
The name is Orbison. It's weird I know, but the old man was a big fan of the Big O and that's what he lumbered me with. Why he couldn't have called me Roy, I'll never know. I wouldn't call any children of mine something so daft.

I wasn't always like this. Scruffy and – quite frankly – unwashed. The old lady always used to say; “don't do anything I'd be ashamed of.” Well she'd be ashamed of me now and I'll tell you why. Women.

To be specific, a particular woman. Joan. She is the prettiest little thing. Long black plait that hung to her waist, with the greenest eyes you ever saw. We met at the local dance hall one wet Saturday night. I was very gallant at the end of the dance and carried her across the puddles that covered the car park. She seemed to enjoy it. Laughed and squealed. “Don't drop me Orb,” she said, as she hung on to my neck. I don't usually like being called Orb, but with her, it didn't matter.

We spent the next month or so with each other whenever we could. We went to the movies, had picnics by the river and went to the local dance every Saturday night. They were great times and I thought they would last forever. Then one day she announces she's off to the city to Teacher's College. You could've knocked me down with a feather. I never even knew she'd applied. Not only that, but she coolly announces that our relationship was over! She called it a summer fling and our lives were going in two different directions. Blah blah blah.

Well I wasn't going to stand for that. I got myself a job in the city and moved there too, It didn't take too long before I'd tracked her down. My heart broke, as I watched her with all her new friends. She didn't seem to miss me at all. She was the most popular one in the group. Well, I knew she would be. Then I noticed she was going out with one particular guy more and more. Billy Butler was his name. A very promising young teacher by all accounts. He's dead now. He had an accident. It was hit and run. They never did find out who did it.

Joan was heart broken, but when I went to comfor her and take her home, she turned away from me. I couldn't understand it.

Strangely enough, Joan was involved in a hit and run a few weeks later. They never found out who that was either. She lost a leg, but she still didn't want to see me. I can't understand why. All I ever wanted to do was love and protect her from the evils of this world.

I came home after that, to work on the family farm and tried to forget her, but it wasn't easy.

She gave up Teacher's College after the accident, but she stayed in the city. One day, I accidentally bumped into her when I was there on business. She seemed genuinely pleased to see me. That made me feel really happy and contended. I felt hope for the future.

The next time I saw her, it was to give her a birthday present. She'd cut her hair into a bob. That made me really angry and we had a terrible row. I never saw her again for about eighteen months.

When I went back to see her, she was living with some smart alec business man called Tom Adams. She told me to go away and leave her alone and not to come back. He drowned while scuba diving. No one could understand how it happened as he was so experienced. Poor Joan. She never has luck with men.

Her jet black hair was beginning to go gray and I suggested a dye might be a good idea. She told me to mind my own business. Bloody cheek. I was only trying to help.

The old man and the old lady died within months of each other. That was tough. I really want a partner to share my life with, like my parents. They were so devoted to each other.

I've redecorated the house since. I have made it more up to date. You never know. Of course I'd have to be a lot cleaner and tidier. Joan always smells so good. It's one of the things I really love about her.

She moved to the capital last year, so it's not so easy for me to see her anymore. I write a lot, but she hasn't replied for ages. I'd ring, but the phone company have cut off my phone. They reckon I haven't paid the bill.

Come inside. Mind the mess on the floor. Ma would be ashamed of the state of the house. I'll tidy it up the day Joan comes home to me. Let me show you something. This is my most prized possession. The only picture of Joan that I have. They had to enlarge it in segments, it's so big. It was taken before she had her hair cut. I'm going to talk her into growing it again. And dying it of course. She looks so much better with it black. My little Joan. She's only just over five feet tall. Did I tell you that? She tucks under my arm so neatly. We're made to be together. I don't understand why she can't see it. It's been fifteen years this week since we met. I've just read in the local rag, that she's got engaged to a hot shot, up and coming politician. You wouldn't credit it would you?

I'd go and give my congratulations in person, but the car isn't that reliable anymore. He doesn't scuba dive, but he must do some sort of sport. He looks fit enough. I'll have to check it out.

Like I said, Joan doesn't have a lot of luck with men.

The End.

May 28, 2024 20:31

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