Fasten your seatbelts. Living on and in the periphery of perilous peripheral vision.

Written in response to: Start the story with the absence of a sensory detail (eg. silence when there should be noise).... view prompt


Adventure Christian Friendship

It doesn’t really bother me.

That I have already been bumping into walls before any of you were even born.🫤

Disclaimer: Not. A graceful swan.☺️

My ‘noggin. Though. It is tough as nails.

Your ‘noggin.

Not so cut and dry.

Perhaps you have been subscribing to the idea that,

“It takes a village.”

For far too to long.

Helping your here to there, there to here path.


Not my problem anymore?


Depends. Upon what it depends on.

My apologies.


It was never in my….blood.

To subscribe to the activity of

Screwing another.

In the interest of.

Screwing another.

I am boring you to tears.

I know.

I understand.


What needs to be done. Must be done.

I, for one. Am tired. Weary even of all the


Who is it again that makes strange bed fellows.

I forgot.

I am entitled too,


Forget, that is.

Without being ostracized as in…….having lost all my noodles.

Or. For those more literal.

My mind.

But the good news.


I don’t forget.

And the BAD news.


I don’t forget.

That’s what I believe is called a “draw.”

A stand off.

A point of no return.

No return.


Narcissism on steroids. (Bs)

More on that later.

Charming? Windswept?( Bs)

Get real.


Like yesterday.

Diabolical (CT)

Good news.

I don’t forget.

Bad news.

I don’t forget.

Handle that.

I was born with eyes in the back of my head.

It is both a blessing and a curse.

What I wanted.

I did not always get.

Self perpetuating. I dunno.

Keep up with the program?

Get it.

But not in the identity facets of your “world”.

Because although it may seem real to you.

It really, really is not reality.

I can continue on.


Good news.

I don’t forget.

BAD news.

I don’t forget.

The only eternalizing allowed in life is that of God.

The rest of us.

Get in line.

We are all super replaceable. (bs)

‘Cept Him.

He is the only eternalizer.

And influencer.

So the rest of us should quickly and with haste,

Get over ourselves.

It is systemic.

And at times.


Intimidation is the sincerest form of flattery?


Listen and hear? Please.

Imitation. IS. The sincerest form of flattery.

Theories abound. About this.

For one.

If you believe in “Lucky Sevens”.

Then the Pythagorean theorem is for you.🫤

If you prefer to fly “free”.

Good luck.

You see. As illuminating as freedom and social equality may seem.

It does not take a village. It takes hard work on the hearts of




Logically speaking. Of course.

Spiritually. For certain.

Sit down.



This is complicated stuff.


It did not use to be.

Until a diabolical machine arrived on the scene.

It is called:


And. It is very, very diabolical.

It offers pipe dream after pipe dream.

Best beware.

a2 + b2 = c2.

Law of cosines.


Did you know?

The law of co-signs generalizes the Pythagorean theorem. It holds only for right triangles.(wk)

Hey. This is not just hyperbole.

This is real, real math.


Until it isn’t.


I am confused.

There is a catastrophic occurrence that can, well occur.

My head hurts.

There. I said it for you. Let’s continue anyway.

We will reach for the pain reliever of choice….Later….If it is available when we need it.

In numerical analysis, catastrophic cancellation is a “thing.” It is the phenomenon that subtracting good approximations to two nearby numbers may yield a very bad approximation to the difference of the original numbers.(wk)

I can unequivocally attest this to be true.

I have been the “yield”, the bad, the dry and the bad approximation.

So I was deemed.


As in “buh-bye”

Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out kinda “buh-bye.”

It hurt.


But the good thing about eternalizing the eternal truth is.

It actually feels kinda,


Catastrophic cancellation ain’t so bad after all😳 Why? It can happen in the best of times. The worst of times. The most of times.

Best to keep your ‘noggin in best working condition. Because to rely on the train wreck to get you from there to here is,


You see, catastrophic cancellation may happen even if the difference is computed exactly. Or, not.

Hopefully you saved your pennies lest you are considered a fraud. And that can be a very, very tough battle. For those who are a fraud. Choosing to live in a facade-like-world. Foolishly thinking and even celebrating the thought that the bill is paid before the check is made. More on this or that, later.

The process is the punishment.(bs)

And the Sterbenz lemma theory explains.

Sterbenz Lemmon?🍋


Sterbenz lemma.

What it says, it basically describes is you and me, we are a floater.😂.

You are a floater.

I am a floater.

What is,

A floater?


My apologies.

Bathroom humor.,

Is kinda gross.



Pulling it up. (rc)

It IS inclusive. However.Dicey at the same time. Floating point arithmetic is arithmetic. O.k. Some sense of security..Yes. No? FP is arithmetic that represents subsets or real number.

OHHHHHHHH! REAL numbers. Fixed. Huh? In what atmospheric existence does this exist?



As long as there to be a fraud, there has to be a victim.(ct).

My head hurts.

Mine too.

The Sterbenz lemma applies to IEEE 754 the most widely used floating-point number system in computers. “Open” to interpretation for some, but not for others.

Translation: Discrimination.

Bring on the Porto-potty.😳


Coffee can.


Your choice.






Defect fixes.

”New” recommended operations.

Sounds scary.

Important to note.

The end of this calendar month ends with Halloween and All Souls Day.

Have you decorated the decorations, yet?

Hurry up you holiday-haters.

Do you think this to be coincidence or cooperation?

I know what I think.

Positive zero-ally.

Negative zero-ally.


Discontinuity has its detractors.No matter how the protractor and protractors manipulate the circumstances. And they do. And they will. Manipulate. The circumstances.

Reminder: Eternalizers. Influencers. And. The like.

Anyone can take a bad picture.🤓

In closing.

A word or two about narcissistic behavior, and tendencies.

In spite of or despite IEEE 754-2008, and it’s originals, there is a point to take into account.

Really. In the spirit of real numbers. REAL numbers.


Being real. REAL.


Is a fragile sense.

A sense.

Of self.

And in the spirit of floating behavior, it is a killer.

A killer.

Because it is demoralizing and demeaning.

Above all, enticing to the opposite sex.

(Quiet part—out loud)🫨😲

Everyone does not like to admit they like the “Bad Boy.”

However that person may present himself. Themself.

As a “good” “Bad Boy.”

Or a “bad” “Good Boy.”

Warned you it was “dicey”.

Plus. Never claimed it was easy.

The problem and the hook?

The narcissist is adept.


At drawing another in with their fragile sense of self that becomes a view of oneself as


Time will tell. It usually does. Heartbreaking. Hope you had your fun in the meantime. The falling apart of another’s world and the gossip and all that “good” stuff.


To be clear.

NPD is a disorder of the personality. A life-long one. No floating mathematical equation in the whole wide world can explain it away. Characterized by life-long patterns.

”Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” A good resolution. And like New Year’s resolutions, I think the mathematical equivalent of their true and bonafide success is something like—two weeks?…

Correct me if I am wrong.


I know that you will try.

Back to NPD.

Life-long patterns.

Of excessive needs:

-exaggerated feelings of self-importance.

-excessive needs for admiration.

-a delusional sense of status.


-interpersonally exploitative behavior.

Not just a bottled blonde of dizzy smiles, dizzy wiles.

Perhaps NPD says more about you.

And what you think.


Need I say anymore.

October 02, 2023 18:17

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