Fiction Christmas Mystery


The small town had been blanketed heavily by snow during the night. You could feel the excitement in the air when all the neighborhood kids heard the news, "No school today!"

My wife and I got the kids all dressed up, then turned them loose to play in the snow. There was still a dark layer of clouds, that looked like it would snow again any minute now. We closed the door and headed for that first cup of coffee.

Most the neighborhood kids were in our front yard rolling up snow for a snowman. "Hey John." A bright faced boy called out. "We need a hat and a pipe, I've got the tree limbs for the arms." "On it." John said as he ran off.

Joyce was making bacon and pancakes as she watch the kids from the kitchen window. I had gotten the big broom out of the garage and tossed it to my son, to sweep off the walkways when they were done playing.

John had returned with the items that had been requested. One of the Johnson boys commented about how funny the pipe looked.

"Yeah, it's my brothers, he uses it with the stuff he keeps in this hat." "What is it?" Kathy asked. "Don't know." Came the reply. "But I got the lighter to go with it." He said. "Nice. " Said Kathy.

The snowman was almost done. The arms were big limbs that held the broom, the hat was just right. the eyes were the bottoms of broken beer bottles. The last thing was the pipe. Kathy told John to light it up, which he did. Then he stuck it in the snowman mouth.

"Look!!" One of the kids shouted. "The smoke is green!"

Suddenly everybody froze. "Did he just move an arm?" My daughter ask. Then all chaos broke loose. everybody screaming and running.

I ask. "What was all the noise about?" The wife got up to look out the window. "It looks like frosty is beating one of the Johnson boys with the broom handle." I ran the the window to see for myself. "Your right, it is one of the Johnson boys." "Is their anymore bacon left." I ask, as we set back down to finish breakfast.

The kids burst in the front door screaming. "Mommy, daddy, frosty is chasing everybody." "Ok." I said. "I'll take a look." Putting on my heavy coat, I stepped out side. It was snowing again.

Yep. frosty was halfway down the street at this point. the Johnson boy was laying face down in the yard. A little girl was in the flower bed with snow stained red all around her. I hope my wife did not see this, it was her favorite flower bed.

Shouting and a gun shot drew my attention down the street. Frosty was on his way back, and he was not alone. Other frosty's had joined him from neighboring yards.

Joyce had came out to join me, to see what was happening. "OH NO!" she said when she saw the little girl. I reached out steady her. "That was my best rose bed."

As the frosty's moved by the house, my neighbor came running over. Babbling about not being able to stop them. Out of nowhere, we were shoved to the side as my kids ran passed us and into the street.

I looked at me wife with a puzzled look. She smiled. "They thought they were missing out on something." So I told them, "It would be ok if they wanted to do the [run with the frosty thing.]. "Makes sense." I said.

After a few over turned cars and more bodies in the street. The frosty's had picked up two more snowmen and made the turn into town.

The phone rang again as soon as it was hung up. "Police station." the officer in dispatch answered. "Yes ma'am, we have sent out patrols, just keep your doors locked, ok ma'am your welcome." He said. "Chief, that's the 20th call about rampaging snowmen in the last fifteen minutes."

Before the chief could respond an alarm went off in the town square. "It's them sir." the officer said." "The've broken in to the hardware store." "What are they doing?" The chief ask. "Looks like they are arming their selfs with broom handles." Was the reply. "We'll see about that">. as the chief came out from around his desk, and grabbed his coat.

It was snowing heavily as thy entered the square. several on the shop owners had formed a armed group. "We'erwith you chief."

Sounds of breaking glass could be heard as other frosty left their display windows to join the others.

Out of the falling snow came large van. Sliding out of control. as it tried to stop, just missing the chief and his posse, before hitting the chiefs new patrol car.

A woman and a man carrying a large camera on soldier jumper out. "Who are you?" Ask the chief.

"Betty Bee, reporter form WBIG news, channel 101." she said. "Chief, you're on live, can you tell our viewers what your plans are to get control of the situation?"

The chief put on his best face. "Yes. I plan to talk to them and try to resolve this."

"Chief." his officer said. The chief brushed him off. "you think our vieweers are in danger?" the reporter ask. "Chief, chief." The officer was tugging on his coat sleeve. "What is it man, can't you see I am doing important stuff here." The chief said. "Their regrouping and forming an offensive wedge.

Betty Bee was now in front of the camera. "Yes folks the chief is going over to confront the frosty." The camera man swung around to watch the chief. In the back ground Betty Bee was saying. "Remember viewers, this is big news brought to you by WBIG news."

The chief approached the front of the frosty line. then he hollered "STOP!!" The snowmen stopped. "Do you have a permit for this protest?" For a moment the frosty's stood there. Then they huddled up and started moving forward.

Joyce and I were watching the event unfold on live tv from WBIG news. As Betty Bee was taking into the camera there was a commotion in the back ground.

My said this was boring and that she was going up stairs. I said "Ok." turning back to the news. I felt a cold chill like the front door had opened. Shaking it off, I saw the news station was all static, with a (thechnical difficulties) notice scrolled across the screen. So I decided to go up stairs also.

As I was leaving the kitchen I noticed the carpet was wet, going up the steps. Not noing what was going on I slowly headed up the stairs.

The wetness continued across the landing to the bedroom door. While approaching the door, I could hear my wife making soft passionate sounds.

Busting through the door I saw her and frosty together, everything was wet.

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed, "Not on the new mattress, how are we going to dry it?"

Honey, honey." Joyce was was shaking me. 'Wake up, you're having a nightmare."

I began to come back to reality, reeking like a dummy.

"That's it." Joyce said. "No more egg nog, for you before bed."

December 28, 2023 00:43

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