Just Crocheted or Knitted Yarn.......Right?

Submitted into Contest #269 in response to: Write a story about an object that changed everything for a character.... view prompt


Christian Crime Drama

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Just Crocheted or Knitted Yarn…….Right? ~ September 20, 2024

#268 ~ Reedsy Prompts ~ Entered into both…….

“A story about an object that changed everything for a character.”

“A story about an ordinary object that becomes magical (either literally or figuratively).”

Inspired by a true story!

One early but cold morning in March of 2010 while living in southern Saskatchewan, I received a call from Susie, a long-time family friend. It only took a few words from her to know that something was drastically wrong, some kind of emergency. She was very distressed about something that just happened. It took her a bit to explain all the events that had gone on in the previous day, that had escalated to the current upsetting result of this situation.

Within 48 hours of happening, it became national news. I sent a verbal message with Susie to pass onto Ruth, her sister, with our condolences and prayers for her and her three children left in the wake of this regrettable happenstance.

This unforeseen tragic situation happened across the country from me, in Wawanosh, Ontario, which unfortunately, due to my family’s current circumstances at the time, we were not unable to drive or get back to that area to be of any kind of in~person support. Jake and I felt badly but there was nothing that either of us could do, except pray also having other prayer warriors we knew join with us in prayer for Ruth, the children and everyone else involved or connected. Just like it says in the biblical text from Matthew 18:20 ~ “For where two or three are gathered in my name I am there among them” (NRSV).

As the news started being shared across Canada, it initially reminded us all of the dangers our many dedicated police officers at any level experience every day “In the Line of Duty”.  Once that uniform is on, they are focused on “serving and protecting”, one just never knows what exactly the day will bring, no matter who you are.

Susie explained initially over the phone the best she could through her own shock and emotions. Officers from northern to southern Ontario were informed and keeping an eye out for a particular truck and individual that was headed to the Wawanosh area that was a potential threat towards some of this male individual’s family members. Ruth’s husband, Constable Gram was first to happen upon this vehicle and pulled it over. While Constable Gram did cautiously come up along beside the vehicle, the male individual fired his weapon towards the Constable. As a result, return fire happened, and the situation had gotten drastically worse and messy. This ended up sending both Constable Gram and this male individual to a larger city hospital a few hours away with serious injuries. Susie said she would keep us informed, as she received updates.

I couldn’t imagine being Ruth or part of the family receiving this news, it all seemed very surreal. I know that this family had been aware that this is a very real possibility of happening at any time. They hoped and prayed that it never actually ever happened but here we all were. My mind was spinning! We weren’t even that close. We knew them both well enough though to know they were very in-love with each other and family was a high priority. Constable Gram was a kind, dedicated and focused man in everything he did. He loved his family deeply and was involved in every aspect of their children’s lives. He was a community minded fellow that knew the value of volunteering and enjoyed it.

Susie called back a few times over the next couple days with updates that added to what seemed like an emotional roller coaster, which must have been very hard to deal with.

Ruth and the children did make it to the hospital to spend some time with their husband and dad. Constable Gram and his family were able to have their painful and intimate farewells before he slipped away. The next few days and weeks were a journey they had never planned or wanted to walk. There was a lot of family, friends, locals and the police brotherhood for support.

Eventually news was released that the lone male individual had passed away too. This added some other difficulties in a variety of ways but amongst them, now another family was grieving too.

 I still sooo badly wanted to be there in-person to help or do something but couldn’t. There HAD~TO~BE something I could do besides just praying, connecting with Susie and watching the newsclips of this tragic incident near Wawanosh, a town near my hometown…….. But what? What was IT, that I could do? That thought mulled, mixed and rolled around in and through my mind for a day or two. I found myself tossing and turning at night because I SOOO badly wanted to do something. Middle of the Thursday night, after Susie’s initial call, I sat bolt up in bed.  It seemed almost magical, I experienced a sudden peacefulness that could only come from our heavenly Father, God. I knew at that moment that “everything was going to be alright and work out”, I laid back down, rolled over, went directly to sleep, then had the best sleep in my most recent days.

The next few days went very quickly. Our family attended church that Sunday as usual. Everything seemed normal until Pastor Morty invited a friend named Susan to the front to share something that had been on her mind and heart. She shared that she was a knitter, also a crocheter and how both these skills can be used in ways for blessing others. Susan also shared that she had had cancer twice. Both times someone had given her a handmade “Prayer Shawl”. She told those in attendance that she took her prayer shawls with her to each of her treatments and anywhere she went. The shawls were of great comfort, peace and helped her with the long days being alone during treatment. Almost like magic but NOT ~ more of a supernatural touch of God’s hand ~ kind of like in the biblical account of Matt 9:21 with how the woman that bled for years was healed by touching Jesus’ cloak OR in Acts 19:11-12 when God did extraordinary miracles through Paul as he sent out handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him and they were taken to the sick and the illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them. As Susan continued to share, she said that she had made and prayed over some “Prayer Shawls” as well as for the potential recipient as she made them, trusting God’s guidance and allowing other prayer warriors to pray over them as well. She showed us a few she had available. Eventually Susan would deliver them to recipients when their names or situations had crossed her path. As Susan wrapped up sharing her heart for this ministry, she said that it was Thursday night that this was laid on her heart to share on that particular Sunday morning, how interesting! She referenced one more Bible verse from Psalm 139:13-16 that tells how “God created our innermost being; knitting us together in our mother’s womb”, meaning he knows every fibre of us and what we need. So, he will and would send someone our way with the gift of knitting, crocheting and prayer to pass on hope and healing; to some may seem magical but it is supernatural love being extended.  

The following poem was attached to each of the completed shawl, written by Susan herself ~


Wrap yourself in bless ’ed warmth

And envelop your soul with pure, true love.

Soon you’ll feel Jesus’ arms embracing you

From the heavens high above.

His glorious healing process radiates from every stitch,

And each has been knit with the love and a prayer.

Jesus is waiting to help you ~ just ask him,

Then His spirit will touch you, and somehow, you’ll know He’s there.

Now rise out of the darkness and painful deep despair,

Release your burdens and set them free,

Open your troubled heart and let Jesus in,

And He will fill you with peace and serenity.

Wrap yourself often in this shawl that’s been heaven blessed.

What a wonderful way to spend the day!

Cradled in softness, warmth and love…

Know you’re not alone, and many prayers are being said for you today!

Written by Susan Auer Adderley

I was dumbfounded! I shouldn’t have been, but I was! I knew God had a plan for a few days and just had to trust Him to reveal it & there it was!! That was what I could do to pass on the tidbit of love, support, and prayer that I felt so strongly, that I needed to do for Ruth! I had been crocheting since about twelve years old.  God was using a skill I already had. Although briefly, I wasn’t sooo sure yet on my ability. Would the finished shawl be good enough? Would I choose the right colours or kind of yarn? I quickly realized I needed to breathe, pray, relax and trust His plan. I also then remembered that I had a huge unused ball of navy-blue yarn, as well as some white, grey and black which would be perfect……. Over the next week, I completed the shawl, praying for peace, comfort, healing, rest, or whatever was needed then sent it out to be received by Ruth and the children.

Jake & I felt it important to find a way to watch the funeral. So grateful for technology these days. Dee, a friend in Coalfields, Saskatchewan where my family and I were living, was happy to help and share her TV and her DVR.

 Arrangements for Constable Grams farewell was made carefully and lovingly then followed through with as the largest funeral in Wawanosh’s history came together. This community of approximately 3000 filled its arena and parking lot, not just with the family and friends but with locals, TV cameras, and thousands of police officers from all over who were attending to pay their final respects. During this farewell in Constable Gram’s honour, Ruth made her first public comments about the loss of her husband and the father of her children. All in attendance looked on and listened intently as she described him as “brave and amazing” the most hands-on dad to their children she had ever seen – taking them hunting, fishing or playing hockey. She also referred to the male individual, saying “God forgives all and hoped that others would offer their forgiveness as well.” The children each paid an emotional tribute to their dad as well. The family’s faith shone through the service, sharing and showing how it would help them to cope with their loss and the long journey in front of them. As the funeral recession began leaving the packed arena, a camera shot of a quote from Ruth was shared from the funeral program “That morning started like any other day for us, full of life and promise. Constable Gram was the love of our life. Little did we know that our last goodbye was our final goodbye, forever.” With tears streaming down my face, I watched all the TV cameras as they recorded the procession from the arena, through the parking lot, passing the saluting police lined streets of Wawanosh, continuing on to the opposite end of town to the cemetery, as they continued past many locals on Constable Gram’s last ride to his final resting place.

That was one of the most sobering things I’ve ever watched on TV.

I did not expect anything in return from Ruth. I knew that she had a lot on her plate. I sent the shawl in such a way that Canada Post told me that the package was delivered. I did eventually receive a lovely letter of gratitude for the gift.

Since the unfortunate events of March 2010, which lead me to making my first “Prayer Shawl” trusting His guidance in colour, size and pattern, there have been many “Prayer Shawls” sent or delivered across North America, Mexico, Philippines, and to South Africa as well. There have been some happy, sad and amazing stories that have been shared because of these “Prayer Shawls” Susan and I worked together as “Yahweh’s Yarn” for many years sharing the magic of our faith and prayers of God goodness!!

It's just crocheted or knitted yarn! ……. YA……. RIGHT!!

September 27, 2024 14:48

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