
"I'm tired of this. I'm tired of it!"

It had been a long day for Benjamin Whibster he had been working all night and day and haven’t been able to get enough sleep. His boss Franky Steine had been hard on him. Benjamin had overheard Franky telling the other that he wasn't working hard enough. His other co-workers had agreed with this and talked coldly about Benjamin behind his back. This had really upset Benjamin.

"And what are you tired of?" Said Franky calmly. He was sitting at his desk and Benjamin in front of him. They had been arguing since the day Benjamin had started working. Every single day Benjamin would burst into his office and start complaining about the same thing, but Franky didn't care at all, and he had hidden this so well, but Benjamin saw right through him.

"I’m tired of you! I’m tired of your lies! I heard you telling them the other day that I wasn't working hard enough when I'm the only one here who works the hardest and does everything while everyone else doesn't want to!" Benjamin hissed.

"And that's why you haven't been doing your job?" Franky asked him. "You have been doing everyone else's job?" There was a pause and Benjamin glared at him.

"Weren't you the one who told me yesterday that I had to fix the bathrooms toilets? Even though that was Charles Haugh's job? And you also told me to do other people's jobs too, but you were under the impression everyone else's responsibilities were mine. You let them be lazy and made me do everything and then, yet here you are complaining to me that I haven't been doing my job because you're too busy telling me to do theirs! Have you forgotten that? I must have forgotten how much of an idiot you are, but I guess I’m one too!"

"I wanted you to do your part. I never said you had to do theirs. Also, I can't help that they won't listen to me."

Benjamin swore. So, you agree? You’ve been making me do all their work because they won’t listen to you right? You're supposed to be firing them! I’ve been tired for months and haven't got any sleep because you had me working all day and night. I've only got little breaks working here!" This isn't fair! You haven't told them off at all. Is that why they're still here? Is it because you are all friends? You all just watch me struggle and laugh and talk shit about me behind my back! Well, I'm sick of it. I’m sick of being walked all over by you and them! You’re just a bunch of sorry ass people. But don’t worry because one day it’ll all go back on each of you. And I will make sure it will.

"Benjamin, I swear it's not like that. You’ve got it all wrong." But Benjamin banged the desk with his fist. "Yes, it is, and I quit!" Without saying anything else he left the office slamming his boss’s door behind him. Ungrateful! He thought angrily. I was never told I did a good job. I had never been praised! How dare he lie to me in my face and now knowing he’s scared of them… Now he’s going to fear me. Benjamin had left back home and walked inside of his house; he had a sudden thought. All those months of working had angered him so much. He now wanted revenge. He didn’t want to wait for them to be taught a lesson by life. He wanted to be the one to teach them that lesson. He wanted to make his boss pay for what he had put him through. And all those other people too.

He didn't know where to start but decided that tonight he would sneak back in the place he had left. He needed to do something first.

After a tense night, Benjamin was already out of the bathroom and got dressed and was already going back, and no one is going to stop him or talk to him. It was going to be like this from now on. He hid behind a tree and saw the building. When could he go in? But his answer came to him when he had seen his boss leave to his car and drove off. He knew no one else was there now. He entered the building and didn't leave until an hour later.

He had everything that he was searching for. Cars were passing by, and no one saw him or paid attention that the place he left was closed. Benjamin excited that he didn't get caught kept walking north and in minutes he came to a house that one of the people he worked with had lived at.

The woman was named Debra Huffing. She was a beautiful woman who was happily married to her husband and the only reason she had worked with Benjamin was that she didn't want anyone to think she was just some rich woman who was being spoiled by her rich husband. Her friends had thought that was pathetic. He thought so too, and this was another reason why he disliked her.

Benjamin went up to the house and turned the doorknob and to his surprise, the door was unlocked. He went inside and went upstairs. He checked every bedroom so he could find Debra. And when he did, she was asleep in her king-sized bed. He could hear her husband in the shower in the next room singing. 

Benjamin went up to the bed. 

Outside the wind was starting to get stronger and with how many sounds it was making you wouldn't be able to hear the terrible screaming from Debra Huffing.

The next day Benjamin woke up with a start. He had forgotten something but wasn't sure what it was. He shrugged and got up from the bed. He quickly dressed and went downstairs to the living room. He found out eventually that he had forgotten that he left the television on last night and ignored it when he heard that Debra Huffing had been murdered in her bedroom last night.

He made a cup of coffee and sat on the couch.

 “Who was going to be next?”

August 27, 2021 21:23

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