Pink Fern

Written in response to: Write about a summer vacation gone wrong.... view prompt


Mystery Fiction Suspense

Chirping and squeals from the children running through the crowds, their parents hastily following behind, not wanting them to get lost. Screams filled the air as attendees twirl around in the air, their swings tethered to thin cables, they all grip tightly as the spinning top tilts at the incline. Carny workers in their loud charismatic voices calling out from the booths for the attendees to test their luck and win prizes. 

From shooting water into a thirsty clown's mouth to exploding balloons, to trying to ring a bell with nothing more than a hammer, a metal ball and brute force. The games and prizes not the only thing they had to offer, A tent draped in a fine deep purple silk to see the future within the cards to a burly man on a stage effortlessly lifting huge ale filled barrels on a barbell. Looking up their will be lanky giants towering over  with thin legs.  It doesn't just stop at the sights as there are swirled lollipops as big as a five year olds head. 

     Sweet airy confectionery clouds that melt in your mouth, a choice between colorful sugary syrup snow or creamy delectable sorbet to take the heat of the fiery hail from the sun. “Let’s stop by the fries booth.” Marcelene rolls her eyes, she can’t believe that Aiden is thinking of food already. “I don’t know how you can even think of eating in this heat. Don’t you want to cool your stomach a little?” she says

“It’s because I’m hot, why I’m hungry, now if you excuse me that corn dog stand is calling my name.” Aiden says as he starts making his way over to join the line. Olivia bursts out laughing, I knew he’d be spending all his money on food but I didn’t expect that he’d start as soon as we got here. “He’s lucky that we drove here otherwise he wouldn’t have any fare back home.” Rowan says, but wonders if Aiden remembers he still has to pay him for his share of the gas money. 

“I’m sure the carnival wouldn’t mind keeping him, in fact he’ll fit right in. Anyways, Mars, what should we do first? Swing Carousel or snow cones?” Oliva snakes her arms around Marcelene.

“My horoscope says that I should avoid anything that has to do with being in the air today. So let’s do snow cones first.” Marcelene says

“I don’t know why you believe in that stuff, it’s all gimmicks anyways.” Justin always sees her going about her life, about what the stars say and where they align.  Watching as the girls disappear into the sea of people. 

If anything for certain, no horoscope will be able to stop them from enjoying their summer break. From the moment they all heard that Pink fern Carnival was in town they were already in the car. It's their unspoken tradition that where there's a carnival they will be in attendance.  “Hey, look over there.” Rowan points his head over to some of the workers carrying boxes of fireworks behind a tent. Justin follows his gaze, then looks back at Rowan giving each other knowing smiles they followed after them to take a look. Once close enough they crouched down behind some boxes to hear what it was about.

 “Are yer sure t’is is a good idea having all 'em here fireworks in this heatwave?” One of the men asked, rather concerned. 

“It doesn't matter if we think it’s safe or not Cliff. Bossman wants us to set em up for the show, so we set em up for the show.” The worker answered not liking this idea either, but it’s not like they have any room in arguing.

“Does bossman know we, going through a drought right now? What if tha’ tent caught fire?” Cliff says as he sets down the box of explosives wiping some sweat off his brows.

“Again it doesn't matter, leave that for the boss to worry about. He should know how to fix his own problems.” The both men started picking up their boxes and heading into the tent. Rowan and Justin are intrigued by what the show may have in-store for them with fireworks involved. A little curious but there's not much else they could do but wait until the show starts to find out. They moved away before getting caught to enjoy the rest of the carnival. Weaving through the crowd they had themselves a little competition to see who could win the most games. From the ring toss where Justin was able to get himself a train set to Rowan winning a giant stuffed duck at balloon shooter. 

  Marcelene and Oliva on the other hand have been checking out the rides. Though it was a bit of a challenge at first as most of the rides would have Marcelene going high up. At first they settled for the teacups and the more stationary carousel. They weren't getting the thrill they’d hoped for so Marcelene threw the thought of her horoscope aside. Ending up going on the viking swing, the zipper ride, free fall and swing carousel. Ending their adrenaline high with the bumper cars, reunited with Justin and Rowan. Both having giant stuffed animals in tow. “Aw, you both finally got dates.” Marcelene teases 

“We had more but ended up giving them away. And here this one's for you.” Rowan said nonchalantly, handing one of his giant plushies to Olivia.  They all get ready to join the bumper cars, glancing at each other having a stand down. 

 Aiden on the other hand was enjoying his sweet time savoring all the delectable treats the carnival had to offer. This led him to competing in not only a pie eating contest but also a hot dog eating contest and winning both times. Even though the only reason he participated was for the free food. Weaving through the crowd with trophies in hand, munching on a churro sticking out of one of them. He stumbled upon a peanut cart giving away complimentary drinks with every purchase.

  He walks up near the circus tent entrance where the peanut cart sat. Drones of people pouring in the tent, along with the crowd were his friends.  “Where have you been, we’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Olivia said

“You know, I'd always be where the food is, right? It shouldn’t have been that hard to find me.” Aiden says, while actively eating the peanuts he just bought. “See i told you, even he has some level of self awareness. Anyways, where did you get those trophies?” Rowan never saw him at any of the game booths so it’s a bit surprising the others wondering the same. “Oh, I saw a chance to eat free food, so I took part in the pie and hot dog eating contest.” Hearing him say this the others don’t know whether to be impressed or dumbfounded. “Come on, we don't want to miss the show.” Justin says excited. 

They all approached the red and white striped tent entrance, like walking through an open curtain. It's as if they landed in a makeshift theater. Rows of benches filled with people as the show was already in full swing. Making their way to some open seats, they heard a funny honk; seeing a tiny compact car drive into the middle of the sawdust pit crash into a hay bale. About 20 clowns fall out of it one by one, stumbling and falling over the others. “I never imagined we’d get to see what Aiden’s stomach looks like.” Marcelene sarcastically joking, looking over at Aiden who's too distracted stuffing his face with a giant pretzel to notice. She wonders where he got it from. 

Seeing the clowns trying to fix the car and failing the audience laugh. One of the clowns pulling out an old box phone dialing someone. Then a fire truck appears with more clowns, they start unraveling the hose from the truck, and turning on the water. However none came out, they  looked behind and saw a chubby clown stepping on the hose. While one of them shakes and looks into the hose, the larger clown sheepishly steps off and a torrent of water splashes the front clown. The group laughs as the front clown goes to chase the larger clown off the stage. 

     Then there were the acts with the animals, elephants balancing on lager rubber balls,  wearing colorful paint on their leathery skin and feathery caps atop their heads.  It’s like watching ballerinas  dancing on the tips of their toes. “Look Olivia, Your long lost relative.” Rowan says pointing to the bear on the motorbike in a tutu. She sides eyes him with a glare, “you wanna say that again? Or would you like to bear lunch?” Rowan throws his hands in the air in surrender playfully. Finding her endearing cute.

The ringmaster came onto the stage as the final act was about to begin, the lights dim, and smoke began to snake through the ground and the seats. “Stop arguing and look up.” Justin says,  amazed seeing the high flying acrobats, their movements like a stunt defying dance, their movements so graceful and swift. “I wanna be like that.” Another audience member beside them says. Their focus shifts as the music begins to come to a slow tempo, and a crash of fireworks erupts in the middle of the performance making it even more breathtaking.

Unaware of the chaos that’s about to erupt, another loud crash soars past the audience. One of the performers was suddenly set on fire, everyone believing it was a part of the performance and began to cheer. That was until the music started to warp and and the cheers started to turn to screams, the tent was catching on fire. Everyone stampeding out in a frenzy, Olivia holds onto Marcelene who seems to start having trouble breathing. 

The group try to get up and out the crowd, feeling themselves get pushed and tossed around as they do. Rowan, Justin and Aiden try their best to shield the girls while trying to get out. Finding it hard to breath with all the bodies pushed up together and the rising smoke. If only the chaos was contained to the tent. The group come to find out that it's just as bad outside, electrical wires sparking up, rides malfunctioning and the screeching of metal scraping together.

Screams of people sent into whirlwind speeds unable to get down, cries as people ran through the crowds and flames to get to safety. 

Those at the entrance of the carnival, watching in horror at the fiery blaze. Some call through the crowds to try and find their loved ones. Amongst them was Justin, having lost his friends who’d been separated from him while trying to find the way out. They had to be there, they had to make it out. He couldn’t bear to think of any other outcome of them being safe. 

It took days for the authorities to sweep the area looking for those that were missing loved ones. Some were able to be recovered while others remained missing, as if every trace of them had become the desolate ash that was the carnival. Among them were his friends, he couldn't understand what had happened, as they were with him and all of a sudden their nothing more than memories now. The authorities ruling the case was due to a stray firework that got out of the tent and collided with one of the control panels; as well as the lack of proper fire safety protocols being adhered to. That all didn't matter to him, he feels like he shouldn't have been the only one to make it out. 

Screams of sorrow and terror rang in his ears now every time he’s in a large crowd. He walks along the crowd looking for missing faces, every face he sees in a crowd seems to melt.  A summer that started off with so much expectation. Now a wanderer, looking for something… friends that are no longer there. Their laughs are nothing less than haunting sounds of cries, and a false hope of them being found.  

Now, 6 years later and a flier for the 40th anniversary revival opening of the pink fern carnival lay in his hands. He felt a sense of dread but also wondered if he should take it as a sense of peace and a final goodbye. Wanting to move his life forward, knowing they wouldn't want to carry the hurt and accept that they're gone. 

August 09, 2024 16:49

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