Romance Christmas Holiday

Dear Celia,

This may take some time to read, so get comfortable. Make yourself a cup of coffee and get your soft blanket and relax on the couch. I know I’ve never written a letter for you before, but maybe this is the perfect way to start.

Celia, we have been together since the simple days of high school sports games, going to the movies every weekend, having the most romantic first kiss at senior prom. Now look at us, we work so hard and yet still manage to make time for each other. You’re my world, Celia. You make me happier and happier each day, and I want nothing more than to give you the biggest smile possible.

I want you to read this entire letter before coming upstairs. I understand I’m sitting right in our bedroom but I’d prefer you read my thoughts first as I will be less likely to portray them as effectively in person. I hope you’re comfortable, because I’m about to explain to you the events of tonight, which definitely did not go as planned and deserve an explanation.

You see, Celia, I know how much you love the cold weather and I know that ice skating is one of your absolute favourite things to do. That is why I took you ice skating earlier today, the early evening lights looked stunning and you were so happy. It was perfection. I know you remember that there was a moment when we were in the middle of the rink, hand in hand, and I got down on to one knee. I’m not sure if you expected me to pull out a ring or not, but I actually had the ring box in my pocket at that very moment. Unfortunately, that kid skated right into me before I could do anything, and I did not want to disrupt your laughter at thinking that I had simply fallen over.

I had a feeling it might not have worked out perfectly, so I thought up a Plan B just in case. That is why we walked through the village area afterwards. The lights were so bright and so beautiful, and we had a lovely conversation about our previous holidays together. That was when I decided to walk you towards the gigantic Christmas tree. I figured that was the next perfect place to ask you what I was so nervous to say. It was at that very moment, when we got to the tree and stood in front of it for a while, that I pulled out the box. It was also at that very moment that you told me you were freezing and pulled my hand to walk towards the parking lot. I had failed twice in the same night, but I was not prepared to give up.

I convinced you to come out for dinner, rather than eating in which was our original plan. Our first Christmas with just the two of us deserved a special dinner. We went to your favourite restaurant and they seated us near the heaters. We were happy, we were warm, and we were about to have a wonderful meal; if only you knew how nervous I was for the third attempt. Well, I told you I was taking a look at the wine selection, and I was. You told me you wanted red, and so upon inquiring with the waiter I requested the ring to be placed at the bottom of your glass, and he agreed. You see, Celia, I’ve watched this happen about a dozen times in movies, and I was not prepared to have to do this at all; so naturally I hadn’t even considered the fact that the ring would be completely hidden by the red liquid, and fearing that you may choke, I drank your glass and upon realising that the ring was actually placed in mine, drank my glass as well. I had the perfect opportunity to remove the ring from my mouth and into my napkin when I had a “bad cough” and made up a terrible excuse as to why I drank all the wine. You didn’t think it was funny, and I was convinced that the night was completely ruined.

This was when I decided to open our presents early; a cozy evening with hot chocolate and marshmallows whilst sitting near the Christmas tree sounds perfectly romantic. I went into the bathroom to “freshen up” and rapidly wrapped up the box in leftover wrapping paper. I hid it near the collection of presents when I came back down and waited until you were ready to open it. This plan, I was sure would work. We were sitting right there. The little boxes were surrounding you. I was anxiously waiting for you to open the tiniest one. I really did not expect you to decide to open the remainder of them tomorrow morning. I tried to convince you to open the rest but you didn’t want to break the tradition of opening the presents on Christmas morning. I was so close to giving up and just telling you what was in the box, but I didn’t.

We then decided to watch a movie and light the fireplace; you fell asleep. Whilst you were asleep I decided that I was finally going to do this and get it right this time. The fifth time better be the charm. I hope you can forgive me for waking you up, but I really want this to happen tonight. I did not expect to be writing a rushed letter at almost midnight but tonight was definitely full of unexpected actions.

Now my love, I know you already know the question, and I hope I am right when I say that I already know the answer, but please let the fifth time of the night be my last attempt at a proposal. I love you, more than words can tell, enough to try and propose five times in one night. Would you please allow us to spend our first Christmas alone as a newly engaged couple? Will you walk upstairs and give me the answer I’ve been so desperate to hear all night? Celia, will you please marry me?

December 22, 2020 22:37

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21:55 Dec 30, 2020

Such a sweet and endearing story. I really enjoyed it.


Samarah Ahmed
22:52 Feb 10, 2021

Thank you!


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K Lewis
23:56 Dec 28, 2020

This is brilliant. The tone is poetic and the various failed attempts are both sweet and pretty amusing. I also like how you interpreted the prompt with the failed proposals, and doing it from the perspective of the proposer.


Samarah Ahmed
22:52 Feb 10, 2021

I'm so happy you liked it! Thank you!


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