Romance Sad

Love Fever

WARNING: One Charecter has OCD (P.S. I wrote it in astriks mode, so all actions are in astrisks)

*Britney woke up on Andrew’s furry chest, she was snuggled into him, curled like a little baby, and was wrapped in a blanket like a taco. She smiled and snuggled into Andrew a bit more and began to close her eyes, then, their alarm went off, she groaned, and Andrew grunted. Britney whined, Andrew had made it so she had to get up to turn off the alarm, she pawed at Andrew* Andrew… turn it off… I can’t reach… *Andrew was mad at Britney or just annoyed with the world* Turn it off yourself. *Britney groans, falls out of bed and turns it off, then goes to the other side and wraps herself in the blanket again, and snuggles up to Andrew, but Andrew pushes her away, she moaned in pain as her head hit the headboard, she whines and snuggles up to a pillow and mumbles* meanie. *they both fall back asleep and an hour later, Andrew woke up, Britney, looking adorable, curled up like a baby`groaned at the movement, Andrew, mad, and sleepy pulled her awake* Britney. Wake up. *she moans and wakes up* w-what happened? *her head hurt, bad. Andrew was not having it* GET UP! *Britney whimpered and got up, getting dressed, in a pencil skirt and blouse, she straightened her hair, put on mascara, and lip gloss, and blush, she usually only wore mascara, when Andrew was mad at her, she made sure she didn’t look like a fool, she put on high heels, and then she walked out, her hands behind her back, her head down, into the kitchen where Andrew was dressed, she got silverware, put it on the table and washed her hands for 1 minute like she usually did, then she sat down, smoothing the wrinkles in her skirt that weren't really there. She did that when she was stressed, she flinched when Andrew sat down, she hated cereal, he put milk in hers, she was sure she was going to throw up, she held her breath, eating the cereal, she accidentally smelled the milk and ran to the sink and threw up, she hated throwing up, Andrew usually would come over and hug her while she cried, then give her a bath and sing her to sleep, this time, he rolled his eyes and paid no attention, her eyes were teary, she looked pale, she ate her cereal, throwing up 3 times, Britney was miserable, she grabbed her bag, she was sick, sick, sick, and she got in the car, sanitized her hands, Andrew put on his favorite rap music, Britney hated rap music, she tried to block it out, but couldn’t, she heard her least favorite song ever, Play By david banner, she shuddered at the lyrics, she fidgeted with her hands, Squirmed, once the car stopped, she basically jumped out of the car, hurrying ahead of Andrew, almost getting ran over, she  ran to her office, she closed the door, and sobbed into a pillow, an hour later, she was whimpering, she heard the door open and she squeaked nervously, she hid behind the couch, but it wasn’t Andrew, it was Shannon.* hey punkin… I’ve heard you cryin for about an hour… did somethin happen with Andrew? *Britney sobs* I-I c-couldn’t reach the alarm and asked him to turn it off and he lashed out and yelled at me to turn it off myself… and then when I got back in bed to cuddle him he pushed me and I hit the headboard *shows Shannon the bruise* a-and then he g-gave me cereal… w-with milk… an-and I threw up 4 times… h-he did n-nothing… and then in-in the car he played rap mu-music… and it was Play by david banner *She sobs, Shannon winced* yikes… David B… that’s a rough one…hey… how about this… I’m pretty sure he’s in a meeting till lunch, but at lunch, i'll sit next to you and make sure nothing bad happens okay? And before then, you try to focus on work… *she nods, as Shannon strokes Britney’s hair, then she exclaimed* Britney, you're hot… like really hot… hold on let me get you a thermometer, *checks Britney* y-your at 107 hun we gotta get you to the hospital… *Britney gasps* W-what! Oh-oh god…. *she starts crying, Shannon comforts her* hey… hey… shhh-shhh i'm gonna go get Andrew okay? *she says* n-no… he-he's too busy for me… *Shannon sighs* Brit… if he saw you right now he would be crying. Please trust me. *she nods weakly, but then faints, Shannon curses, she picks up Britney and runs to the meeting room.* Andrew! It's Britney!  She's 107, I'll take your place. *Andrew gasps* okay i’m coming, *He takes Britney from Shannon and drives her to the hospital. She wakes up on the car ride, she whimpers as soon as she sees Andrew.* S-shannon!? *She starts to cry, but Andrew stops and comforts her* hey s-s-shhhh its okay… iim here… shannons back at school *he lifts her into his lap, Britney was whimpering, trying to get away* hey… hey… no… your sick sweetheart, you need to stay with me… shhh… shhhh… *he strokes her hair, and rocks her like a baby* you're safe… it's okay… *she cries* w-why w-w-were y-y-you mad? *Andrew strokes her hair and cuddles her* because I found out today I had a big meeting at the same time the glee club met and the press didn’t care… and I took it out on you… I'm so sorry Brit… *kisses her head and rocks her, she buries herself in his chest as Andrew whispers softly to her* Do you want me to sing to you Brit? *She loved it when he sang* as long as it's not Play by David B. *He chuckles a bit* Okay, I promise I won’t sing that to you. *He begins to sing At Last by Etta James, Britney falls asleep in Andrew’s lap, mumbling an I love you and snuggling into his belly, and clinging to his waist, he drives to the hospital and then Andrew picks Britney up and brings her into the hospital, speaking quietly and comfortingly, so Britney wouldn’t wake up, they got into a room and he laid her down and the doctors hooked her up to machines, she stirred slightly, Andrew rubbed her head, she started purring, the doctors left and Andrew chuckles and sits down on the bed with her* Hey sweetheart… How did you sleep? *she mumbles something unintelligible and pulls Andrew to a lying position and crawls into his arms and curls up, Andrew chuckles and kisses her head* cutie. *Britney snuggles in a little more, nudging him again and again, Andrew chuckles* What's wrong sweetie? *Britney pouts, Andrew chuckles* you have to use your words sweetheart. *she pouts* I want a kiss. *he chuckles and gave her a kiss, then cuddled her, she snuggled in, the doctors came and gave her medicine that made her super super sleepy and super super super super super clingy, she plopped right next to Andrew and snuggled up beside him, lied on his chest soon, she was mumbling, but still awake* mm- I want a kitty…*Andrew chuckles and decides to play along* you want a kitty… What are you gonna name it? *she thought for a moment* snowy… it's gonna be white… and fluffy… like a big cloud… *she snuggles into him* can we pleeeeeeeeeeease get a kitty… *he chuckles* okay… we can get a kitty… *Britney squeals a tiny bit* and you get to clean out his litterbox. *Andrew chuckles* oh yeah? *Britney nods and snuggles in* I'm sleepy… *she cuddles into Andrew and falls asleep, he chuckles and kisses her head, he gets up, carefully, not wanting to disturb her and went to go get snacks for him and Britney, as he came back, he heard soft whimpers coming from their room, he rushed over* sweetheart? Is everything okay? Did you bump your head? What happened? *she curled up and crawled away from Andrew* you left. *He sighs* Brit… I'm sorry I just went to get snacks. *she cries into the pillow* you're still mad at me and you are gonna go back to your stupid meeting. *he sits down*  Brit… I'm not going back to that meeting… and I'm definitely not mad at you. *he holds his arms open, she crawls into thBrit* you better not leave this time… *she lies on top of him, he chuckles and nods, rubbing her back, he whispers sweet things to her, she falls asleep* 

July 31, 2024 18:28

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