Naked Conversations

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends by circling back to the beginning.... view prompt



They laid in the bed. One's eyes were closed, while the others was open. One thinking of

the resent past. The other contemplating the future with a smile on her face.

The conversation they just had was so revealing. He was truly made for her in every way.

She could be her truest self with him... that very thought made a shiver course through her limbs

- causing her legs to twitch slightly. Her truest self, honestly was a monster, and she knew it. It

frightened her. What if she showed this...animalistic side of her and he rejected her...or worse he

forced himself to accept her. The foul taste of bile could be tasted in the back of her tongue as

the thoughts kept circling her mind, delving her deeper into the treacherous adhesive of her



The suddenness of his voice brought her back to the surface. She inadvertently gasped as

she turned her head to her savior. However, the gaze back made her, almost, want to recoil back

down into the tarry swamp.

"You're in love with her." He stated, staring straight into her eyes. The agony etched onto

his face was enough to distress her. She shot straight up, the sheets that barely covered her naked

flesh, falling aside - she could have cared less in that moment.

"H-how could you say that! She's my sister, my blood-sister, that is how I see her. H-how

I've always seen her-"

"Who are you trying to convince?" He asked coldly. Sitting up to meet her challenge and

overtook her stance. The fact that the love of his life was trembling - with whatever emotions she

was experiencing - naked and flushed, did not faze him in this moment. He, would normally be

in a frenzy, trying to ease her turmoil in whatever way was needed. However, currently, he was

furious. The said love of his life, that not three days before had committed herself to him and

vise versa. He had finally realized why he felt so uncomfortable the other evening. When she

spoke to Mark about her sister, even though she was playing matchmaker -- he felt overlooked

entirely. Which only increased his current ire.

Looking down on her, their eyes locked.

"Why do you keep calling her your blood-sister? I understood- sorry I thought I

understood how you felt about her. It was evident. So why do you keep saying it? Who are you

trying to convince...the way you see this woman as simply a makes no sense..."

he trailed off looking away, then suddenly he brought his right hand up to press into her left

shoulder, pushing her back onto the mattress.

Now, both of his arms were on either side of her head, while his torso hovered inches

over hers. He did not completely cage her, however, his right hip pressing into hers caused the

same effect -- she wad cornered.

"Unless you are in love with her, then, your actions make a bit more sense...however..."

he paused for a moment and she had to push down the overwhelming panic that nearly burst

through her when she gazed upon the tear staining face.

"...why? A normal person would have already died from the pain already...what, just

because you're a masochist you think you can handle this about of torment!" They were both

trembling now. She wanted to tell him no, of course not, you're just being paranoid. There's no

way I would do that to myself for over fifteen years... But she couldn't. She couldn't say a thing.

And he was pissed.

"Is that way you've only been with women since your master passed away?" He accused

her. His eyes shed no more tears, now, they squinted with judgment. She narrowed her own at


No, please don't, she screamed in her mind.

"Oh right, yesterday you said a couple of your ex's were lawyers, what a coincidence..."

", please..." barley a whisper escaped from her lips, while he kept slipping closer and

closer to her face, his words cutting deeper and deeper into her.

"Oh, I bet I know exactly what they looked like..." he said as there nose's were side-by-side. Her pupil's were constricted and every part of her being was shacking with a mixture of

rage and embarrassment.

"Black hair" she stiffened.

"...stop..." she whispered again. He could obviously hear her with their closeness, but his

rage was overwhelming and he needed to do this...she belonged to him...he needed to break it -

or she would never truly be his, and that was not an option.

"Brown eyes-" the sting that accompanied his final words was welcomed.

She was over him in an instant, straddling his waist. After her mind had registered the

pain in her hand was real, that she had just slapped the man who loved her more than his next

breath. She mimicked his position over her and immediately brought her face directly to his, the

closeness returned.

Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.

She closed her eyes and pressed their foreheads together. Her hands moved to his face,

and rubbed the fallen tears from his cheeks.

"Michael, please...I don't want to...." she paused again, squeezing her eyes tighter before

releasing a hot breath. She opened her eyes, and he felt it all, the heaviness weighted his

shoulders down into the mattress. Stopping his fight.

"...I don't want to admit th-hose please...please just make me fall in love with

you instead...because I belong to you and only you. I said those words to you didn't I? I did not

lie....those feeling have never come to the surface and they never will, I don't want anything to

change sister. I-I love her as my sister and that is how it will remain..." she finished.

He, however, needed more.

"But, I can't accept it. I don't just want to own your body, love, I want all of you...I know

how selfish I am, but I can't help it- no I don't want to change it, this is who I am."

"...then don't get mad at me-"


"I chose you! I told you I would be yours! What, now that you find out that there is a

little competition for my heart you take it out on me!" His stunned face almost made her laugh as

she pulled back from his face.

Putting her right fist over his heart she said, "Get your shit together! If you want all of me

then fight for it." She rolled off and laid flat on her back beside him.

They laid in the bed, on the opposite end, sheets at the head of the mattress along with the

pillows. One's eyes were closed, while the others was open. One was thinking of the resent past.

The other contemplating the future with a smile on his face.

May 22, 2020 04:07

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