The story about change

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



The story about change

The things that you adopt through heredity is extremely hard to change it, my father was a very strict and very short tempered man, I was very afraid of my father , I hardly face him at home , whenever he found my mistakes either he will scold me hard or beat me heavily, I also saw him dealing with people and I found him rude , with respect to the environment around me the nature of my father gradually grows in me , when I started my schooling I was fearless and I was a very daring student who was not afraid of any faculties or any student of the school , I used to be rough with people, I was very far away with the word “Polite”, I was harsh with everyone, I cannot bear the things that goes against me, the whole teacher and all the student were against me, nobody was my true friend and I was not  friendly to anybody.

The things that I adopt from my birth was there in my blood and I was very rude to my sibling and my mother too , I hardly saw my father laughing and so was I, all the people were fade up with my character , “The signature and nature cannot be changed”, and this was the fact of myself.

I started dominating people. The people who are against me I went to extreme extent to fulfil my grudge. I didn’t care for the friendship but very much for the enimity.

Life goes on like this

There was not a single day in my house if my father didn’t fight with my mother, they had argument on daily basis and when my father loses his temper he used to start beating my mom with whatever he find nearby him.

And in this way I was not less than my father.

The incident that changed my life

Rahul who was my classmate was a big enemy of mine, we had many fights in our school life, my sister Sana and Rahul's sister Survi was classmate they were in 8th standard and we were in 9th

Survi and my sister after school they used to had  group study and I was against it and  I had already warned my sister that I don’t want her to come to our house.

One day I had a fight with Rahul in the school while playing cricket, I and Rahul was in opposite team. The same day evening her sister came to my home for study, I just made her out just from the gate itself and was unable to bear my anger, I went to my sister and asked her why she came again for studying here.

Before she could explain herself I slapped her many times continuously but my anger didn’t calmed then I took a floor wiper stick which was nearby me and started beating her ruthlessly  and unfortunately my mom was not there to save her. I was in so hyper state that I forgot that she suffer from Asthma, I beat her so hard with stick that she got fainted and by the time mom had reached home.

While looking at the condition of my sister my mom started crying she didn’t ask me for anything but immediately with help of a servant she took her to the hospital.

After few hours my mother came home to take some money for her treatment.

I was sitting lonely in the hall

“How is she”, I asked her

“you are not my son and her brother anymore, we are not going to stay any longer in this house ,I  won’t let my daughter to be the victim of your cruel nature , even the animal behave better than you and your father, we have tolerated a lot and I won’t let my daughter  to suffer any further, you and your father have no difference , if I do stay any longer with you, the day is not so far when your dad kill me and you are going to kill my daughter” said my mom.

I really felt sorry for what I did, I couldn’t sleep the whole night

Next morning I went to the hospital

I met doctor and enquired about her, the doctor told me that her condition on yesterday was very critical and she was on ventilator on yesterday night and from morning she is doing well.

“Can I meet her” I asked the doctor.

“You can” said the doctor.

I was looking at her from the window but was feeling too embarrass to face her but any how I went inside the room and sat beside her bed and my mother was also there who was sitting on the other side of the bed.

When she looked at me she turned away her face.

“How are you”, I asked her

“I really feel sorry not for myself but for mom, yesterday I may had lose my life but I was thinking about mom how you all are going to treat her after me, she is already half dead, you have learned everything from dad but you didn’t possess any single quality of our mom, but it doesn’t matter, I am enough for my mother for the rest of our life”, said my sister.

I am sorry Sana, forgive me please and I started crying in front of her, this was the first time that the emotion had come out of me , if something odd would have happened that day I would had lose her and the thought of losing someone have raised the emotion within myself.

I urge her to forgive me but she didn’t responded, I was crying continuously but she didn’t looked at me and at last I hold her hand and started slapping myself with her hand and was telling her to take her revenge but please talk with me.

Tears rolls down from her eyes and my mother, she sat on the bed and hugged me and we both were crying.

I made her promise and to my mom that I will change myself with respect to my behavior, nature and character, I will take out all evil out of me.

The doctor discharge her at 11 am in the morning, and we came back home.

 To be a good in nature was a big question to myself but I was confident enough to build this character and will come with a best version of myself.

The next morning Sana and I was getting ready for the school, she used to go by school bus and I used to go with my bike, after getting ready she rush to the bus stop to catch her bus, I was passing through her bus stop when I saw her she was waiting there for her bus, I stop my bike and called her and told her to seat behind me and also told her from that day  onwards it will be my responsibility to pick and drop her for her school , she smiled at me and sat very happily and her happiness gave me immense pleasure.

When we reached school we had a class room in the same corridor, while she was getting inside her class I told her that I wanted to meet her friend Survi, I was waiting in the corridor when Survi came along my sister, I said her sorry for the way that I behaved on that day and told her that she is also like my little sister and she is always welcome in our home.

The next thing that I did on that day is that when I entered my classroom I looked  for Rahul, I found him he was sitting on the last bench, I headed towards him and stood before him, Rahul thought that I came there to fight with him , So he started shouting at me and asked me what did I want , I told him that I wanted to be his friend and moved my hand towards him for handshake, all the person in the class room was stunned at my behavior , I found Rahul got  melted with my word, he stood up and hugged me and accepted my friendship.

Things started changing from that day, I neutralizes every person who has a grudge against me and I made my principle “to forgive and forget”.

I tried my best to be the best Son and to my sister to be the best friend rather than best brother, bonding between me and Sana was increased, we share lots of things about school and others things after school, I used to guide her in her studies and take care of her needs.

When I learned about love I regretted about my past life that I spoil those times.

If you love someone it doesn’t mean that you will get love in return but it is ultimate that you are going to get the shower of love from other way.

Rahul and I then used to play in the same team and we performed better and won many interclub tournament of the school.

I always try to find my shortcomings and try to rectify it.

My happiest day of my life was when my mother told me that I had proved myself to bring the change in myself

The major things that I came to know was that “with love you can win the world”.

And for the reader who is keen to know my name is “Shaan”.


June 11, 2020 18:58

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