“Mind and memories”

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt



"Welcome home."

"Who are you?"

“I am Deus.”

“Where are we?”

“In your mind, as you can see.”

“Of course, of course… I only see a semi-dark corridor dotted with doors on the sides. Did you happen to kidnap me and take me to some kind of abandoned motel or something?”

"No. This is really your mind. And I did not bring you here. You got into it on your own.”

“Of course! Get me out of here, you freak!”

"I cannot. I am sorry."

“What do you mean “I am sorry”?! Get a move on!”

“I tell you again, I cannot. You will have to escape from this prison with your own strength."

“What do you mean by “prison”?

“I mean you are going to stay here until you get the key.”

""Key"?! What are you babbling about?! Are you delusional?! And then, what the hell is this “key”?!”

“Calm down. The key I am talking about is hidden behind one of the doors you see. You will have to open them one by one until you find it.”

“Are you crazy?! Have you seen how many there are?!”

“It is normal that there are so many, since each of them holds a fragment of your memory.”

“And do you really expect me to indulge this delirium of yours and start looking for a phantom key hidden who knows where? Come on man, get it over with and take me home. The game is good as long as it doesn't last long.”

“This is not a game.”

“And what would it be about, then?”

“Of self-awareness.”

“Listen, dear Deus, I…”

“During your life you have made a fatal mistake of which you are unaware. Behind one of these doors lies that mistake.”

““A fatal mistake,” you say? And what would it be?”

“I cannot tell you. You will have to find out for yourself.”

"I understand. But you are totally off the mark if you actually think I am going to play your game.”

“I tell you again, this is not a game. You will not be free until you find the key.”

“I do not care about your stupid key. Just take me home!”

"I cannot. Believe me, if I could, I would. But I cannot."

"Why not?!"

“Because I do not have the ability. I can only accompany you on this journey of yours.”

“And do you really expect me to believe you?”

"Yes. I am totally sincere.”

“Do you assure me that finding this key will truly end this torture?”


“…And that is fine.”

“Start opening the doors of your mind.”

“You do it for me.”

“And why would I?”

“I feel like it is better this way.”

“And so be it. I am preparing to open the first door. Observe.”

“But that…”

"Yes. The child you see is really you. It is winter, it is snowing heavily and you are playing snowballs with your friends.”

“What a beautiful memory. I highly doubt the key I am looking for is here. Let's move on. Choose and open another door.”

"Ok. Here you are."

“… This is a decidedly less pleasant memory. I remember my middle school years well. Bullies tormented me and I didn't know how to stand up for myself. At the time I was extremely introverted and incapable of socializing. However, I do not think the key I am looking for is found here. Let's move on to the next memory.”

“As you wish. I am opening the third door.”

“Oh, first love! How to forget it? We had so much fun together and… But, wait, why have I started yelling at her…? Well, I have just made her cry. What have I done? I bet I got nervous for nothing, as usual. One of my usual tantrums, I guess. The usual imbecile who could not control himself. 

Deus, the key I am looking for could be here."

“What makes you think that?”

“This scene reminded me of how volatile I was as a teenager. Maybe I made some big mess in that period.”

“I do not think the key is here.”

“What do you think?”

“It is just a feeling.”


"Tell me."

“What do you know about me?”

"I know everything."

“Why did you lie to me?! You even had the nerve to say that you were “totally sincere”!”

"I know. And I apologize."

“I will tell you again. Why did you lie to me?”

“To prevent you from finding the key and going back.”

“Are you telling me that you intended to make me your prisoner forever?”

“No, I did not mean to do that.”

“What did you intend to do then?”

“Make you play forever.”

“What are you saying?! Are you crazy?!”

“Probably yes.”

“Tell me immediately where this damned key is!”

“Behind the fifth door on the right.”

“Are you lying now too?”

"No. I swear.”

"Agree. Let's see a little.

… I do not see anything strange here. A memory regarding an episode that happened recently, nothing more. I am in the company of... of... Oh, no! No! No!!"

“Here is the key.”

“Damn, no! Maybe there is still time to fix things."

“…No, it is too late.”


“Stay here with me forever. Now you have no reason to go back."

“Deus… Deus… You are just selfish.”

"I know.”

“Why doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this?!”

“You did nothing wrong. It is just my fault. I am an unforgivable sinner.”

““Unforgivable sinner”? What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, do not pay attention to it. You would not understand.”

“How can you be so sure about it? You are part of me, of my mind!”

“Nobody can totally comprehend their mind…”

“Then open up with me. Let me understand. Let’s use this key properly. Let’s use it. Together.”

“After all I did… Unlike me, you are not selfish at all.

“I know.”

“Do you… do you really want to help me? Do you really want to stay here with me?”

“I do.”

August 23, 2024 14:51

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Mellanie Crouell
22:39 Aug 27, 2024

Andrea, I must say....this story had me at the first line. Please keep writing, I like mysteries. It was dark but not too dark. It kept my mind open to what this character needed to learn and to change. Just Awesome!


Andrea Bisello
22:50 Aug 27, 2024

Thank you Mellanie, your words mean a lot to me! Actually, this story is part of my second book, “Caligine” (but it was adapted and partially modified to respect the contest’s rules). It’s written in Italian (I’m from Italy), but I’m trying to translate my stories in English in order to increase the number of my readers. I’m so happy you appreciated my story! I’ll surely keep going!


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