Drama Historical Fiction

      I combed back my short hair with my fingers. It was boring and black, but had dissolved into small waves at my shoulders. I sighed as I turned to my dresser, noticing the clothes my mother had set out. As ugly as ever. I threw on the lime tank-top, and sheltered my shoulders with the puffy pink jacket. I put on the orange shorts and the blue socks that went to my knees. I stood in front of the mirror, hoping it didn’t look as bad as I felt. I saw a hideous figure stare back at me, ashamed she put her hood over to cover her face, the one feature she thought wasn’t terrible. I walked away, embarrassed at my own reflection. I seized my ring, my favorite ring. It was a simple, but shiny silver. I slipped it on. I took the time to tie my brown loafers, now torn after all these years. I opened my window, to see the ladder I had put there for times like these. I quietly slipped out and closed the window behind me. I lept off the ladder and made my way towards the city. We called it “The Centre.” It’s where everything happens, everything interesting at least.

     “Alaska!” I turned around at the sound of my name and of his familiar voice. His name is Lance. We’ve been best friends ever since we were little.

     I could see beads of sweat running down his forehead, as he inched closer to me. He greeted me with a quick kiss on the cheek, as most of us did in The Centre. 

     “I come bearing gifts!” He exclaimed as he gasped for air. He pulled out a small box from his bright blue satchel. 

     “Don’t be shy, open it,” Lance said.

     I smiled as I removed the ribbon from the box. I could feel a grin creep it’s way onto my face. A locket. It was gold with a metallic black rose on the front, my initials on either side of the rose. It was perfect, Lance knew me too well.

     “You spoil me,” I teased, as I slapped him on the shoulder. Lance’s family owns a metal factory in The Centre, let's just say he's one of the wealthier families around here. I wish I could say the same. I fiddled with the locket, and the rose on top. Beautiful. 

     “Well I try my best,” he said, “I’m gonna go help them prepare for the show,” Lance said, as he gave my hand a squeeze before jogging away. 

     The same events happen every year, in which we celebrate the origin of The Centre. Our old ancestors lived in four regions, the north, east, south, and west. The Centre was the midpoint of these regions, sort of like the country's capital. This country was once known as North America, but now, it’s just The Centre. The four regions were going to go to war until an immigrant from Asia, which no longer exists, helped us form a truce, combining the regions into The Centre. Our home now. I always meet up with Lance early, for on this special day he brings gifts for me. Normally metallic beauties, such as jewelry. I glanced down at my watch, 9:32 A.M. I sighed, the parade didn’t start for another 28 minutes. Part of our tradition for this special day, known as the Centrepiece, is to make masks. We wear these masks to symbolize our great Asian hero, who will have still not discovered whom it was. I took a slow walk, allowing my feet to sink into the gravel with each step. Soon enough, my feet began to swell, but I fought the urge to take my shoes off, knowing that might only make it worse. The bell rang, as I walked into the shop known as “Gadgets.” Here the shopkeeper Mrs. Donoghue sells all sorts of junk, like scraps of metal, and garbage, it’s rumored that she even sells old bones. But, with these simple and dingy materials she creates a masterpiece. These “masterpieces” include gadgets, and robots, craft supplies, and much more. Well if you haven’t noticed I’m not very fond of large, extravagant things, so I just order the materials.

     “Why hello darling, how can I help you today?” Mrs. Donoghue asked.

     “Um… I’ll just have some scraps of tin and iron,” I started, “Wait! Add a few buttons to that, like the tiny, black gems.”

     “As your much needed mentor, I’d go with orange, it brings out your eyes. But, as a citizen of The Centre you have the right to choose your colors, even if they are dark and lifeless.” Mrs. Donoghue said.

     “Yeah ok, I think that’s 7 dollars,” I added, as I slapped the money down onto the table, slightly agitated that our own shopkeepers could be such jerks. I walked out with my handbag full of materials. Groaning I gave in. I tore off my shoes, the same ones I have had since I was 6, and threw them in the furnace outside Gadgets. I can’t believe it, I want to get out of this stupid city. It’s big and bold, but I’d rather put on my black cloak and pick flowers. It just… it felt so lonely here. I couldn’t shake the feeling of uneasiness as I walked across the freshly paved road. I checked my watch, utterly bored. 9:43 A.M. I sighed, this whole parade was a drag anyway, I wanted something to do. I checked the small phone on my hip, only to see a text from Lance. “Alaska I’m reaaaaaaally bored. Come to the square, and help me set up my families float for the parade!” I smiled and turned my phone off, I mean it’s something to do. I broke out into a sprint, excited to see Lance again. I’ve never worked on a float before and my artistic abilities are great, even if I do like dark, bitter, and aesthetic themes. About ten minutes later I reached the float. 

     “So, my handwriting sucks, do you mind making the flag?” Lance asked. I wrote the name of his company in a large font, coated in silver. We hung up the flag and I checked my watch again, 9:59 A.M. Shrieking, I hopped onto the float as he pushed it and hopped on shortly after. We rushed to the main street, just as they announced Lance’s name. We rode down The Centre, blasting music so loud I felt all my worries wash away.

  Then I felt Lance’s hand wrap around mine. I didn’t resist. I never wanted to feel lonely again, and with Lance, it feels possible.

September 14, 2020 15:10

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Grace Reardon
15:11 Sep 14, 2020

Hey guys, I know the story is short, but I was busy this week. Still, I hope you enjoyed it!


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Thom With An H
02:05 Sep 25, 2020

This was a great short story. It conveyed the emotion of the prompt but also was hopeful. I hope Alaska and Lance end up together. The concept was also interesting. It might have fit for this week as well. Great job. I wrote one called “Going Home”. Give me a read if you’d like.


Grace Reardon
11:49 Sep 25, 2020

Thanks Thom! I might write a part two but I am unsure yet. keep an eye out I'll be posting my new story for this week n a few minutes. Also, I'll make sure to check out yours!


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Doubra Akika
16:29 Sep 14, 2020

Hey Grace! This was short, but really interesting. I loved the flow. Sometimes you can be so surrounded but still feel alone. I totally get that. My mum used to dress me up all the time when I was younger 😂. But I loved the clothes. Loved dressing up and showing her as well😂. But I get how that could be annoying for your character. Just a suggestion... Lance’s family owns a metal factory in The Centre, it’s not like he’s rich, but he is one of the wealthier families in the area. This sentence is contradicting. Maybe you could work on i...


Grace Reardon
16:52 Sep 14, 2020

Thank you so much Doubra! Now that you say it I understand what you meant about contradicting. I will make sure to fix that overall I'm glad you enjoyed my story!


Doubra Akika
17:28 Sep 14, 2020

My pleasure! Glad I could help.


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Keerththan 😀
05:07 Sep 25, 2020

Hey Grace I really love this story. The last line is so lovely. This was wonderful. The concept is unique too. Keep writing. Would you mind reading my new story? Thanks.


Grace Reardon
11:47 Sep 25, 2020

Thanks so much! I love the feedback, I'll check out your stuff too!


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Avery G.
00:54 Sep 23, 2020

Whoa, this was good. It flows so well. I think you are an amazing writer. Great job!


Grace Reardon
12:45 Sep 23, 2020

Thanks Avery, I love your stories as well, keep up the good work! It's amazing how quickly you got on he leaderboard. I'm hoping to be upvoted some more and release my new story soon so I can match you as well. Thanks a ton!


Avery G.
19:16 Sep 23, 2020

You're welcome! Oh, thanks! I can go on an upvoting spree for you, if you want.


Grace Reardon
14:54 Oct 05, 2020

Lol, that would be nice, the downvoter lost me 32 points.


Avery G.
18:45 Oct 05, 2020

Sure! Aww.


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Mustang Patty
11:52 Sep 20, 2020

Hi, Grace, This is a wonderful little story. It flows well, and you give just the right amount of information about your MC and her friend, Lance. Thank you for sharing, and keep writing! *If you would be interested, I'm currently taking short stories from new writers for publication in an Anthology - due to come out in late November. Check out my website, www.mustangpatty1029.com for details.


Grace Reardon
13:08 Sep 21, 2020

Thank you for your comment, I'm very glad you enjoyed my story! Lance was a particularly fun character to write and I wish to expand on his development. Quick question, I'm very happy you've asked me to check out your website, and I would love to do so. But, do you ask everyone to check it out, if so no problem. Great job rallying and keep up the good work! Grace


Mustang Patty
15:30 Sep 21, 2020

I tend to ask the people who write stories I like.


Grace Reardon
15:45 Sep 21, 2020

Thanks you so much, I will be sure to enter and I hope you like my story!


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