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This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

Once there was an old house down a little lane way in a rural surbub of inner west area.and an old man lived there name voyage and caring for a frail woman Anne one a neighbour smelt a eerie smell of the old house something like not normal.so she called help with police and they arrived in several vehicles.sirens blasted along with freeway and into the lane way where the old house stood and inside voyage refused to let police in the house but they managed to walk in to investigate.and wondered why this old man had a hoard of old cupboard.around and old board s and bags of all sorts of junk .and then police found inside of a old cupboard a smell of kind of a deathly smell and couldn't open the cupboard as it had a padlock and after bickering with police that nothing danger in that cupboard just old clean items which are not in use and didn't know where to put them old chemical stuff

"Have you thought of the rubbish bin outside.the police inform voyage and gotten him to open the cupboard door and refusing by attempting to run out of the house one officer grabbing hold of voyage and hand cuff ING him for suspicious behaviour and the other police office managed to break the cupboard door and found the body of the old woman he,voyage was meant to be caring for

Well police drove voyage into the police station for questioning a cover up story an intruder over night came into the house took cash money laying around and murders the woman Anne

Well no evidence on this but voyage was let go and wasn't allowed though back to his house so he got put up to stay in a temporary hostel where he could be kept eye on while full investigation went ahead. As month went by and still no evidence or the intruder of the murders Anne and voyage was let go into his house and.which turned out to be clean ed out of all his old cupboard s and bags of rubbish. And warned no more of this behaviour as next he'll be sent to prison . someone had seen and heard a pistol shot months back at the old house and but police can't really say voyage shot the old frail woman Anne or was there really an intruder that time of the mystery murder. A Nd so many years later still a mystery but the old case went unsolved and forgotten .and voyage an.real old man by now had become a sudden recluse in his still old house no-one seen him outside in his garden through day and all his windows and doors were completely shut .then sudden he had only his bedroom light on with no sound and all neighbours went worried if voyage would still be in there alive .so authority called back and broken the front door down with a mallet to get in and have look around.and found the body of voyage decomposed on his bed and no sign as investigation went on about another intruder so police found a bottle of sleep tablets by his bed and presumed it was a suicide of voyage in the house .. perhaps he must had a mental issues .and wondered by police back to the nurded Anne. So if voyage found dead several years later on his bed with a hand full of sleep tablets. A d the woman murderedvbt a so called intruder and stashed into the cupboard .no intruder vtvst night was seen and came more investigation that no sign of a break in either and asthis time now voyage found on his bed with hand full of sleep tablets well even then no sign of a break in to have nurded voyage so now new evidence arrived as voyage and real name Vincent Lee had committed suicide after the murdering of his old frail patient Anne a letter an old letter had stated this which was supposed to go to his brother saying how he could not afford to kookyafter Anne so he killed her and hidden body in one of his cupboard s and he liked to hoard old cupboard s for no reason and later he feeling scared the police might figure out murders suspect was himself so nothing to do but take the over dose of his sleep tablets and this man voyage "Vincent Lee"had a history of paranormal mental illness and no-one even doctors kber as he ablebyo cover up his illness and refusing sometimes to see doctor s even with a slight Simonton of a cold and also into religion and so he prayed to his bible for any healing of illness. He himself was like his own doctor.and if asked for help he would be a better man and well as for the frail murdered woman Anne and the cause of voyage having to kill her is that she had been unwell for awhile with fibromyalgia.and had been in and out of hospital s but in the end why he had to kill her instead of letting her be put into a nurse care place well that part will remain a mystery but voyage anyway still had his reason and not wanting help for his mental health issues. He could have though instead of living as a so called bible preacher for his own health related to be heaked by power of God and so all neighbours around horrific of this all incident of the life of voyage Vincent Lee and how he turn to violence if murdering he'd best patient in the house.and who always seemed like a good innocent man to his where about of living in the old house with Anne when he took over being her carer and sudden gotten tired of caring for for her and just killed Anne .who once he and her head fill Ed a normal normal intimacy relationship until she had gotten slower unwell with fibromyalgia..

This hope is the end of this crucial unstable storybof an innocent neighbour turned bad

September 29, 2023 20:24

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Mary Bendickson
21:44 Oct 11, 2023

Are you new to the English language? Much help is needed in spelling and sentence form. Thanks for liking my 'Gift'.


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