Floretta of Zephyr

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write a story involving a character who cannot return home.... view prompt


Kids Fiction

Strange things are happening in the village of Zephyr lately. The king returned from war with a woman who now lives in the palace. Since then, the king’s daughter Floretta spends most of her time in the woods talking to herself. No, perhaps Floretta speaks to the woodland creatures. I saw her conversing with a Chipmunk as she handed it a Hazelnut, and the Rabbit who was looking on also seemed to say something to the princes.

Anyway, it’s not my duty to watch over the princess, but I think the woman in the palace has something to do with these new events. Before she came to Zephyr, Floretta spent most of her time around her father. Nobody knows what happened to Floretta’s mother after she gave birth to her. The last time I saw Floretta’s mother, she was heavily pregnant and was taking a walk in the woods with some of the palace workers.

"Hi there." That is Jojo, who has lived longest in this village. Jojo looks frail, but her looks are deceitful. Jojo can still beat a kangaroo in a race.

“Hi Jojo” What are you up to today?”

"Nothing, I am looking for the meal that has kept me strong over the years."

My face lightens up with joy; finally, the day has come for the people of Zephyr village to know what Jojo eats in the woods. I will be the first person to find out. “Is that not an honor Slith? You bearing such important and newsworthy information?” I think to myself.

“Hey! Don’t be too excited, let’s meet some other time. I have a call to heed to in the farthest end of the woods”, Jojo says as she walks away.

I am tempted to follow Jojo and find out what call she is going to heed. But I fear her. Word has it that those who trail Jojo develop a phobia for the village members. They stop talking to villagers, only come out during the night and avoid meeting anyone just as they avoid eye contact.

I take two steps towards the direction Jojo went but am distracted by laughter in a thicket nearby. I get closer to the scrub and spot Floretta seated under a Hazel tree. She is in a deep conversation with the Rabbit and the Chipmunk. However, I can only hear Floretta’s laughter. I move closer to try and catch the conversation. It seems the language these creatures speak does not produce sound. “Or has something happened to my ears? Could it be that Jojo has cast a spell on me already?”

“No.” Jojo did nothing; Floretta and her woodland friends are speaking a weird language. One which nobody can decipher in this area. Maybe even Jojo knows nothing about it. As I turn to leave, Floretta calls me. She seems happy and very comfortable. I get to her and notice a necklace made of different types of flowers. It reminds me that spring is here.

“Are you looking for anyone or anything in particular’, Floretta asks, running her long beautiful finger through the flower necklace.

“Nothing, I decided to take a walk around and sample some flowers." I respond.

I know my statement is untrue, but what else could I tell a lovely young girl holding a flower necklace in her hands?

“Alright, look what my friends here made." Floretta says, holding up the necklace.

"It is such a beautiful piece or art," I reply.

I take the necklace from Floretta’s innocent hands and examine it closely. The flower arrangement is creative. I wonder how the Chipmunk and the Rabbit could do such fine art. It is a complete collection of primroses, foxgloves, red Campion, wood sage, ferns and violets, bluebells, and wild geranium. I feel like the flowers are saying something to me, but I am not sure what the message is. Perhaps my mind is racing again, my introverted-intuitive self-thinking that I can see more than meets the eye.

“It’s beautiful, serene and has the potential to bring eternal happiness. Isn’t that true?” Floretta disrupts my thoughts with that question.

"Yes, yes… it is." "Indeed very beautiful." "Eternal happiness," I mumble handing back the necklace to Floretta.

I leave Floretta holding the necklace and walk fast out of the woods but turn for a last glance at Floretta, her friends, and the necklace before leaving the site. Surprisingly, they are not at the spot I left them. I am startled but decide to go home anyway.

Two weeks have passed since I set my eyes on Floretta, Jojo, the Chipmunk, and the Rabbit. I decide to go back to the woods; this time determined to catch on the happenings in there. I begin hearing voices just as I enter the woods, happy, joyful tones, the ones you hear when there is a special event.

I hear Jojo saying, "this is a unique occurrence, a time that will remain in your memories forever."

She continues, “It is the moment that the two families reunite and seal the bond of love that existed before. Princess Dwindy returns to her daughter and husband after a decade of roaming the woods”.

I see King Gale, Floretta, and her mother. Floretta’s mother looks even more radiant and pretty. She turns her face towards me, and our eyes meet. I look down, then up to her again, and see that she is calling me to join them.  I walk hesitantly towards the place, greet them and stand next to the Chipmunk and Rabbit.

"You see, this is what we wanted for the King, to have her family back," Rabbit says.

I look at the Rabbit in shock. I have just heard him speak our language. I thought Rabbit and Chipmunk's language produced no sound. I was wrong.

 “The woodland creatures allow humans to hear their words only when you become part of them." “Only when you share their joys and sorrows like Floretta has done," the ChipmunkChipmunk tells me.

"Yes, yes," I reply, still puzzled at the turn of events.

Many questions race in my mind. I wonder what will happen to the woman who lives in the palace, the one I thought was King Gale's wife. The woman with exceptionally bright eyes and long dark shiny hair. A beauty without affection. 

June 17, 2021 12:25

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