Lava Loves The River

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Set your story on (or in) a winding river.... view prompt

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Inspirational American

It wasn't a typical Saturday night at River Terrace. There was a festive vibe in the air. Yoshi gazed out of his bedroom window and saw that the river was flowing faster than usual. The night sky was cloudy and he could only see a small part of the river from the lights in the parking lot. But he couldn't hear it because of the noise coming from the party in his building. He looked again out of the window into the darkness at the winding river. Yoshi wouldn't allow himself to be overcome by it tonight. He had a score to settle and his point to prove. 

He tried on the mask and gloves several times before leaving his flat that evening. Turning the television volume on the highest level to match the loud music coming from the apartment above. He opened his door and peeked down the hall to see if it was clear. Then Yoshi snuck past the property manager who was obsessively cleaning the elevator again. The recent changes with covid guidelines had the landlord and maintenance workers on edge, and this was the first party being held by tenants since the pandemic started. No masks were required, but Yoshi wanted to remain incognito. So he wore his black ninja slip over mask with a black jumpsuit.

Just as he crept to the rooftop from the stairway, he thought about the popcorn he put in the microwave. But he couldn't remember if he turned it on, or not. He paused for a second, then decided to stick to his mission at hand. 

Forcing open the heavy chrome door at the top of the stairs, he accidentally pinched his finger on the knob. But he held in the pain, making a silent scream and jumping on one foot holding his left hand cuddled in his right palm. Yoshi then processed to the edge of the roof balcony where he sat every Sunday evening to watch the sunset glistening on the river below. It reminded him of the rivers and creeks near his family's ranch. With lots of long winding curves, the rippling water was relaxing. It calmed his spirit and encouraged his soul. The rooftop was his sanctuary. His place of meditation with his trinkets and favorite items. Then Yoshi noticed his reflection on the shiney steel beams. His face covering was neatly in place, and he added a plain black baseball cap to hide his curly brown hair. All the ladies loved his untamed look, so he knew he had to wear something to disguise himself from anyone that might recognize him at the shindig. 

It was packed with party people in the house. Standing room only. Yoshi was surprised to see that many folks showed up. "Everyone in the apartment complex already knows each other, so what is the point of having a meet and greet?" He said out loud. "I'm the newest renter here. She just wants to play games like she's some kind of celebrity."

Yoshi scanned the layout hoping for a glimpse of his beloved. 

He watched.

Then he whispered to his shadow on the wall, "Life is meant to be shared. But I'm not sharing her! Not in this lifetime.'

Yoshi continued to watch and think.

Can I steal her heart again? 

Can I confiscate a moment of her time?

Would it be robbery to hold her in my arms?

To invade her space and touch the essence of her beauty once more?!

After watching for a half hour, Yoshi decided to go in to be closer to the object of his desire. His roommate was the one who had moved out and got the apartment upstairs, right above him. She threw the get together to celebrate her new lease on life. She had invited everyone, including Yoshi, but he was too stubborn to RSVP.

The digital lights were blinking along with the beat of the music. Yoshi waited for the group from the first floor to approach the door. Then he got in behind them to blend in with the crowd. Once he was inside, he slid past the dance floor and moved his way to the back of the room. But it was hard to see anything because the disco ball was all the bling any human could tolerate in one spot. So he shuffled towards the dining area near the drinks. Carefully looking around while boppin with the music, he poured himself a cup of tequila and leaned against the table. 

Then he spotted it. 

The lava lamp his cousin gave to him as a gag gift on his sixteenth birthday. There it was, nicely placed on an end table by the bathroom door. Glowing and flowing with its fluorescent hues of red, crimson, and gold. Yoshi almost jumped out of his skin when he saw it. He had a flashback of a time when all of his first cousins joked that he should've been a seventies kid. It was the running joke of that summer they all spent together at his uncle's farm in Washington state. Which seemed like a world away from his home in New Jersey. It was his first time visiting his cousins on their farm. Typically they would spend time at their grandparents home in Chicago when school was out. Right on the river. But this break was different. Washington was filled with fresh air and lots of wide open spaces. And the river was clearer and more beautiful than the one near his grandparents' place. Yoshi was in heaven on the ranch. His uncle told them adventurous tales about Mount St. Helens and how folks escaped the deadly ash, smoke and lava. And how the rivers helped to cool and calm angry volcanoes. Everyday they played the hot lava game coming in and out of the main house. He remembered it well. It was the best summer he had ever spent with his favorite cousins. Visiting Washington state gave him the desire to move there after high school and live with them to help run the farm. But his cousin enlisted in the Army and was deployed to Afghanistan soon after. That threw a monkey wrench in their plans. And since Yoshi had no real ambitions, he just hung around the farm with his uncle to enjoyed volcanic stories. Especially the exciting ones about Mount Fuji and the man with the golden feet. They would sit for hours and smoke pot while the lamp set the background for the tales. They nicknamed it Lavala. It was a small, battery powered lava lamp. But it was mesmerizing. Yoshi loved his Lavala. And he wasn't about to let his ex-roommate just have it. He had to get it back, by any means necessary. Lavala is the good luck token that will bring his cousin home safely. He brought it with him when he moved to The Flats at River Terrace a year ago. And he kept it near him when he meditated on the roof.

Yoshi snapped out of his daydream when he heard the offbeat song that was playing a crazy rhythm. The DJ was hyping up the sounds and the three second pause between each techno beat caused the blinking laser lights to pause. Yoshi knew this was his only chance to grab the lamp and hide it under his jacket without anyone noticing. "You took it from me without permission. You stole my lamp in broad daylight. But I, Yoshi, am like a thief in the night!" He mumbled to himself as he hurried away from the party towards the elevator.

The smell of fresh popped corn filled the hallway and he was excited to know he had popped his extra buttery bag. Yoshi carefully carried his prized possession as he marched to his door, stepping proudly inside with his lamp in his arms like a newborn baby. He was ready to sit back and reminisce with his lava fantasies and have a nice snack. But before he could turn the lamp on, out came his ex-roommate from the bedroom. "Well, well what have we here!" She said mockingly. "A robbery suspect, or what? 

Yoshi just stood there in silence. 

"I was planning on giving you back your lava thing at my party. But you ignored my invitation!' Yoshi was in shock, looking like a deer in headlights with the evidence in hand. "I came down here personally to get you. So we could have an after party at my place with the lamp. Then chill on the roof." She explained. Yoshi dropped his head, then burst into laughter. They hugged each with a long loving embrace. They hadn't seen each other in over two weeks. "I want to talk to the river like you do Yoshi." She said to him, as softly as she could. Yoshi smiled. "The river can't hear you because you are always too loud. The river has to hear your heart." Yoshi whispered. Then she started dancing to the music that was booming from her apartment above. Yoshi pointed his finger up and said, "You know I might have to call the cops about this wild party that's disturbing the peace!" She giggled and told him, "Yeah, the party will be over as soon as I report this lava burglary in the first degree!"

June 13, 2021 02:45

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1 comment

Cheriel Ann Pael
02:59 Jun 24, 2021

Hi!. In my own opinion, while reading your story I notice that you describe the surrounding in the story vividly, its focus on the environment, which it also means that you honor the theme, and the feelings of the characters, it has less dialogue which is very brave of you, not all readers want a less account of dialogue.


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