Everybody's Secret

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Write a story from the POV of a plus-one.... view prompt


Drama Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

All the men and women gathered at Carlisle Evangelical Church for what they had been calling “the marriage of a lifetime.” Laughter fills the air as anticipation for the wedding grows. Soon everyone erupts into applause as the groom arrives in his brand new car. It was only slightly less fashionable than all the others he owned and had a dark exterior that seemed to match his personality. I scoffed as the people crowd around him. Benjamin was the pride of the town for his most recent business project. His ambitious product allows adults to help support the youth in preparing their future investments. Despite his pompous way of life making conversations unbearable, I assumed that his substantial wealth was a redeeming quality for those who had the strength to hang out with him.

“Mel, how are you gorgeous?” A familiar arm wraps around my waist.

“Hey, Cam,” I lean back into him, feeling his eyes scan me.

“You look stunning; the light blue really suits your eyes.”

“Thank you, babe.”

“I love how it frills a bit at the top,” I hadn’t noticed it myself, but Cameron always seemed to know me better than I knew myself. Cameron was a gorgeous man with green eyes that shone in the sunlight. He took me tonight as his plus-one, promising to introduce me to his whole family.

Suddenly, the grand church doors are pushed open by two men in blue and white chequered shirts - one with dark hair, the other blonde. All eyes, including mine, were fixated on the beauty of Carlisle Church. It was surrounded by a wonderful garden. I looked almost like a rainbow, being full of plants of every colour, though marred with the invasive white lily of the valley. Cameron and I hold hands as we follow all the other guests, walking up the steps leading into the building. It was tall and built of an intriguing cream-coloured limestone. Inside the church around twenty tables have been set up across two rows with the aisle separating them.

After several minutes, the large congregation settled inside, arranging themselves into distinct groups. I recognised them to be the Clinton family, the Turner family, the Lees, Benjamin’s wife’s family, and several business groups that Benjamin had probably encountered through his networking. This was only an assumption, however, as I had yet to meet everyone in person. I’ve only ever seen them through Facebook profiles, family photos, and news articles. I knew the Lee’s considerably well, though. They were Cameron’s family. Even though his family weren’t as rich as everyone else in Carlisle, they grew close with the town’s elite. This was because Cameron’s father, Clark, was the logician for most of Benjamin’s projects. Any idea that Ben had, Clark could make it better. They were paid handsomely by the entrepreneur and soon moved into the town. I planned to talk with them last tonight, as I had other people I needed to meet first. 

“You go find your mum for me; I’ll be with the both of you in a minute. I have to meet up with a friend first,” I said, rubbing Cameron’s hand, noticing the sweat. “Take your blazer off if it gets too warm. You look really handsome in it though.”

He was a romantic bad even after all these years he still gets nervous. “Yeah, thank you,” he said, blushing. As we parted ways, I strode confidently for the individual named Matthew James Clinton. 

“Guess what happened next?” Matthew was saying to the people surrounding him. “I look away for one second and the dog starts eating the apple pie.” I’m not sure what the setup was to make the joke so funny, but the table erupts in laughter.

“It’s nice to finally meet you. You're Matthew, aren’t you?” I ask, extending my hand to meet his.

“Yes, that’s me,” he responds, shaking my hand. 

“I’m Melanie,” I told him, noting his patronising smile. “You must be May,” I continue, facing a woman to his left.

“Yes, how do you know us, dear?” she inquired.

“I was told we met once, about 23 years ago.”

“I’m not quite sure I remember,” she said, her wrinkles sinking down her face from confusion. 

“Benjamin introduced you to me, you don’t remember?”

“Hmm, I don't think I remember that, dear. Are you sure you aren’t mistaking us for someone else?” It seemed unlikely that she would have forgotten me entirely.

“Does 16 Maryville Street ring a bell?”

“Oh my god, it’s you, isn’t it?” her hands flew to her mouth as she looked at me in shock.

“Are you okay honey?” Matthew asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Matt, its-” May turns to the other guests at the table before deciding the rest of her comment should remain private. She leaned in and whispered into Matthew’s ears. His face into pure fear. I realise that my work here was done.

“I’ve got to see Ashleigh now, you have a great rest of your evening,” Matthew and May both refuse to face me out of shame. Everyone attending the wedding tonight all knew something that they refused to talk about - The Great Secret of Carlisle. Today, I plan on making sure it is exposed and this town is seen for what it truly is.

I spotted my next target easily. Her red-dyed hair gleamed brightly under the warm church lights. It was a nice colour, I admit.

“Hey Ash,” I said.

“Hello, you look lovely. What’s your name?” She stood up from her table and held out her arms for a hug.

I accepted the embrace, feeling her arms tighten around me like a lasso. “I’m Cameron’s girlfriend. He’s Clark’s son. Let’s have a private chat; I have so much to tell you.”

“That sounds lovely, your dress is so cute by the way.” Turning back to her table she assures them she won’t be a moment, “I’ll be right back lovelies.”

After walking ten feet, she asked again, “you didn’t say your name, what was it?”

“I’ll tell you soon,” I told her as a tear swelled in my eyes, “I know everything about you.”

“What do you mean? Are you okay, love?”

“Don’t call me that,” her eyes were blue just like mine. She was a gorgeous woman, probably in her 50’s now. “I know about you and Benjamin,” she covers her mouth in shock. At that moment, a man holding a microphone to his mouth announces that the ceremony will be commencing soon. He wore a black blazer like all the other men, other than Benjamin who wore white for his special occasion. I was going to do everything in my power to ensure everyone remembers tonight in the worst way possible.

“I didn’t do anything,” she mumbles, but her voice barely gets past her hands.

“You were his accountant, Ashleigh. I don’t know what you were thinking, having an affair with someone like that. You know more than anyone how horrible he is. Do I need to remind you about Peter?” Around 5 years ago, a famous court case arose between Peter Williams and Benjamin. Benjamin’s business was built in association between Peter, Clark, and himself, but after Clark and him reneged on the agreement Peter was left jobless, and isolated. Peter lost the case and spiralled into clinical insanity. 

“I’m so sorry,” Ashleigh begins to sob.

“You only have to be sorry for yourself,” I said dully, letting her anguish set in. “How rude of me, I almost forgot to tell you my name,” she looks up at me. “I’m Melanie.” As soon as she realised who I was, she vomited violently, the thick liquid thick liquid spilling through her hands and onto the floor, her dress, and my heels. Immediately, three individuals from Ashleigh’s table run up to her aid, picking her up and taking her out of the building. 

I turn around to see Cameron running to me.

“Are you alright? What happened? Is she okay?” His forehead was filled with sweat, though I couldn’t be sure if that was out of concern or from the heat of leaving his blazer on despite me advising him to take it off.

“It’s okay, I’m sure she was just sick, my heel can be cleaned up just fine there's nothing to worry about. Let’s just go back to your table and sit down together,” we held hands as we left the scene.

Once again the man with the microphone made another announcement. I was told that he was to be the best man for the night. This came to me as a surprise as I was expecting Clark to take that role. 

“Unfortunately, someone has left early as they were feeling unwell, but we’ve cleaned it all up, and we’re ready to continue with the ceremony.” He tried making a joke to lighten the mood. “What a hectic night, huh?” His attempt at humour, however, was only met with silence. Tough crowd. 

“You know, Cameron’s father once made a website for Ben in only a single day,” Adeline, Cameron’s mother, informed me. As she tells me all the great things that Clark and Benjamin built together, the church employees work hard catering to their guests. They placed expensive champagne bottles on tables, announced the bride and groom, and prepared the aisle for the ceremony. “Look, here he is,” Adeline points at Clark who came to sit with the rest of the Lee family. There were about 8 of them, including me. “I was just telling her about everything you’ve accomplished.”

He was a stern man. “Hmm,” he shrugs. Suddenly the lights dimmed and an organ began to play. Not a real one though, they must have cleverly set up hidden speakers somewhere. On cue, the great doors of the church swung open as Benjamin’s wife walked through the door. Her name was Emily, she was nicknamed the “natural beauty” by her modelling agency. She was still fairly young at thirty - a full twenty years younger than Benjamin. Her stride was confident and prideful. I knew I only had one opportunity to execute my.

“Hey Clark,” I said softly, leaning in closer to his face so that no one could hear me. “I know you know about Benjamin’s secret child.” Clark turned to face me, his eyes pierced through me as he mouthed for me to keep quiet. “I hope you know I know a lot more than that, too. I mean,” I come closer to him yet again. I whisper my secret into his ear. Instantaneously, he bursts out of his chair from pure fear; he raises his voice as loud as his ageing lungs could allow him. “You are a witch,” his arms flail like a madman as he berates me, “an evil, evil, woman.” Picking up a champagne bottle he smashes it into my face. I’m not sure what occurred in the next few moments. Through the red champagne that covered me, I could see the lights turn on again, people running to help me up and pull Clark away. This isn’t what I planned to happen. 

A deep voice makes itself known, “are you okay?” The voice sounded as smooth as honey and vibrated softly in my ears. I stunk of alcohol and my head stung from the impact. I wiped my face with my arm to clear my sight and discover the source of the voice that talked to me. It was a man, his hair blonde and face smooth from visible plastic surgeries. His white suit featured subtle details that were only noticeable from up close. Notably, there was a small design of a bride and groom embroidered on his lapel, just below the notch. I recognised him immediately - Benjamin.

“What the hell are you doing here Melanie?” he protests as he recognised me too.

“You know why I’m here, Benjamin,” I replied.

“Benny, how do you know her?” Emily’s voice trembled with emotion. Her lips quivered as she held back tears. She was clearly distressed, believing that her special day had been ruined. I almost felt sorry for her if I didn’t know she was involved in the scandal with Peter. It was only going to get worse from here.

“Mel, what’s going on? Are you okay?” Cameron grabs my hand, but I tug it back.

“Ben is my father,” I reveal to everyone, including the crowd who had begun to crowd around us. Silence filled the room, excluding numerous gasps in the distance. Even the wedding music stopped playing. It was as if everyone’s mouth was covered with tape, unable to interrupt me as I began my speech. “Everyone here has ruined my life, Clark knew everything; I told him the one thing he didn’t want to hear. That not only did I know about him being in on the plan to take Peter out of his money, but I knew about your affair with Ashleigh.” Emily burst into tears, falling onto her knees. 

“It’s all a lie, Emily, please,” Benjamin’s attempts to salvage the situation were all in vain. All at the ceremony were there to witness.

“I’m not done talking,” I screamed. “I can’t believe that Ashleigh has the nerve to turn up here to your wife’s wedding when you had a secret child with her. You want to know who that kid is Emily? That’s me. She didn’t even recognise me,” I take a moment to pause as the emotions build up in my chest. “You know what else I know? I know that your father, Matthew, funded your operations and is more guilty for your horrible business practices than anyone else. I know both him and Adeline visited me when I was just a kid, back when you lived at 16 Maryville Street.” By now, Emily was curled on the floor weeping, Benjamin shaking her. All of the guests hold their heads down in guilt or look at the others in disgust at what they had done to me. A sombre mood filled the atmosphere as everyone’s lives seemed to shatter in front of them. Either from those who knew about Benjamin’s sins or played an active role in them.

My job was done here. I lifted my head up and walked out of the building. At the entrance, I turned back one last time to look at the crowd, none of them dared turn to face me, instead they remained as still as statues. No one followed me as I left, not even Cam.

Today would be remembered as the day that everybody learned everybody’s secrets.

August 21, 2024 04:28

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