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Sad Teens & Young Adult

I remembered the first time I saw her.  There was a party that night. I hated parties. They were always filled with sweaty, drunk people. I remembered her standing there. She was so beautiful when she smiled. Her curly hair bounced when she expressed herself with her whole body. Her hand flew everywhere with each world.

We were nothing alike. 

I got off the couch, walking towards the closet exit out of the house. When I passed her, I glimpsed as she jumped onto her brother for a wild hug. At Least, I thought they saw each other every morning looking their ugliest. They way she was so vibrant and talkative, made sense why she was never alone. 

She looked back form her brother’s back. Her hazel but eyes looked at me. My ordinary black hole of nothingness looked back at her. She probably thought I was a stranger in black just staring at her. But then she, smiled. 


I remembered, she had a pin in her hair. A little white ghost. I would see her over, and over again. Every time we meant, she always had the pin on. Then I began seeing that little pin more often.  

That night we were laying down on a field of grass. The sky above us was cloudy. Rain clouds could be seen getting grey. It was nothing pretty. 

“You know, I never thought that we would become friends.” she said.

 Her voice would always come out so naturally, and confident.

“I actually thought you hated me.” 

“Hated you?” I questioned, loudly shouted the words for an answer.

She burst in laughter,her hair wiggling around with the grass. 

“You were so quiet, and never talked.I believed that you wouldn’t like a person continuously ranting in your ears.”

“You still do talk a lot.” 

She turned to face me. I could hardly see her face in the darkness. The little white ghost was the only thing that could be seen. Shining bright, that ghost reassured me she was there. 

“Do you want to be my best friend?” 

I remembered how she would talk. When excited she reminded me of a child. She was like a child in some way. She cold easly express herself, without needing a logically reason to. She would get so excited about fun ideas and food. And when she needed a question answered, she would shout it out, demanding nothing but answers.

“What the differences between-”

“The difference is if we were best friends, we are legally allowed by the laws of friendship to do whatever the heck we want together.” 

I remembered her reaching her hand to me. ``Picky promise for bff’s” she whispered. I extended my hand to rap over my fingers with hers. 



I remembered, as time passed by with her, time didn't exist. She always had plans for just the two of us. Everywhere we went someone knew her. When a lot of people were around, she would hold my hand. And every time she did, she would whisper ‘you're not escaping any of our time together’. 

I looked forward to every moment when I would get to see her. When I woke up, the first thing was to message her. I would get out of the bed, and we would video call to discuss outfits. I would have breakfast with her, lunch, and dinner. Before we went to bed, we would talk about all the craziest things. 

Idea’s never stop coming from her mind. 

“Someday, me and you will go on a trip to New York. Then Paris. Oh Paris. I can't wait for us to take a picture with baguettes.” 

I remembered, one time she claimed in her past life she was a witch. She often made up horror stories to try and scare me.  

“I’m not lying, I did many witchy things in  my past life. I remember it all.” she claimed. 

I only smiled at her, and she smiled back at me.

 “When would you get bored of me?” 

I remembered when she asked me that. She wasn’t smiling, joking around, saying all her crazy ideas. She looked plain. Like an ordinary person. 


“Why not?” 

Why not? Why would I ever want to? 

I thought she did know that I cared for her. I couldn’t express myself the way she does. 

“Because, you're way  too interesting to get bored of.” 

Her eyebrows, knitted together. 

“You're more interesting than everything I say.”  

She went back to smiling. But I remembered, her smile was never like that. 


I remembered, that day. We were walking through  the town. It was quite late. The sky turned into a soft grey. The calmness between the setting sun and the darkness. She was itching her head a lot. 

“I hope I don't have lice.” she complained. 

I remembered she removed her ghost pin. Continuing to itch her head as we crossed the road, she just followed my lead.

“I think you may have lice.” 

She dropped her hands down for tiredness. Her eyes looked down to her hands. 

“Wears my pin?” 

“You took it off.” 

Her eyes traveled back to the road. Her white ghost pin, bighted as the light rapidly got darker. 

“I’ve got to get it.” 

I let her go out into the road.

No cars were passing, it was clear for her. 

But, I couldn't remember hearing her shout “I got it.” when she did. 


“I remember. She went to get her pin. That's when the car came… I came out of nowhere. I just saw light. And then she was just laying there on the ground… I tried to talk to her… I shouted her name… again, and again… She never answered. She always answer.”

I could feel the detective eyes, watching like everyone I had been since. They stared at me like they saw it happen. Like they saw the way she looked. 

Dead on the floor. 

“Can you remember what the car looks like?” 

“Grey...that's all.”

He nodded his head, getting up from his chair to come over to me. 

“Don't worry, I have solved many hits and runs, and I will find this one.” 

I looked up at him. Hope, any kind of hope would have made me feel better. 

“She could still come back right?” 

He looked in silence. No word formed a proper sentence in his mouth. 

“I-I saw her, yesterday.”

“It’s been a long week for you, maybe we should get you home.” 

I saw her yesterday.

I remember. And I saw her that night too. 

She would come, but she didn't talk as much as she used to. Sometimes she wouldn’t talk at all. Though I knew she was there, when I saw her white ghost pin in the darkness. 

July 28, 2021 01:07

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1 comment

Marie McLaughlin
21:33 Aug 04, 2021

There are a few spelling and grammar errors, but other than that, it's a very touching story. Thank you.


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