The Adventures Of Jack Frost And Creepy Crawley

Submitted into Contest #228 in response to: Write a story in which a character eats something that they shouldn’t have eaten.... view prompt




  Jack Frost liked dressing up in red plaid trousers, with a white shirt and red bow tie. One day while walking in the meadow, He had investigated the hedgerow, and found Creepy Crawley a brown beetle, trapped inside a jam jar. He released Crawley from

 the jam- jar. Jack and Crawley then become best friends.

  They looked forward to plenty of adventures together, with their friend Digby a black and white collie dog, who would often accompany them on their adventures. Crawley would visit Jack Frost by crawling up the drain pipe; He would then tap on the bathroom window to let Jack know that he was there. Jacks’ wife Belinda often wondered who Jack was talking to. She had turned a blind eye, when Jack “said that he was going out to see a friend.” She felt pleased that Jack had found new interests, since retiring from the railway as a signal man. It was better than have him sitting in a chair all day looking gloomy. With her having to work around him.

  Today Jack and Crawley were going to the fair. The pair laughed and giggled at each other as they approached the fair ground. Digby dog walked besides, them sniffing at the daisies that grew in the meadow. They had a go on the Roundabout, and visited the coconut stall. Crawley sat on Jacks shoulder, telling him how to aim the balls at the row of coconuts displayed.

 The coconut man wonted a break from his stall. Jack and Crawley offered to look after the stall for him while he went for his lunch.  No one seemed to be winning any coconuts, so Jack and Crawley decided to give away the coconuts to the people

  passing by. When the coconut man returned from his lunch, he was surprised to see that the pair had gone, and so had all the coconuts from the stall. He looked at Digby who smiled and walked off, wagging his tail.

  Jack said to Crawley “what would I do without you, Crawley nodded in agreement “Oh, what a wonderful time we had. I wonder if the coconut man found all his coconuts.”  “The children where so pleased that they didn’t have to spend their pocket money, to win a coconut.” Jack laughed.

 “Let’s go to the Zoo” said Crawley so they went to the Zoo. They made funny faces monkeys performing their tricks, with a banana. Digby dog said, he was going home for his supper.

 Jack and Crawley decided to visit the meadow to look at the stars. “The stars have names” said Jack, “nonsense” said Crawley, “they are just pretty stars it is the planets have names like Jupiter and Saturn.” Jack nodded in agreement. Crawley was so intelligent for a little beetle. They heard a noise, coming from the direction of the

 bushes, could it be an owl, or a ghost?

 The pair ran towards the bushes throwing their arms in the air, and shouting. Jack threw  his shoe into the bushes, to see if there was anyone there. The shoe hit a policeman, who come from the bushes blowing his whistle at the pair to stop.

The coconut man had told the policeman, all about Jack and

Crawley giving away his coconuts. What could they do? The policeman gave chase, slipping upon a toadstool. Jack and Crawley saw a bus approaching in the lane, they managed to catch the bus. The policeman lay on the ground, waving his fist in the air. “That was a lucky escape,” said Jack.

  Crawley winked his eye at Jack, “Let s go Camping tomorrow,” he said. “We must buy some pots and pans from the market,” said Jack. They arranged to meet the next day. Has Jacks key turned in the lock, Belinda asked Jack, where he had been all day. Jack kissed her on the cheek he did not want to worry her, about his adventures with Crawley. So, he convinced her that he had been in the meadow with  Digby, and visited the fun fair.

.  While he had been away Belinda had knitted Jack a bright red jumper to match his plaid trousers.  What a good wife she had been. He would wear the jumper tomorrow for his adventure with Crawley.  Crawley visited, Jack the next day by on the bathroom window. Belinda asked, “Jack if it was raining outside.”

 Jack smiled and kissed her on the cheek saying” what a wonderful wife she was. ”He then headed towards the market place with Crawley. They found Fred the pot man surrounded by pots and pans. “What about a large cooking pot” said Crawley, perching on Jacks shoulder, Jack paid Fred for the cooking pot. “Saying Goodbye” to Fred, the pair headed towards the hills.

 What about a tent said Crawley, Jack commented, “What a nice day ”he had matches, potatoes, steak, and gravy colouring in his bag. They would use the wood from the trees, to make a nice fire, and use the water from the stream in the cooking pot. He sang and whistled as the food cooked, until they heard foot steps approaching.

 It was the policeman, who they had met in the meadow. He blew his whistle. He was going to catch Jack and Crawley this time. As he gave chase, he knocked over the cooking pot full of hot meat and potatoes, burning his feet. While the policeman groaned, Jack and Crawley escaped over the hills. Crawley remarked, “We must be more careful” Jack said I agree, I must remember to buy more steak and potatoes.”

   As they passed the butchers shop, Crawley settled on the butchers’ shoulder as the butcher turned to knock Crawley from his shoulder, Jack took some sausages from a hook hanging in the shop window. They whistled. As they made their way home, with Jack carrying the sausages, thinking about the fry up he would do for supper with nice juicy tomatoes and fried bread. The aroma with spices would be just great? Belinda his dear wife would have her own special chef. A twinkle came to Jacks eyes.

December 11, 2023 14:56

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