Drama Romance Suspense

Thunder broke the silence of the night. Ava’s eyes flashed open as lightning struck. The phone clamored in its cradle. She slammed a hand to her racing heart and the other to the receiver. Lifting the speaker to her ear she croaked, “Hello?” Her cat Sweetpea meowed at the door, wondering why she was awake.

“Ava, it’s me Jackie,” her sister said in a strained voice. 

She sat up, pushing her bangs back from her eyes. Flipping on the bedside lamp, she asked, “What is it, Jackie?” She glanced at the clock by the rotary phone. It was three in the morning. Her husband Jamie slept on, snoring away. Sweetpea snuck her paws under the door and meowed to be let in. Ava shook her head with a smile. 

“I just needed to talk,” She said quietly. “I know I’ve been really busy lately.”

Ava nodded. “Yeah, we both have. I know your vet tech classes take up a lot of your time. Working as a secretary at Danderson’s and trying to stay ahead on housework keeps me busy too. How are you?”

“Not good. It’s Xander. I don’t trust him any more,” Jackie said in a hushed voice.

“Why not?” Ava asked warily. “What happened?” 

“Well, there was the thing with the telephone pole. I told him about a boyfriend I dated before, and he got so mad he punched the telephone pole and broke his hand,” Jackie told her quietly.

Ava’s eyebrows shot up. “He did what?” 

“Yeah. And you know how we live with his mother? Well she’s always complaining about him. It’s making me so uncomfortable. She likes me and she doesn’t like him. I don’t want to take sides. Xander keeps getting more jealous when I go out. He wants to know who I’m going out with and when. He wants to see my phone and gets mad when I won’t let him see it.” She explained in a rush.

Ava asked, “Are you ok, Jackie? Has he hurt you?” 

“No, but I’m scared. You know how you said I could always move in with you if I needed to? Can I still do that? I don’t know what else to do,” Jackie said morosely.

Ava glanced over at her husband Jamie. She shook him awake and mouthed, “Can Jackie move in with us? Xander’s acting weird.” Jamie gave a slow nod and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Ava told Jackie, “Yes, of course. We can help you get back on your feet. Tell me when you want to move in.”

“As soon as possible,” Jackie whispered.

Ava felt her heart trip, “Are you ok?” Thunder struck again. She nearly jumped out of her skin. Lightning flashed across the night sky.

Jackie gasped, “Oh, no, he was listening!” 

Xander’s voice came over the line, “Hello, Ava.” 

Ava’s skin crawled. “Hello, Xander.” 

Jamie asked, “What’s going on?”

Ava told him, “Xander heard everything.” 

Jamie asked, “Should I call the police?” 

Ava held up a hand. “I don’t know yet. Xander, you’re not going to try anything are you?” 

“Now why would I try anything, Ava? Jackie’s going to stay right here with me. Aren’t you, Jackie?” He asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. 

Jackie’s voice broke, “Yes.”

Ava nodded fiercely at Jamie, mouthing, CALL 911 NOW! “Xander, please, Jackie was just telling me how much she wanted to come and see me for a visit. You know how we like our girl time. We really need to catch up. You understand.” 

Xander snickered. “I understand she’s been talking behind my back. Telling lies about me. Calling me a weak man. Thinking she can sneak off without a word. Now you’re trying to pretend you weren’t trying to help her leave. I’m not stupid, Ava.” 

The blood drained from her face. “Please, Xander. Please just let my sister go.”

“Why? She loves me. She’s happy here,” Xander insisted and asked Jackie, “Aren’t you, baby?” 

Jackie whispered, “Yes.” 

“Why are you making her lie to you, Xander? Why can’t you just let her go? You know we’ve called the cops. You have time to get away. Just leave my sister alone. You’re just making this worse.” 

“You did what? Now, why would you do that? I haven’t done a thing wrong. This is my house. Jackie is my guest. She’s perfectly safe here. There’s nothing to worry about. That’s exactly what she’ll tell the officers when they get here, won’t you, Jackie?” 

“Of course,” Jackie agreed meekly.

Ava pictured horrible scenarios. She feared Xander had a knife or a gun. She prayed her sister was safe. She prayed God would give her the words to talk Xander down. “Please, Xander. Just let my sister go. There’s no reason for you to keep her like this. If you trust her, then let her go.” 

“How can I trust her when she’s stabbing me behind my back?” Xander asked harshly. 

Ava pleaded, “You love her, you have to trust her.” 

“Love is free, trust is earned,” Xander said with deadly calm. 

“I’m sure my sister has earned your trust by now. She’s a very trustworthy person,” Ava insisted.

Xander began, “Hah, she’s a liar and a-” He choked and the phone clattered in her ear. 

“Jackie!” Ava called as she heard something fall. “Jackie!” 

Jackie was breathless when she came back on the line. “I hit him. Frying pans really do work like in the movies!” 

“How did you get him with a frying pan? I thought he was holding you or something?” Ava asked with a teary laugh.

“Xander had to stand up to make his final speech. I reached up for the frying pan from last night’s dinner and brought it down on his head while he was distracted. Thank you for staying on the line. I love you, sis! Oh, here come the cops now! I gotta go!” Jackie exclaimed. The phone clicked in her ear.

Ava laughed helplessly, her eyes swimming with tears of relief. “Oh, thank God, she’s alright. The police are there. She hit him over the head with a frying pan.”

Jamie laughed and clapped. “That’s our Jackie!” 

Ava’s heart thundered in her ears. “Yeah.” She could barely hear over her beating heart. “I’m so glad she called. What if I hadn’t picked up the phone? I had no idea Xander would act like that.”

Jamie hugged her and rubbed her back. “But you did pick up the phone. Everything is ok now. She’s ok. We’re ok. We’re going to move Sweetpea’s stuff out of the spare room and set it up for Jackie. Xander’s going to go to jail and have one heck of a goose egg.” 

She blubbered through her tears, “Sometimes she doesn’t call me until something big has already happened. Thank God she called me in time.” 

Jamie agreed, “She has a perfect sense of timing. Dramatic.”

Ava sniffled and laughed weakly, “That’s our Jackie.”

January 16, 2025 22:00

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