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Inspirational Happy Coming of Age

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Celestial. She always felt like there was something holding her back, like she was trapped in a cage. She dreamed of breaking free and living life on her own terms. One day, she decided to take a leap of faith and pursue her dreams. She packed a bag and left her old life behind, not knowing what the future held. As she walked down the street, she felt a sense of excitement and fear. As she walked, she saw a sign that said "Circus Performers Wanted." Celestial had always been fascinated by the circus and decided to give it a try. She auditioned and was accepted as a trapeze artist. The first few weeks were tough. Celestial had never been on a trapeze before, and it was hard work. But she loved it. She felt alive and free, soaring through the air with nothing holding her back. One day, as she was flying through the air, she shouted, "I'm free!" The feeling of pure joy and liberation was overwhelming. She knew that this was where she was meant to be. As the weeks turned into months, Celestial became one of the star performers. She was fearless, graceful, and daring. People came from all over to see her perform. But something still felt missing. Celestial realized that she missed her family and friends. She decided to reach out to them and invite them to come see her perform. On the day of the show, Celestial was nervous. She wanted to impress her family and show them how far she had come. As she flew through the air, she saw her family in the audience, cheering her on. She felt proud and happy. After the show, Celestial's family came backstage to congratulate her. They told her how proud they were of her and how much they had missed her. Celestial realized that she didn't have to choose between her dreams and her family. She could have both. From that day on, Celestial continued to perform in the circus but also made time for her family and friends. She felt truly free, living life on her own terms and surrounded by the people she loved. In the end, Celestial learned that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and pursue your dreams. And when you do, you might find that the things you thought were holding you back were really just illusions. You can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do. And when you find the courage to be true to yourself, you will feel the most amazing feeling of all: freedom.


Soon after, she sprained her ankle while performing at a circus in Florida. She couldn’t do any of this anymore. She had to get a new job to be able to live, but no one hired her. She tried and tried, but no one wanted her. Then, one day, she stumbled across a website while searching on her phone. It said ‘WE ARE HIRING’ in bright bold rainbow letters, but it didn’t state the company. She was worried but she decided to go for it. She called the number attached to the bottom of the website, and when the other person picked up, she was astonished. It was Tim Cook on the other side of the phone. The CEO of Apple. Celestial had loved the circus, but she had to admit, a job working for Apple would be way better than that. “Hello?” said Tim. “Hi! This is Celestial Reyes, and I’m looking for a job!” Celestial answer cheerfully. She wanted to make a good impression, even over the phone. She knew a ton about how Apple ran things, and a lot about video editing, but almost none about BUILDING the phones themselves. "Well hello Celestial! I’m sorry to tell you but we don’t do job interviews over the phone. If you want, you can come to my base down here in Cupertino, California. I’ll interview you over here!” Tim answered. “Oh, well, um…I'm in New York currently, but I can certainly book a flight!” Celestial responded. “Great! I’ll see you in a few days.” Tim said and hung up the phone. Celestial moved quickly after that. The CEO of Apple was expecting her down in California in a week, and she had a lot to do. She booked her flight, packed all her stuff, said goodbye to everyone, and most importantly, she went to buy a real iPhone. She had always wanted one, but the circus wouldn’t allow that. Again, trapped. But next thing you know, she found herself in California. She traveled to Cupertino and met her fans along the way. Once she got there, she called Apple again. “Hello Celestial!” Tim said. They talked, laughed, and cried at many memories. “Well,” said Tim after a few hours, “You would be perfect to bring Apple to new heights.” “So?” Celestial asked, hopefully. “What I’m saying is,” Tim continued, “YOUR THE NEW CEO OF APPLE!” Tim said, excitingly. Celestial threw her hands in the air in victory. “Come, let me introduce you to everyone, and you can start today!”

A few days later on the TV: 

“Celestial Reyes had always been ambitious and driven. She worked hard and dreamed big, always striving for success. One day, she landed a dream job as the CEO of Apple. As the CEO, Celestial led the company to new heights. She innovated and inspired the team to create amazing products that changed the world. She was always on the cutting edge, always ahead of the game. Celestial's life was amazing. She traveled the world, met fascinating people, and had experiences that most people could only dream of. Despite her success, she remained humble and kind, always giving back to the community and helping those in need. And so, Celestial's story serves as a reminder that with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck, anything is possible.” -News reporter. “I’m free now, and I always will be.” Celestial said, sighing and turning off the TV.

May 12, 2023 01:48

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1 comment

Moludan Moore
04:30 May 18, 2023

This story was uniquely absurd. If this was the intention, I say, push it further. Get weirder, so the intention is unmistakable. Channel Dali. If this was not the intention, perhaps it should be.


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