Drama Sad Romance

She steeled herself as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Dark brown eyes that could pierce through an angel's soul stared back at her. She smoothed down her dress with her hands making sure it was airtight on her body. It was an immaculate black Jean Paul Gautier dress. No one would miss her hour glass silhouette or her glowing skin visible through the slit that nearly went all the way up to her bottom. She topped it all off with an emerald necklace encrusted with diamonds fit for royalty and a pair of green 6 inch Jimmy Choo stilettos to match. Indeed she did feel like royalty. All those years of hard work in the dumpster were going to pay off and she wanted the whole world to see. Satisfied with her exotic appearance  she strode out of the powder room. Standing a head taller than the average female she was a fearful and wonderous sight to behold. She carried herself with a seemingly humble, quiet grace, yet she ensured her powerful presence would be felt by all that laid eyes on her. This was the woman Charlene had groomed herself into. Today was her moment of glory, her time to shine her time to show the whole world that indeed she was a winner. 

The occasion in itself had nothing to do with her in particular but she felt entitled to her son's credit. Michael was her world the one and only human that she felt she truly loved on this planet. Tonight he would officially become the youngest board member of the biggest mining company in the country, Quantum drilling. It was the second largest mining company on the continent too. She was brimming with joy and couldn't wait to see the look on her ex-husbands face. She wanted him to choke on regret for failing to be a husband and a father to their son. Charlene had done it all by herself and took pride in it.  Perhaps a bit too much, but who cares, she had raised a boy and turned him into a man. All by herself. 

She never allowed herself to forget that fateful night when,Joe, the man she adored and loved so much turned his back on her. The coldness and fury in his eyes as he dragged her by the hair calling her a desperate wanton trying to destroy his marriage when she had made an unannounced visit to his house. The way he embraced his heavily pregnant wife whom she had no clue about. She was chased away like a stray dog trying to find food in a trash can. Powerless, she lay there in the dirt in front of the house she thought would be their home together. She had come to tell her lover that she was pregnant with his child.  He had been absent soon as the signs had begun to show, she learned the hard way why he behaved in such a manner. Having been used and cast aside like the peels of a potato she vowed never to let a man into her heart. 

Yet, she still stalked him. She followed him on all social media platforms. She kept tabs on all his children and his marriage. It was a drug she couldn't let go of. Her obsession with Joe, the man she dreamed of spending her life with. The man who was supposed to protect her and fend for her as well as their son. How could he do such a thing? 

She was young and in love. So full of joy and optimism, her smile instantly melted people's hearts and made them feel like they were in an open field picking daisies and drinking milk from a stream that trickled down from the clouds. Such was the radiant joy that she possessed despite the horrors of living with her uncle which Joe had rescued her from.

Charlene had always been strong willed and independent because she had to in order to survive. Life was rough in the village she grew up in, she ate last at the dinner table and often ate scraps and had to make do with meat left behind or left overs that had been dropped on the floor. Her uncle, a ruthless brute took every opportunity to harass her. He beat her for small things like a kitchen cabinet door being left open even if she did not do it. 

Just when all hope was lost, there he was as she walked to the river to draw water. Smoking away like a chimney without a care in the world. 

She hated smokers, what a repulsive habit it was. However, she was drawn to this man who proudly exhibited what she considered bad behaviour. He wasn't even her type either. 

His shirt was only buttoned half way revealing a hairy chest that gave her insight on the structure of his rib cage. Scrawny and of diminutive height she could not understand what drew her to him so much. Perhaps it was the fact that he smoked. Or maybe was it his kindness? 

She brushed off her reminisicent line of thought as she entered an elaborate well illuminated hall decorated with gold and white linen. Quantum drilling's colors, the chandeliers dangled above their heads like a cluster of crystals intricately woven together by a spider of noble birth. She knew Joe would be there, he was a regional manager in the same company. All her painstaking efforts to get her son this far just to spite Joe were finally going to pay off. He would regret leaving her and choosing that despicable woman over her. He would see that she was the best for him and no one else. She would also make sure Michael fired him with no gratuity or benefits. She was going to make him suffer. 

Charlene took her seat right in front the stage where all honours were being awarded. She spoke to no one despite being fully aware that all eyes were on her only a courteous nod here or there. Her son would be called to the podium to make a speech at his induction. I wonder what he will say about me she thought excitedly to herself, perhaps he will call me to the front and show me off to the rest of the world as he should rightfully do. 

The atmosphere of the room was suddenly interrupted by  shrill screams coming from the room upstairs. What could cause someone to scream so loud so as to disturb a hall full of senior Executives and board members from the top corporations in Africa she wondered. To her dismay, an urgent announcement was made by the host who was sweating profusely with bulging eyes. "Ladies and gentlemen -," he gasped. "Our incumbent board member has just hanged himself."

An eerie silence descended upon the hall. 

Michael had given up in the last minute. Weighed down by burdens that were not his own fueled by an old grudge he knew nothing of. At least he had seen it to the last minute but he would not commit to a lifestyle he did not treasure. 

December 04, 2020 05:16

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