Inspirational Sad Contemporary

One slow moving afternoon, Maren sat before her mirror. Her easel stood staunchly by her side, blank canvas awaiting her touch. The room was filled with the smell of oil paint, a heady aroma that was part inspiration, part challenge. The sun made patterns on the wooden floor, casting a warm, reassuring glow around the room. The gentle rustling of the trees outside filtered through the open window, the only sound in an otherwise quiet sanctuary. A woman with a raw talent and a mind’s eye capable of envisioning worlds within worlds, Maren found painting the finest way to express her innermost feelings. Her latest project was her most challenging yet: a self-portrait. One intended to capture not just her physical appearance, but also her ego, the essence of who she was.

The steadiness of her breath matched the sweep of her brush, dancing lightly on the canvas. Her strokes confident, the product of countless hours dedicated to mastering her grip alone. She captured her physical features with relative ease - the curl of her hair, the conclave of her dimples, the softness of her mouth. She examined every line on her face, every crease that told a story. In the mirror, her eyes were a radiant blue, a color as vast and unpredictable as the sea. They held a sparkle, a certain vibrancy that she struggled to capture. They were the windows to her soul, the keepers of her ego, and the witness of her consciousness.

Her brush weaved back and forth, strokes of azure and cobalt blending together. As shapes took form, the life, the ego she sought to portray, eluded her. The sun began to set, bathing the room in a soft, orange glow. Her reflection looked back at her, incomplete, void of the spirit she was seeking to encapsulate. The flow of her craft began to melt away as the world returned around her – dusk signaled the rest of her brush.

Days turned into weeks. Maren hovered in front of the mirror, studying her reflection, trying to understand what she was missing. Maren found herself at the threshold of her memories, a palpable tension in the air as she revisited the labyrinthine of her life in recent years. The room, once bathed in the golden hues of daylight, now shrouded in shadows, echoed with the haunting symphony of her desperation to heal. As her fingertips grazed the familiar wooden ends of her brush, each tactile connection triggered a flood of emotions, an intricate dance between recollection and the harsh reality.

The journey into darkness had commenced abruptly, a sudden eclipse that plunged her into an abyss of uncertainty. The world she once knew became an intricate puzzle of sound, touch, and scent. As Maren traversed the landscapes of her own history, she could not escape the vivid flashes of color and light that haunted her memory – a cruel reminder of what once was.

The first year after losing the greater part of her sight had been a battleground - a relentless struggle to adapt to a life without the clarity of vision. Simple tasks became arduous challenges, and the once familiar terrain morphed into a daunting obstacle course. Maren recalled the profound sense of helplessness that wrapped around her like a suffocating shroud. The independence she once took for granted was now a distant dream, slipping through her fingers like fine sand.

The echoes of her vulnerability reverberated through the corridors of her mind as she relived the moments of despair. The world, once expansive and inviting, became a daunting expanse filled with unseen hazards. Every step was a leap of faith, every decision a gamble with the unknown. Maren grappled with the anguish of relying on others, a stark departure from the self-sufficiency that defined her before.

The strains on her relationships became apparent, the bonds tested by the weight of her newfound limitations. Friends and family became her guides, their voices serving as lifelines in the vast sea of silence that surrounded her. Maren felt the strain of dependency, an intricate dance between gratitude and the undeniable yearning for autonomy. The emotional toll of accepting help, even from those closest to her, gnawed at the core of her identity.

Yet, amidst the dark tapestry of challenges, Maren glipsed the resilience blooming like a fragile blossom in the harshest of winters. She had learned to navigate the world with a renewed sense of purpose, honing her other senses to compensate for the one she lost. The whispers of wind, the rustle of leaves, the subtle fragrances that painted the air – each sensation became a mosaic piece, gradually forming a picture of the world she now inhabited. The clarity of her mind’s eye gradually expanded. Maren found herself compelled to pick up a brush and paint her visions, delicately and intentional.

As Maren retraced the steps of her arduous journey, she marveled at the strength she had summoned from the depths of despair. The helplessness that once threatened to consume her transformed into a source of empowerment. Her vulnerability was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Standing at the intersection of past and present, Maren embraced the complexity of her narrative. The scars of loss and the triumphs of adaptation wove together into a rich tapestry, a testament to the indomitable force that propelled her forward. The room, once shrouded in shadows, now felt illuminated by the glow of acceptance and the unwavering determination to forge ahead, a beacon in the darkness she had learned to navigate with newfound grace.

Returning again to her search for a sense of self below the surface, the outdoor air was almost electric as storms creeped in over another day in front of the mirror. In the quietness of her studio, a seed of insight dawned, rolling over slowly in her mind. Perhaps the ego is not a static entity to be captured in a single frame. Rather, a fluid, ever-changing reflection of the given present. She cradled the perceptions of her personhood- her resilience, her compassion, her passion.

Maren picked up her brush again as the rain fell heavy over the house. She layered herself on the canvas - the fiery red of determination, the serene green of peace, the deep blue of introspection. Each stroke was a piece of her, each color a fragment of her inner being. A being she realized would never be whole so as long as she refused to paint the dismal moments hanging between the sensationalized seasons behind her. Dusk again called her down from her state of flow. She retired to her evening without a second glance over her canvas.

Days passed before she stepped back to take in her work. As she closed the distance between herself and the canvas, Maren’s reflection stared back at her, vivid and alive. Her eyes, once void of life, now sparkled infinitely, reflecting the tapestry of her unseen distinctions. Vibrant colors danced together, each stroke telling a story of personal evolution. Imperfections were no longer flaws, but rather beautiful marks of a life rooted deeply in fortitude. The lines on her face spoke of laughter, of tears, of determination. The reflection in the mirror had transformed into a masterpiece that embodied her whole, true essence.

There captured, in a portrait of vulnerability, a harmony of paint strokes navigating the convoluted corridors of her mind. The sensation of brilliant paint strokes on her fingertips, and the physical closeness she required to make out the shapes as they unraveled struck her deeply and permeated across her body. The unseen now revealed, Maren’s vision of herself shifted within the cocoon of her ego, now lose fitting and gentle. It was a profound moment of reunion with the pureness of her being, now captured by and within a state of grace.

November 20, 2023 03:32

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Chrissy Cook
02:54 Nov 27, 2023

I find it interesting that you chose to focus so much on the visual when writing about a character that is (I think?) visually impaired; I would have expected more of an emphasis on the other senses, but Maren still seems intent on seeing, whether that be literal or in her own way. Was that a deliberate choice on your part? I'd love to hear more about the story behind the story, so to speak. :)


Kasie Gilbert
21:04 Nov 27, 2023

I'm stoked Maren's story stirred your curiosity! My motivation was to create a character who found a way to access their "mind's eye", or otherwise explore their inner world, in order to create a self portrait. The journey of self discovery covers all of our highs and lows, each one giving us the choice to learn or linger. Maren's portrait is more than skin deep - its a portrait of who she is now and becoming, having embraced her trials and vision loss. I tried to leave the finished painting up to the reader's imagination and create a chance...


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