Submitted to: Contest #86

The Girl From Mysterious Forest

Written in response to: "Write a fairy tale about someone who can communicate with woodland creatures."

Urban Fantasy Mystery Inspirational

Obrey loves his bicycle. But the truth is, he is addicted to his bicycle. The best time of the day for him is the morning because he rides his beloved cycle to school. The streets are mostly sleepy this time. Less crowded, foggy and he can fly on his ride. His friends don't know that he calls his bicycle with a name. Ben. He calls it Ben. It's a he. And Ben is the best friend among all of his friends. If Obrey is truly honest to himself, he feels that his city is quite mysterious in the morning. Nocturnal people say that all the mysterious things happen at night. Well, Obrey begs to differ. But he doesn't argue on this. Because people look at him in a way that he is a weirdo. Like it is impossible. And also, they give a stare that can mean, "Are you serious? How dare you say that!" But Obrey knows what he knows. It's the morning when the Universe unfolds all the strangest of its mysteries. And one lucky morning, he knows that he was right all the time.

Obrey is riding. But he knows in his chest that he is flying, on his very special Ben-broom! He flies with speed in the foggy, empty streets. One or two people are slowly walking, still drowsy, still half asleep, half awake. Obrey crosses some restaurants and coffee places. The scent of newly made hot drinks enters his nostrils. He inhales a puff of air. He is feeding on the beautiful city morning. The clam, still lake, the steady clouds, the scent of frying sausages, the blooming flowers, the foggy streets, and the chirping birds. Now he is passing the 'wonder park'. Every morning Obrey passes this misty forest, he gets a thrill. He feels like something is happening behind those long oak trees and bushes. Maybe someday he will catch a glimpse of a magical incident. Everyone says that this park is haunted. Decades ago, some strange events happened here and the park is abandoned now. Especially, children are highly warned about this place. They fear that there are monsters in there and always stay away from this creepy forest. But not Obrey. He is having that thrill inside his chest right now. His eyes scan the misty forest, his ride slows in speed. His breath fastens and so does his heartbeat...And suddenly! On the dew moistened grass, a girl is sitting. There are three sparrows on her palms and a few are flying right above her head. She is talking! To them! And it is not difficult to understand that they understand each other. What is even more amazing is that she is making the sound of sparrows. Obrey's mouth opens in awe.

"Chirp-chirp-chirpy-chirp", one of them said.

"Chirpy-chirp-chirpy", the girl replied in sparrow tongue!

Obrey forgot about school and a magical force pulled him nearer. He silently creeps even nearer. He is spellbound, his eyes fixate on this ethereal scene, ears all eager. He comes nearer and a few rabbits hop towards her and tell her something. She instantly changes her tongue and speaks to them too in rabbit language! And now, there is a cat that is speaking to her and she replies to it with "meow" language! Obrey is still hiding behind the big tree. He is so excited that his heart may explode at any moment. He wants to scream and tell everyone about this wonderful encounter. Everyone looked at him with their weird stares. Obrey has a good look at the magical girl. She looks like a fairy. She is wearing a blue dress; flower crown and her ornaments are made of buds and leaves. Her big eyes remind him of the blue fairy from Pinocchio. Obrey leans forward to have a better look and suddenly his bicycle rings.


The sound breaks the silence of the former sounds. The magical sounds of birds and other creatures, and that fairy's talk. She startles and looks back. Obrey hides behind the tree, hoping she has not seen him. But the birds and other creatures are gone. It's only her. She is standing alone. Her eyes are wider now. Obrey closes his eyes, hoping he is invisible to her too.

"Who is there?", an annoyed voice demands, "Show yourself!"

"I-I am... Obrey", he stutters. "But...But I mean no harm. I can be your friend", he walks forward, comes out from his hiding place. "I believe in magic and fairy...", he finds himself lost for words.

She examines her with her piercing gaze from those big, blue eyes.

"You can trust me. I believe in magic and fairies..."

"I am no fairy", she is still annoyed.

"I mean...I can be a friend..."

"We'll see...", she turns her face away and makes a cup with her hands near her mouth and starts to make a very strange but beautiful sound with her voice. It almost sounds like a song but only it is not. It was more like a rhythmic poem in an anonymous language. After a few seconds, all the creatures come back and surround her. They had a discussion. The "Chirpy-chirp" and "Meow" and all the other languages. Mesmerized Obrey can not take his eyes off of this unworldly, magical scene. He hears nothing but this magical conversation among them. After a while they all fall silent. The fairy turned her face towards Obrey.

"Me and my friends", she takes a pause and scans him again, "Have decided to make you a friend. They told me you were always nice to them, so we trust you", but the way she looks at her tells the opposite and so does her tone.

"Can we shake hand on it then?", he raises his hand.

"No, we do it differently", she embraces Obrey.

Obrey shivers with her touch and the magical scent he smells coming from her body. He stands still. Breathes fast and his eyes are about to explode. A few minutes pass by.

"So, you have a name?", he manages to catch his breathe.

"Serene", she smiles for the first time, “My name".

"Can I call you Fairy?", he pleads.

"Yes. A name is for the one who calls more than the one who is called."

Suddenly he hears a sound from behind. The city is waking up. He looks behind. There is a car. and some passersby. He decides to say goodbye to Fairy. But she is gone already, and her friends. He checks his watch. It's too late. He already has missed the first class. He goes back home.

Fairy and Obrey are best friends now. Obrey is having the best weeks of his life. His life is full of surprises now. The wonders, colours and sounds make his life seems perfect now.

"So, how do you do it?", He asks Fairy one morning, "Talking to them? You are no fairy...So, what, you are just a human?"

"Just a human", she smiles.

"Yeah, how?"

"Well, Obrey. Every 'just a human' can speak to every creature...", she pauses, "But you have to learn to listen first. And.."


"And to listen, you have to learn to be silent. To live in the true state of 'Serenity', you have to be the serenity itself."

"The serenity!", Obrey's voice gets a high pitch. "That's you...right?"

She smiles. She sighs. And she turns away.

"Will you teach me how to be serenity, Serenity?"

"Yes. Close your eyes.", she places a hand on the center of his chest. "See, I say, everything you ever need to be already is present here. Right here", she presses his chest with her palm. Suddenly Obrey sees green colors playing in front of his eyes. Though his eyes are closed now. He starts to hear. To listen. Speaking. Everything is speaking to him. The butterfly. The ant. The bird. The cat. The grass! The TREE! It gets too loud and chaotic in his head. His face gets twisted. He is disturbed. She takes her hand away from his chest. The sounds stop. Everything seems too silent. The silence feels too loud.

"NO! Too empty. I want to listen."

"Shh", she places a finger on her lips. "Not like this, Obrey. You have to adjust. It will disturb your soul. Listening too much is not good. You need to find the balance. I will show you. Tomorrow."

Obrey opens his mouth to say something but she stops him.

"Patience. That's the first step towards 'Balance', Obrey."

The next morning Serenity tells him how to be in the state of serenity. He always believed in magic anyway. Without knowing if it is real or not. Now he knows that magic is real. The whole world exists inside his heart. Right at the center of his chest. Every day is magical to Obrey now.

Posted Mar 26, 2021

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9 likes 2 comments

19:05 Mar 31, 2021

Had a glimpse of my childhood. Those days i was waiting for some kind of magic to make life thrilling & colorful.
Obrey is lucky, he got the change because he believed it.

Keep writing on, good story💚


Ally J.K
20:14 Apr 09, 2021



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