Bedtime Fiction Kids

A/N: I'm sad, my second time joining here and the policy changed but it's okay. I understand.

02. The Mushroom

Water from above.

From the few small drops and shallow rainfall, slowly, I felt the bigger droplets fell on my right shoulder.

I looked up on the dark sky and in a rapid way, the cry of a cloud became hard, loud and defeaning.

Which in turn made the rain worse, exacerbated. Heavy and cold raindrops, made me feel lonely... and in danger.

I quickly ran and find for a shelter, avoiding the large drops that might make me completely soaked.

For the mean time, I sat under the bridge, never minding the coldness; that the rain caused. I waited for almost twenty minutes, realizing that I'm sitting here, with the homeless people- unlike me, because I have roof to go home to.

When the tears of sky subsided. I opened my umbrella and went home.

"Mom, here's the ramen. Come on, let's eat." I smiled.

I woke up on the next morning. Wearing a sweater, socks, pyjamas and gloves, safe from the cold and rainy weather.

Smiling, I received a greet from my Mother. She offered me a bowl of ramen, warm and very comforting.

"Good morning, Mom." I hugged her.

"Aww, that's so sweet. Your embrace is the best comfort for this atmosphere." She said and returned my hug.

We ate the ramen first thing in the morning, while watching a comedy movie. That was great, a good time that I must cherish.

Heavy rain maybe scarry and saddening. But if you have a home, a mother to hug and a ramen in your bowl, there's no loneliness anymore.

Her hands gently caressed my hair as I lay on her lap. She's the best mother I've known. If I have a second chance to live, I'll choose her again to be my mother. [a thing that you can't change on my mind.] She's a role model, a good, kind and generous mother.

"Honey, can you please leave this under the mushroom?" My Mom asked.

I looked at the small tupperware. It's a flavored rice with meat and seasonings.

Creased forehead, I nodded. "Okay, Mom. Sure, that's a sure thing." I gladly held the tupperware ang went outside.

Like what my Mother said, I just landed it on the wet floor under the mushroom and leave.

"Mom, I'm done. Our mushroom is getting bigger, aren't we going to cut it down?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't think so. I'll think about that, Honey. Thank you." She smiled.

"Okay." I answered and shrugged.

I spent my time playing with some video games, I laughed and controlled the Super Mario.

Hugging my hotdog pillow, I jumped and ran to get my creamy soup on the table.

"Honey, the lunch is ready. Stop playing video games and let us eat." My mother command.

"Ooookay!" I answered eagerly.

"Hmm! This soup is so good!" I commented.

"As you wish, my Daughter."

"Mom, I will do my best to graduate. I will work hard so that I can buy you a new and bigger house!" I said.

"You're enough, this is enough, Honey." My Mother smiled.

"No, Mom. Our house is too small and I hate it every rainy day!"

"Okay, whatever you wants." She sighed.

That night, the heavy rain came back but this time, with an angry thunder and lightning bolt.

That's horrifying. Why? Because I heard all the raindrops that's falling on our roof, that's bothering. Our house is small and not really comforting. You'll clearly hear the sound they're making.

Splitting, shocking and riotous sound of thunder.

Dangerous, scary and blinding bolts.

Plus noisy, cold and heavy rainfall.

I sighed and think about those homeless people, they have no shelter, how they can survive? Everytime the rain is pouring, there are a lot of insects that is coming out of their caves.

Insects like mosquitoes, how they can sleep if those mosquitoes are biting their skin?

I don't think I could.

What about cockroaches? Mice?

No way, I can't imagine those mice are destroying my underwear!

And a flying cockroaches?! Oh my goodness, I'll have a heart attack!

And note, there's a frog too! Froggies are ugly and I hate them.

I can't believe they did it, isn't dangerous especially for kids? Worse, the smog from the vehicles...

Oh no, that's sickening.

I slept with my Mom that night and like what I did every morning, I left a food of tupperware under the mushroom.

After washing the dishes, I went outside to look for my Mom and I saw her sitting on the chair, below that mushy.

"Sit with me. I'll tell you a story of The Kid who doesn't see the beauty." Mother smiled at me genuinely.

"Come on, Mom. You've already told me that story over one-million times!" I said irritably.

She chuckled. "Buy you still didn't get the message of that story."

"Mom, the girl is not contented on what's surrounding her. She doesn't pay attention to anything that doesn't matter. I knew it, okay?" I claimed.

"Yeah, but did the girl applied it to herself?" She asked.

"Not yet..." I sighed.

"She needed to realize it. She must appreciate the beauty of small little things." Mom started her words of wizzz..dom.

"I know, I know." I answered wearily.

"There are things that she think, is no help. But she's just blind to see it." She continued.

The day passed by and I was lectured by my Mother. On the next day, she commanded me to buy a new stocks of noodles and coffee on the convenience store.

As I walked by, I saw a family underneath the bridge. The cartons on the floor [that served as their ply] is now wet and they're just standing, carrying their babies while the... maybe father is making a fire from the woods to probably warm their bodies.

I pushed the door on the store and bought what I should. After that, I began walking back home.

Just an enough step to our house, the sudden heavy rain fell from above. Not letting me walk inside our house and now, I'm stuck down the mushroom.

I wanted to run but I just finished taking a bath earlier. I should've bring my umbrella, though, the rain is too much that umbrella will not gonna do.

And then the thunder came followed by a blindingly lightning of bolts.

"Aaahh!" I screamed in shocked.

Good thing, I'm still dry. My mother perhaps heard me that's why I saw her with a huge umbrella and picked me below that mushy.

"Thanks, Mom!" I said.

"I told you, bring your umbrella." She shook her head.

I went upstairs and groaned when I opened the curtains of my window and saw the mushroom.

"Mom!" I called her.

"What's the problem?" She asked.

I went downstairs and demand. "Can we cut that mushroom? I can't take it anymore, it obstructing the view on my window." I shrieked.

Mom glared at me. "Cut that plant? For you window?"


"I'll take a look." She gave me a stern look before entering my room.

"You can still see the view. Why's the need to cut it down?" Mom crossed her arms.

"I can't see-"

"No. You're just being picky." She stated.

"What... Mom." I sighed.

"Really? After it saves you from the rain just a while ago, you will cut it down?" She asked with a hint of disappointment.

"But isn't... bothering?" I whispered.

She shook her head in dismay. "Cut it. I'll not gonna help you."

I pouted my lips. A shallow raindrops from the cloud is falling on the ground when I went outside. I take a look on that mushroom and saw underneath the dog, eating on our tupperware and when the dog's done, he sat beside the stem of the mushroom.

And I realized...

This mushroom could help those homeless people. It can also help the abandoned dogs or cats.

It can help all the human. Rainy or sunny day... It can served the human as a shelter.

My Mother is right. I was just being picky and demanding. I wanted a house, a bigger house so that I won't gonna hear the sounds of the rain and thunder furthermore.

Without thinking how valuable this small house for those homeless.

And ignoring the reason why I'm still dry now.

The girl must apply the message of the story.

The girl should learn how to be contented.

I should appreciate these small things that I've ignored before.

Because these small things, is a huge thing for others.

August 07, 2021 09:58

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