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Dear Journal,

I couldn't sleep again last night. I know that they are still there, watching me. I don't know why they are here, to protect, to harm? I tied to tell Jason about them, but he wouldn't listen. I don't understand, we sleep in the same room and yet, he can't see them.

I hope Mr. Galifar doesn't yell at me again for sleeping in his class. It's the only place that I'm able to get rest. I hope they can't find me at school, I don't know what I would do then. Maybe I could go sleep in Mom's room, or even my sisters, would they follow me in there?

No, I can't chance it. I can't risk harming anyone else in my family. This is my problem. Besides, they'll go away eventually, right?

Talk to you soon,


Dear Journal,

The time is currently 2:15. They are watching me again. I thought they had gone away, I haven't seen them in two weeks, but here they are again. One of them is looking over my shoulder, I think he might be reading this. I wonder if he can read.

I tried talking to them, but they don't speak. I don't even think they have mouths. All they do is stare.

I thought about waking Jason up, prove to him that they are real, but I'm scared to move. I've called out his name, but he didn't respond. Journal, I was even scared to pick you up. I'm scared right now writing these words. What if they came after me? What do I do? Fight, scream, or run.

I wonder if I should try to go back to sleep. I don't think I can, their glowing eyes just keep looking at me. I think I'm just going to have to stay up a little longer, maybe they'll go away.

Wish me luck,


Dear Journal,

It's been a long time since we last talked. I think they might have hidden you, I don't think they like it when I write. It's been almost six months and they haven't gone away. I haven't told anyone except for Jason about them and he won't believe me. What if people think I'm insane, or even worst, what if they go after anyone I tell.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm so scared of them, they don't really do anything. All they do is stare. I mean, sure it is strange when someone stares at you for too long, but there could be worst things. They could start attacking me, or haunting me, or following me, or... actually let's not give them any ideas.

I've learned to sleep while they watch. Sure, it's a little strange to have them all huddling around me, gaping, but I've learned to deal with it. I think I'm gonna be alright.

Still Surviving,


Dear Journal,

You know how yesterday (yesternight?) I told you that all they did was stare, well, they've started to do something else. It started last night after I was done writing I closed you up and tucked you under my pillow. I closed my eyes and tried to go to bed, but I then heard a noise. I sat up and saw that one of them was messing with Jason's things.

I asked him what he was doing, but he didn't respond. Then he pulled out a knife. I didn't know why my brother had a knife in his things. I wondered if they put it there

I asked again what he was doing, but he didn't reply. I watched as he picked up my brother's wrist a cut a small line across it. I tried to scream out, but another one of them had wrapped its tail around my mouth and forced me to go to sleep.

I can't sleep tonight, if I do, they might end up hurting Jason again, and I'm not going to let that happen.

Staying up,


Dear Journal,

I don't know how many days it has been since I've gonna a good night's rest. I can't sleep while I'm home or else they will go after Jason. I have to protect him.

My grades have been slipping, but I don't care. Mom and Dad have tried to talk to me about getting more sleep, but they don't understand. They are after Jason and I have to protect him. I'm the only one that knows they are there. I think I'm the only one that can see them.

Journal, I'll admit something. I've failed. Twice I've fallen asleep, it was only for a second or two, but when I wake up, they are standing there, surrounding Jason, covering him up and threatening to harm him. Both times I've been able to make them go away, but that was just based on luck. I need to find a way to stay awake, I can't have any more close calls.

Always awake,


Dear Journal,

Mom and Dad found out about them, well kinda. You see, they saw Jason's arm, the one that they had been cutting. They asked Jason what was wrong. I couldn't tell if they were mad or disappointed. I wanted to step it, tell Mom and Dad it wasn't Jason's fault, it was they's, but I didn't have te confidence.

Late that night, Jason was pretty upset with me. He asked if I had told Mom and Dad anything, but I hadn't. I told him I didn't, but it didn't look like he believed me.

They are bigger now, I don't know how they got this large. I'm scared. If they keep growing, will I be able to protect Jason? I just have to keep staying up.

Staying strong,


Dear Journal,

I finally did it, I told Mom and Dad about them and how they were haunting our room. I told them everything, from the staring to the cutting to the growing. They seemed confused at first, but they were also understanding.

They told me that they were going to help get rid of them. I don't know what they're planning on doing, but I'm hoping it will work. I'm so tired, but I know that I have to stay up, just in case.

Hoping for the best,


Dear Journal,

It's been about two weeks since I told Mom and Dad about them. They are still around, I don't think they'll be leaving any time soon, but they have more tame. They don't attack Jason anymore, even when I sleep. They still watch, but they get smaller.

I think it's gonna be okay.

Holding out,


April 10, 2020 12:02

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20:30 Jul 27, 2020

Good job! Would you mind checking out my story ‘Rebel Prince’? Thanks! —Aerinnnnnn!


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