Apple Pickers

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


African American American

Alex Ramirez

Apple Pickers

One day on a sunny afternoon a kid named Bill went to school in a very happy mood because a special toy his mother has gotten for him has finally come in it is called the “Robot Blaster.” On the way to school in the early morning Bill sat in the backseat fidgeting with the toy like his life depended on it. His mother said” Billy are you having fun back there?”  Billy replied” Yes mom but this toy is just so cool looking and amazing to play with.” They approved the school zone where it says slow down and Billy knew he got to see his best friend very soon.  When Billy got out of the car he sat there and thought to himself about being one step closer to being a teenager as he was in 4th grade this year.  He Walked into the school and locked eyes with his best friend Erick “ said Bill is that really you, I haven’t seen you in a while”  Bill replied with “Yep, it's me and I feel like a toddler still so I don't grow or change that much.”  Bill and Erick were both part of the cool kids group. I mean they did everything together in school such as sit by each other, get in trouble together, and even swing together at recess and you never knew if that was a bad or good thing.  The next day at school a really cute girl came up to them and said” Hey there boys My name is Addison and I am the one and only girl president of STUCCO and sounds very weird but this weekend we are going apple picking and we would like you two to join us.”  Bill seemed a little hesitant because he has really never been around girls that much except his mom but Erick “ said yes we will go” as fast as his lips could move and Addison said “ Great be here on Saturday Bus leaves at 2:30 P.M. For the rest of the day Bill stayed quiet because he was trying to prepare himself to be on the bus because the teachers were not the best to him.

Wednesday comes around and Bill started getting picked on by this fat and ugly sixth grader named Rob.  Rob told him to go to the restrooms at 3:00 because they were going to fight just because Rob wanted too and no teacher could stop it because it was in the bathrooms and they wouldn't know it was going on.  Rob was sick that day so Bill was out of luck.  As 3:00 came all of the boys were crowded up in the bathroom with all of their phones out none of them really thought that Bill would show up because you could tell Bill was really scared.  He went into the bathroom and everyone started cheering because they knew that the fight was going to happen well turns out it wasn’t a fight it was more like a wrestling match because they really didn’t know how to fight.  They wrestled around for about 3 minutes and they finally gave up because they knew they weren’t going to get anything out of this. Billy went back home to his mom with a couple bumps and bruises His mom said” Oh my god what happened?”  Billy lied because if he told her then Rob would be really trying to go after him so he lied and said” Mom I just fell down some of the stairs” she was still worried and made him sit down and ice the whole night and he had to ice Thursday too.

As Friday came around everyone that was going to pick apples was happy because it was their first field trip of the year.  Billy asked Erick” Aren’t you excited? we are finally going somewhere together.” Erick was kind of pumped just they were a little nervous about all of the girls that were going.  They both went home and knew they had to pack snacks and everything they both spent up until dinner time about what they wanted to pack for this trip.  As the night came quickly around they started doing their night routine before it was their bedtime they both had the jittery feeling about going that they couldn’t sleep for a while but they eventually fell asleep.

The day that they have been waiting for Saturday morning came they spring out of their bed and run downstairs to eat breakfast and start their morning and their mom said “ Bill you have to do all of your stuff that you do in the morning.” when Bill got to the school the bus was getting ready to leave so he was late.  He quickly ran and got on the bus and Erick was already waiting for him in the back.  Erick jumped up in joy as he saw his best friend soon enough they were on their way. Once they got there they both jumped out and the teacher said” Erick, Bill you need to calm down and wait for the rest of us.” they finally got to the tree and started picking those red juicy apples. They had finally filled their big tub that they had and started to walk back when Addison said ``You guys are already done helping us, we aren’t even half way.” they started helping them as they saw that the girls had a hole in their bucket that's why all the apples were falling out or they would’ve had a full bucket by now so they had to find some tape to tape up the bottom and they filled it up again. They all started walking back with the buckets and there was an anaconda  right there in the front of the group that was staring into their soul.  But the snake was no threat they waited there for 5 minutes while it past and all the kids have fun and none got hurt as they returned home to tell their parents the funny story that had happened.

October 15, 2020 14:33

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