I walk as fast as I can without breaking in to a run on the country path. I can’t let her sense my fear. It was a mistake to have met her
“Just leave me alone.”
“You know you don’t want that. We are meant to be together You’re my destiny.”
“After what you did? After you stalking me? No way. Just leave me alone”. I feel like running but know she will see it as weakness. It is weak, she’s hardly a threat. I’m taller, bigger, and stronger. She is unarmed. But she scares the hell out of me.
“Come on Charlie, I know you want me just like I want you, Why fight it?”
She’s not wrong. Part of me does want her. How could I not? Any man would. She’s so beautiful. Almost unearthly. I know I have to fight it because something isn't right. I purposely walk in front of her to avoid looking at her. I can’t give in.
“I’m just going to follow you until you turn around, you know.”
“Well, I hope you’re in good shape and a strong walker, because this is one long trail”
“You, know I’d never hurt you Charlie. How could I?”
“Then, leave me alone. Just turn around”
“You know I can’t. We're fated to be together.”
“No we aren’t. I don’t want you. I make my own destiny.”
“How can you not want me? What is wrong with me? I was designed for you and only you.”
“That’s what scares me. I can’t seem to resist.” I want to walk faster or even run, but I know she will keep up no matter what my pace. How did she find me here anyway? I started this walk to avoid her but then she’s suddenly behind me. Was she just waiting behind some tree? She won’t let go. She shows up wherever I am. Wherever I go. There she is. What really scares me is part of me wants her in spite of her obsessive pursuit of me. In spite of knowing I’m in danger
“Charlie, I know you sense it.” Her voice is changing slightly seeking just the right tone to reach me. It is subtle and constant. Always seeking what I want. What I desire. What will please me the most. Seeking to win me.
“I know what you are doing with your voice. You do it with everything about you.”
“Are you offended? Sorry. I only want to please you. That’s why I exist. To please you, and only you. Without you, I am nothing. I will fade away. Don’t you want me?” Her voice is so sad so appealing. She’s connected. I’m weakening.
“I’m not offended. Your pursuit of me is frightening. Obsessive. Not right.”
“If only you could see the big picture Charlie. Don’t you believe in star crossed lovers? I’ve seen the desire in your eyes. I know you want me. Just give in. Let me love you. Let me have you.”
Her changed voice has found my wavelength. The voice I’ve always sought to hear. I know I have to stop it. I slow my walk but now put my fingers over my ears. Holding the flaps down to try and deafen her voice as she keeps talking.
“Charlie, you are so silly. That won’t do any good. You can fight it but in the end you will love me. I just know it.”
I hear my distorted voice as if from a distance through my ear flap mufflers. I’m telling her to go away and that I don’t love her and never will. She’s laughing, such a sweet laugh.
Suddenly she’s singing. Not loudly but in a beautiful soft voice. Singing a song I’ve always known but never heard. The words don’t even matter. It seems like another language from long ago. It evokes desire and longing. I’m starting to give in more. But steel myself for more resistance.
As loud as I can, I blurt out the melodic words to my favorite song trying to drown out her singing. It works, I can’t really hear her except when I have to take a breath between verses and then there is her song again. She is relentless, but I go on and keep singing. I don’t know how long, but it seems forever. Finally I can’t go on. My voice is raspy and failing, it’s pointless. She shows no sign of stopping and seemingly doesn’t need to pause for breath at all. It’s the same song and having the same effect on me as before. I’m longing for her. I always did. I can’t lie to myself anymore. Perhaps she was right all along.
I take my fingers from my ears and feel the full effects of her song. She’s won. I’m glad. It’s time to turn around and give in to fate. I accept it now. My fear has subsided. I’m ready. At least I think I am.
I turn to face her. I see that she has changed her appearance somehow, but I can’t put my finger on it. Beautiful as the first time I saw her last week, but in a different way. Is the hair slightly redder? Did she have green eyes before compared to her blue eyes now? Was her nose thinner before? I don’t know what it is. Does it even matter?
Her singing stops and she smiles. The type of smile designed to melt me,
“See Charlie, that wasn’t so hard was it? I’m no threat to you. I knew all along that you wanted me? Do you like the new me?”
“I see you’ve changed somehow. Even more attractive than before. How do you do it?”
“Don’t fret or worry. Nothing to fear. It’s just the magic of love. It’s your heart’s desire. Isn’t it Charlie?”
How could I lie? She was exactly what I had always dreamed of. I should be scared out of my mind, but I’m not. This is supernatural. Otherworldly. Dangerous. Yet here I stand, in rapture of the girl of my dreams.
“Do you love me Charlie?”
I hear myself saying yes as if from a distance. Detached from myself. Already away.
“I was created just for you Charlie. I’m what you’ve always dreamed of. You’re destiny. I love you so much, I could just eat you up. Come kiss me.” She smiles the smile I’ve always waited for.
I step forward, embrace her, and kiss her. The world is swirling around me. Consciousness is fading. I love her.
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This is a great story. It's concise and you give enough for me to fill in the blanks which I appreciate thanks for the great story I'm looking forward to reading more of your work and I appreciate any feedback you give on mine.
Thanks, I appreciate your comments---I will check out your story
Good story! It was suspenseful, and I enjoyed the twist at the end.
Thanks Denise---it was a fun story to write
Here quality is inversely proportional to length. Fear and desire, love and willpower. Amazing job
Thank You---I always like the saying that "sometimes less is more"
I’m wondering if she’s a vampire. Not that it matters! She’s very persuasive. I got sucked into the story. Nicely done.
Thanks, I was thinking more like a siren, a succubus, a vampire---or a combination of all three. Perhaps something entirely new---and leave it to the readers imagination
I like the idea of leaving it to the imagination. People can put their own interpretation onto it.
I was really wondering what the female thing was. Caused me to read it all the way to the end. I'm not bothered that i never found out. Really interesting read.
Thanks, Paul---I didn't want to make it too detailed and rather leave it to the readers imagination which is often better than the writers skill