Christmas Fiction Bedtime

The night before Christmas it's always suppose to be the coziest. The fireplace is lit and the beautiful red stockings are hanging. The Christmas tree is decorated with colorful lights and ornaments. I was home alone with my dog Sam. We were just sitting by the fire and listening to Christmas music. Every year we would sit and watch the Christmas themes. Each neighbor had their own beautiful story to tell. The night seemed very stilled with not much traffic. You could see that the snow flurries were about to fall. Sam and I didn't care much for company we enjoyed our own. We often gazed out the window to watch the other decorative displays in our neighborhood. The neighbors in the community had done a beautiful job decorating. Some of the displays looked so real that they jumped out at you. I was drinking eggnog and eating a chocolate chip cookies. I was enjoying my night relaxing with Sam. It was cold and quiet. Everyone seemed to be pretty much inside their homes. We have a pretty nice neighborhood that looked out for each other. The only terror in the community were the school age kids. I was pretty sure that they were a sleep in their beds by now. Sam and I begin to get sleepy and the night was getting restless for us both. I closed my eyes only to wake back up in delusional state. I found myself gazing so hard at one display to where I thought it moved an inch. I kept reminding myself that I had spike my eggnog a little. Anything that I thought I saw, wasn't real. Sam barked and I raised up from my recliner to get a closer look. I shook my head and blinked then closed my eyes tightly. I sat back down and grabbed a book and turned up the music. I wasn't scared just yet because I knew my alarm system was on. We never had any problems in our community because everyone new each other. I stood up and there was a black figure that stood up as well. I moved forward and it moved forward. Sam begin to bark loudly he didn't understand no more than I did. I close the curtain and ran back to my chair. I knocked the eggnog on the floor and grabbed my blanket. My heart pounded real fast I thought of all the things that I might have done. Some of them were good and some where not so good. I thought that this was going to be my last Christmas because I didn't know what I was looking at. I went back to the curtains and open them wide. I realize the only figure I was looking at was my own shadow. Dufus! I said to myself I should of known better. I started to walk through the house checking every room. I made sure all the windows were locked along with the doors. All of sudden the doorbell ringed. I wasn't expecting any company so I turned around and begin to run. Sam ran behind me barking loudly. I threw the blanket over my head and curled up in a fetal position. I heard Sam whimper a little, I think he was scared too. I was not about to go and answer that door. I had watch so many scary movies. I thought about all the scenarios that could played out. I took a little peep from under my blanket and looked all around. I never realized how lonely this house was with just me and Sam. I heard footsteps running around outside my window. I took a peep out the curtain to see if anyone was there. The figurines were still in there display settings. The neighbor's lights were still shinning. Could it be that I was the only one looking out the window. Then all of a sudden I saw a five inch figure running towards the house. I shivered and said no! I know the displays are not coming to life. I went back under the blanket me and Sam. We both were shaking and whimpering. I begin to breath heavily and I thought about my childhood monster. Every night after midnight there would be a little man in the hallway. He was always standing there with a green hat and long nose with an earring. I called him the little Token man he looked like a troll. My mother would tell me that it was all in my mind. My uncle said it was just my aunt trying to scare me. He got scolded for that one. I could remember closing my eyes tight and wishing the green man away. I begin to pray and begged the Lord to get me through the night. I promised to attend church every other Sunday. The sound of footsteps begin to line up and stand in front of the window. They begin to gather around my window like a choir. I finally found the courage to stand up from my blanket. I grabbed my bat and stood in position. I was getting ready to swing at just about anything. I told Sam to run and hide for I didn't know who this was. All was quiet and then someone knocked at the window. I jumped and asked who's there? I told them I was armed and ready so they better go away. I heard a couple of more steps. Then I saw a few more five inch figures and all of a sudden I begin to here someone sing. My gosh! it was just the Carols singing "Christmas Time is Here". I sighed with relief after making making a fool of myself. Wow! I eased up and I realize that I was just looking at my own shadow.The Caroler's singed and wished us a Merry Christmas. I realize that the night was just all in my imagination. I poured out the remaining portion of the eggnog. I realized that I had enough of the spirit drink. I put the bottle of Jack way back in the cabinet. I gave Sam some food and water and went to bed. I figure I needed sleep off the eggnog!

December 19, 2023 03:40

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