerospace engineer and this has been my dream job ever since middle school. My dad had this really cool and fancy telescope that I loved looking into overnight after dinner. When high schools and colleges started having space programs and more of those kind of careers started to open up I knew I found my calling.

Our son Jonas who is 5, was just excited to be giving us a hand as he yelped; "I'm a Big kid!, I can do everything you can do!" over and over again as he dashed from room to room. My wife was right about getting a head start on packing. She is wonderful at these things; always thinking ahead and handling all the minor details and keeping everything in tact. She also is very thoughtful, knowing much my career meant to me, she opted to work from home while still designing liked she always loved doing, so it wasn't much of a sacrifice for her. Everyday I find out something more and more fascinating about her. Once I see we got everything pretty much sorted and packed up,I started up to the attic, mostly everything there were things we came to this house with. All of our treasures from our parents home to help build this home and family we have today.

I hear Jonas's footsteps patter towards me as I climb the stairs: "Hey Dad! Can I come? I'm a big kid, I'm your helper!" At this point we Kinda finished ahead of schedule so we had time to kill. "yes, just climb up carefully and watch your step." Right away he starts digging in boxes looking through everything with a million questions to match. It was adorable watching him be amused by things he has never seen before, watching him made me appreciate everything we kept because those memories can be passed on.

"What is this?" Jonas asked with a puzzled look on his face. He happened to pull out the very first video game created. I couldn't see the name since the sticker faded on it but I know it was a maze war game. I only had two games for that system until I got the never version a few years later, but at that time that was more than enough. Like with everything else he found he also had many questions. I struggled to answer some. Partly because that was such a dark and lone time for me in life and two I had forgotten somethings since time passed by too.

While eating dinner Jonas just kept going on about this video game, he just wouldn't stop asking questions and making up his pretend stories which was sparked by this game system. Suddenly memories came rushing back to me of all the fun times me and my friends had playing in my living room. All the funny things my dad would say as we played echoed in my ears so clearly as though he was in the room with me all over again. I remember teaching my baby brother how to use it before ultimately giving it to him once I got my new system. All of these memories were clear as crystal. When I get settled I got see if my buddy Phil remembers the thing, heck, we might even give it a go for old time sake. After some pleading from Jonas, I broke down and started to hook the game up for us to play it but there was some kind of problem. I figured maybe because the game was so old or a cable was bad and it wouldn't play...

That prompted me to get on the internet and start looking up the game to show him information on it, the reviews, proof of how special and popular it was back in the day, how to fix it, e.t.c. yet when I entered my search question, I got back no results. I checked my spelling and even excluded the year incase it was wrong but nope. nothing was there. At this point my son stopped laughing and started to look at the screen too as if he was just as spellbound as I was. I know this game did well. I knew this game very well. "It was everywhere while I was growing up", I said out loud.

After doing some more digging I found a couple of small forums talking about this game system and how these people vividly remember just as I had, yet from the looks for things it never existed. There is nothing online about the Game, not even a poster or picture. I started Asking on chats and forums but no one that got back to me knew the game. The next day I called Phil and he remembered the game but his parents got rid of the system when he went to college. We took a moment and talked about all the fun times we had playing this game just as I remembered. He gave me a couple of suggestions on where I can ask around about the game. Actually the only other time he heard about the game was me asking about it right now...

The only time I didn't feel I was crazy related to this game system was when I joined some random chat forum that had one lone post about this game with just 3 comments agreeing to it existing, and a handful of people from another site that made post like I had, asking the same things I was asking and after speaking to Phil, who clearly remembered the game as well. Still today nothing is known about this game system, except for the fact it once existed for a select few like myself and If you can get your hands on the game system again, It will refuse to work. No chance to repair it either because as of right now, It never existed.

February 03, 2024 17:27

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Alexis Araneta
08:50 Feb 12, 2024

Adorable story, Barbara! Love the details!


Barbara Williams
14:48 Jul 06, 2024

Thank you so much!


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Tom Skye
14:03 Feb 11, 2024

Sweet story. Very detailed account. I actually looked up to see if it might have been non fiction. Enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing


Barbara Williams
14:49 Jul 06, 2024

I am so happy you did! Thank you!


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