
It was only by chance that I walked into the bar where I met her, it wasn't my scene at all. You see, I'm an Investment Banker. That day I had worked later than usual, the stock market had crashed and we were in a lot of trouble. It was already ten P.M. Of course, I got caught in the rain on my way home. With no umbrella and not a taxi in sight, I rushed toward the nearest thing that was open.

When I entered, it turned out to be a shabby, little place. However, I was stuck for a while and I couldn't deny that I needed a drink. I ordered a vodka martini on the rocks, just as the bartender served it to me, a man stood on stage and announced a young woman with the stage name Lullaby. At first, I didn't even bother to look up at her. That is, until I heard her voice, accompanied by the gentle chords she played on her guitar. With just a few notes I was drawn out of my own mind and captivated by the astounding artistry of this woman.

When I took a closer look, I noticed her profound beauty. Her hair was long, dark, and curly. Her eyes were the brightest green I had ever seen. She looked nearly perfect an every aspect, yet it was all secondary to her voice, that reached even the deepest crevasse of my soul.

It was at that moment I realized that I had to meet her. I had completely forgotten about finding a taxi and getting home. After the show, I approached her. "Excuse me, Miss? My name is Julius Spade. I just had to say that I loved your song, it reminds me of the music my mother used to play, she aspired to be a musician as well."

She smiled. "Well, thank you, Mr. Spade. My name is Lillian."

"Join me for a drink, won't you? I'd love the opportunity to acquaint myself with such an amazing artist."

"Sure, but only one."

We talked, and laughed, and soon I had lost track of time. When I realized how late it was almost two A.M. "Oh!" I exclaimed. "I have to get home. I have to be in the office in about three hours. Excuse me! Barkeep, can you call me a taxi? My phone died."

"Jeez, being an investment banker must be hard work. Let me give you a ride."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I don't mind."

With that, we headed towards her car. It wasn't until tonight that I even understood why people in NYC owned cars, so I never bothered to get one. During the drive, she mentioned that it was hard for her to see someone with a spirit like mine working a job like mine forever. So, I told her that my dream was to follow in my mothers footsteps as a musician, but I let it go because I wasn't sure I could make it. Lillian was applaud that I would let my dream die before I even tried. She asked. "Let me hear you sing."

I shook my head nervously, but she insisted. Eventually, I gave in, reminding her how long it had been since I sung in front of anyone. I sang, "Into the woods, into the depths, I follow you.

You give me breath.

Into the woods, into the depths, I beg of you, just give me rest.

I linger here, you linger here.

Can't move on, but I'm fresh out of tears, there's too many fears.

I won't linger here, you can't linger here.

The poison, the carbon, the hate, all those years.

It's time to move on, 'cause I hate living here.

Into the woods, into the depths, I followed you, but I ran out of breath.

Into the woods, into the depths, I beg of you, just give me rest."

It turned out that she loved it. I didn't think I was half-bad either, not to mention I came up with that song on the spot. Soon, we arrived at my home. Before I got out, Lillian said to me. "Julius, live your dream."

I chuckled a bit. "I'll see you at the top."

She nodded.

Since that night, I haven't seen her again. Though, I wish I could, I should thank her. It's thanks to her that I've been signed with this label and will be releasing my first album. Actually, it's thanks to her that I bothered to chase my dreams at all. That's why, to this day, I call music my "rainy day dream". It's a dream so great that even on the worst of days, just the thought of it will make you smile. Whatever that dream is for you, is what you should be investing your time in. You can take my word for it, investments used to be my life.

Three days later...

Knock, knock.

I called out. "Who is it?"

"Julius! Julius! I saw your interview! It's me, Lillian!"

I recognized her voice immediately, so I rushed to the door. It was true, Lillian was standing right before my eyes. I asked, "How did you find me?"

"It was the label. I opened a small indie label a while back and I guess your rep recognized the names Lullaby and Lillian after reading about it. So, he looked me up and released the interview to me a few days ago, along with this address. I read it and spent the next two days working up the courage to come over here."

"You were nervous," I asked, "Why?"

"Well, because ever since that night there's been something I've regretted not doing."

"That is?"

"This." She replied as she leaped into my arms and kissed me.

Elated, I offered to take her out so we could finish catching up over dinner. It was wonderful knowing we were both thriving, and that she had the same feelings I had all this time. After all these years, her and I could finally be together.

June 05, 2022 21:39

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21:39 Jun 15, 2022

Hi Maria! This was a really sweet story :) You did a great job setting them up, and the characters had great chemistry. I LOVE "Into the Woods", so the song was one of my favorite parts I do have a curious suggestion -- what if instead of her appearing at his apartment, he showed up to record a song, and she was at the same studio? Just a fun little idea Great job!


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Rabab Zaidi
00:22 Jun 12, 2022

Loved it.


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