Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



It is very frustrating to have an extreme Sanguine around, most especially when you are a Melancholy in nature as well. Indeed, we give people a room to change, if not their clothes but at least their attitude a bit. But NO! Absolutely No, he becomes more annoying each day. Ofcourse Not! He isn't my friend; but an ordinary classmate.

He is so much of an extrovert, though friendly but still unorganized, always clumsy, he is the life of the entire class. I just observe him from afar. I'm not in anyway interested in "the man of the people". I honestly don't like crowd but he loves the chant of his name anytime he twists someone's arm or hugs anyone too tightly. The way he playfully pulls their ponytails and drag them from their desks to dance with him in front of the entire class. "What a cheerful young guy" my seat partner always says. "Nonsense" I would always mutter to myself, roll my eyeballs and shake my head at the same time and quickly move to the library where I get my sanity back.

"Everyone should make their way towards the exit! There's a fire outbreak! Kindly exit the library!" A voice from the speaker hung on the wall. Immediately the fire caution bell began to ring loud and disturbingly. I had a lot on the table, I was unbalanced, trying to pack my notes. I couldn't see my bag, the girls who ran into me made my glasses fall off and the rush was everywhere. I feared that they might have broken the glasses. "Oh God!" I had to keep turning in circles to try if my blurry eyes could identify my bag to reach out for my other weak glasses but then someone held me and asked me why I was not going out yet. Before I knew who it was, I felt my bag hung on my neck and my glasses was placed in my right palm, I was out of the library the next minute. I put on the glasses to see the thoughtful and vigilant person, but there was smoke everywhere and he already backed me and he headed back into the library. I was able to sniff the lovely lavender mixed with pink rose perfume oozing out of his shirt. Damnnnnnnn, I love people with lovely scents. It was my greatest weakness. I don't crush on people like everyone does but I love people with lovely scents.

I got home to write about my day and the angel with the good scent after dinner and a warm shower, only for me to realise that I forgot my diary at the library. "Oh my God, no, no, no, I wish no one would open it", I said to myself nearly in tears as I reminisce about the nasty thoughts I have in my diary about my classmates, on my bed while I slept off. 

I woke up the next morning, wore my hoodie to hide my face from the scornful looks I have pictures in my head. As I was in a rush to my class, the ever frustrating guy was in my way, smiling like a child who has done something mischievous. I was so furious and annoyed as usual, I turned around to get going, only for him to follow me so closely behind. We came out into the field, then he rushed in front of me, helped me put my hair behind my ear and leaned forward as if to kiss me, I moved backward, he then pulled me closer to his broad chest and said to my left ear, "I know you don't like me, but I saved you from the library yesterday and..." As he was still speaking but I couldn't pick his words any more because I was lost in the scent once again, then he caught me sniffing silently and moved backward. "I'm... I'm... I'm so sorry", I said ashamedly. But he said it was fine and he started to look at me, making me feel uncomfortable, then he dipped his hand into his bag and brought out my diary. "Oh my daysss!... How could you?..." I dragged my diary and moved quickly then ran as fast as I could to the toilet, locked myself up and tried to cry but I felt to open my diary to pen down the experience as quick as possible. While flipping the pages, I was stopped by some handwriting that wasnt mine but in MY diary.

"I LOVED YOU BEFORE I READ YOUR DIARY AND EVEN MORE AFTER I READ YOUR DIARY." I felt bad not because of the words but because I wrote awful things about him, how I would love to eliminate him with various weapons. Don't blame me, it was my diary. I closed it and went out of the toilet, there he was, standing, I was trying to hide my eyes in shame, but this guy, this guy knelt down and began "I have always loved you, Jane, always. I didn't have the courage to tell you all this while because I found you so sophisticated and so intelligent that the boldness I have couldn't match to your grace. I always stalk you (smiled a bit). I know thats bad but, I wanted to get close to you, I honestly love you". I was still in shock when he remembered all of a sudden about the whatever he was bringing out of his pocket, "See, Jane, I have bought this ring since two weeks ago planning to face you one day, but here I am. Please would you be mine forever?" I was still lost before I heard noises around, "Say Yes! Say Yes!!". A lot of people with their phones, streaming live on social medias. I felt a lot of small spherical cavity rising in my belly and I said "Yes, I would be yours forever." slightly crying and slightly smiling. And then the longest kiss for the first in my life in the public. Trust me, it was quite heavenly.

© Oluwafemi Faith O. (Phebean_love).

July 15, 2020 21:22

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