Fantasy Middle School Suspense

 “Artemis? Ye ready to go?” Shannon hollered in her country drawl.

“Let’s go, kid. We’re always wait’n for ye.” said fourteen teen-year-old Connor.

“Just meet us at the market, love,” Shannon gathered the baskets. She handed one to her son as they exited the cottage. “Mind ye attitude, please. The girl needs to settle. This is a big change for her. How d’you feel if me and your pap had died.”

“I wouldn’t be rude to ye. Bad-tempered she is too.” Connor groaned.

“Artemis is just a babe compared to you, now isn’t she? All I ask is that ya try to be nice and be a big brother to the lass. Wees all she’s got now.” After they walked a short way, Artemis caught up. She was silently fuming.

I wish they’d leave me alone. Artemis missed her parents dearly. At least she was comfortable at her home in the city. Her parents had loved and accepted her for the way she was, even if she was stubborn. She had never appreciated how patient and calm her parents always were until now. Her 11th birthday was the day after the accident. There was no celebration. Now she had to live with these loud strangers, far away from the city.

The thing she hated most about living with this family was “market day,” a weekly local farmer’s market where the family shopped. Artemis felt ill with crowds were of people, scents, and lots of yelling. All she wanted was to be left alone in peace. She reluctantly put her red jacket on. Tears came to her eyes. It had been an early birthday gift from her mother. Hugging herself, she stepped through the cabin doorway. She saw Shannon and her son up ahead.

As soon as the trio arrived at the market, Artemis’s nerves were jangling. “I can’t be here. It’s making me crazy!” Her breath came in short bursts. She covered her ears.

“It’ll be quick with the three of us shoppin’ love. Hang on and we’ll be on our way home before ye know it. You stay with me, and Connor will go off on his own.” Shannon tried to put a reassuring hand on the girl’s shoulder, but she pulled away. She really looked miserable. Shannon was haggling with a meat seller. “I want the good stuff I tell ye! Don’t be foolin’ with me today.” She grew louder and the merchant across wasn’t having it with her today with the haggling.

Artemis was over her limit. Her head was buzzing like a swarm of bees. Sweat was pouring down her face. While Shannon was arguing, she ran, just trying to flee her own buzzing mind. She needed an escape; she needed a quiet place. Up ahead was the forest towering over her, blanketed in a thick green hue. Slowing down, she walked through the massive trees. She took her surroundings in while catching her breath. She felt really relaxed. “I’ve never felt this good.” Exploring, she breathed in the scent of pine, leaf mold, earth, and sunshine. “I wish I could live here. Why do I feel like this?” Once she was far enough that all she could see were trees, she found an enormous boulder. Climbing up, the view was beautiful. Sunshine dappled her long brown hair as she lay looking up at the blue sky through the branches and leaves. The sun warmed her face as her big brown eyes closed and sleep took her.

A rustling noise woke Artemis. She sat up quickly and looked around. “Hello…?” Nothing. Slowly, keeping as quiet as possible, she rose to her feet. Creeping to the steep side of the boulder, she carefully peered over the edge. A large black animal slowly approached the base. She crouched down and watched. She heard low deep growling, then a whimper. Something felt tight in her chest, and her heart raced. She could feel something was wrong. Oh no, is there another animal down there? A deep, gravelly voice startled her. “Come out, little one. I promise not to eat you.” She blinked and looked around, but to her surprise, there were no other people around. “Come out, come out little one, just one little taste is all.” Artemis felt sick, and the hair on her arms stood up at the sound of the menacing voice.

Suddenly, Artemis felt a gentle pat on her leg and nearly jumped. She looked down and was quickly hushed with a little black and white paw to her lips. “Sh-sh… I’m sorry for scaring you miss, but we need your help,” said the badger. “Please, follow me, quietly… "

Artemis stared at the odd beady-eyed creature. She was wide-eyed for a long minute, then slowly nodded. She followed quietly until they had climbed to the bottom of the bolder away from the large black creature that was still worrying Artemis. Gathered in a circle were many small woodland animals.

When Artemis’s feet hit the ground, she turned o the badger. “I-I’m sorry you can speak?”

“It’s not that we speak, you just understand us. A very rare gift, dear.” A soft grey squirrel chirped.

“Please, we don’t have time for that now.” The badger stepped forward and turned to Artemis. “Our dear Ida may be in genuine danger, we need to make a plan or we may truly lose her.”

“Please help us, Protector!” A small speckled white and brown mouse squeaked, jumping up and down, “You’re the only one who can stop the wolf!”

“A-a wolf?” Artemis could still hear the growling behind the boulder. Her chest tightened again. So that thing was a wolf. A chill ran through Artemis thinking of the deadly creature. “But I can’t do anything against a wolf? I’m just a little girl, I’ll be useless against that thing!” All the animals stared at her, many of their gazes falling to the ground, saddened. Artemis felt a slight tug at her leg again and looked down.

The badger looked up at her with great big black eyes. “Please, you are the only one who can rescue Ida. You can feel her fear, can’t you?” Artemis’s heart was still pounding in her chest despite being safe. Was she feeling Ida’s fear? Artemis grasped her chest, focusing on the feeling for a long moment, then she nodded.

“Artemis, you need to distract the wolf. If you can do that, then the smaller of us will get Ida to safety,” said the Badger.

A mole dug itself into the ground, “This tiny girl? The wolf will eat her.”

A small striped ferret scurried back and forth, “Even she said she was no match for the wolf! He will eat both of them!”

Artemis looked down, gripping her red jacket, “What about my coat? It’s bright and red, like blood. Maybe that would distract him enough?”

The badger looked back up at her, eyes bright, “Yes! That might work. If you can then run him in circles, we’ll do the rest. We’ll do this together. We believe in you, great Protector.

“W-what? Protector? Me? I can’t protect anything…” Just then a small scream cried out and Artemis’s chest tightened even more. Without thinking, she ran around the boulder. The large black wolf was blocking the small cave at the other side of the alcove. Artemis could finally see inside. The wolf had cornered a tiny white rabbit, no bigger than the size of her palm. It was Ida, but she had hidden inside the small cave-like recess, making it challenging for the wolf to get to his meal, but not forever.

“Hey, big bad wolf, I would make a bigger meal!” Artemis yelled and waved her arms, covered in the crimson red of her jacket. This is crazy! What am I doing? As soon as the wolf turned its head, growling and salivating, she bolted. Weaving between trees to slow him down, she somehow felt like she could keep running for miles. How can I feel like this? How can I run this fast? A small bundle of black and white was running beside her, “Protector! We saved Ida! Excellent work!” He called to her as they ran through the trees, “The wolf won’t stop though, hunger drives him. You must dig deep into yourself and transform into your true self now and face him!”

“What? That’s nuts I can’t transform! If I stop, that wolf is going to tear me apart!”

“The power is in your blood Protector! You must calm your mind and focus on your inner animal!”

“That’s impossible!” Yet even as Artemis said it, she had a feeling deep inside that it was true. Resigned, she asked, “What do I do?”

“Breathe and imagine yourself as your true animal self. Something with wings or claws, speedy legs, horns, or something very big.”

Artemis could feel her mind, her body, remembering something deep and primal, as she grew taller and taller.

“Look at your feet!” The badger shouted, “You’re doing it!”

“My feet—my paws, huge paws!” Artemis watched her entire body transform before her eyes while running. Her hands grew thick fur and her fingernails turned sharp and black. Her face grew big and long and brown. The next thing she said was, “Grrrr…,” in a big loud throaty roar! That was me! She turned to face the wolf. It looked small to her now. It bowed low with its hackles up, ears back, ready to attack. Artemis was a great grizzly bear, and she was ready. As the wolf leaped, she moved in and swept with her massive claws. She caught the wolf in its side, leaving long red claw marks. The wolf attacked again, teeth bared and snarling. Just before its sharp fangs could tear into her leg, Artemis picked the wolf up with her great maw and threw it! It smashed into a tree and crumpled to the ground. Red blood glistened from its wounds, soaking the leaves. Defeated, it limped away as Artemis unleashed a deafening roar that echoed through the forest.

The animals cheered and surrounded Artemis. One minute she was towering above all the creatures, the next she was back to normal. Looking at herself, patting her arms and legs, she asked, “My clothes are fine. How?”

The badger shook his head. “That’s all you have to say?”

“Ah… no. That was amazing, but what am I?” She kept running her hands over her body in disbelief. On her shoulder was a leftover coarse brown hair. Admiring it, she tucked it in her pocket.

The group of animals and Artemis gathered in a safe grove. Ida licked her minor wounds. They were all happy and relieved. Oddly, Artemis felt better than she ever had. “How did I turn into that bear?”

The badger stepped forward. “My name is Quinn and you are Artemis the Protector. Your namesake is the protector of animals. She chose you to carry her gift because you are pure of heart and spirit.”

Artemis shook her head, “I can’t be those things. I’m stubborn and can’t help anybody. This is a mistake.”

“Your gift was aching to be released, causing you much discomfort. Like a lion with a thorn in its paw. It will be different now.” Quinn looked like he was smiling.

“I felt different as the wolf was chasing me. I wasn’t afraid, and I felt strong. What happens now?”

“You live your life and enjoy it. When any animal in this forest is in danger, you will know. There will be a tug on your spirit like the one you felt today. We hope you will visit often. We’d hate to see you only when one of us is about to be eaten.” All the animals nodded and came close to thank her.

Before leaving, Artemis went to Ida. “I’m so happy you’re okay. You’re beautiful, Ida. Get well soon. I’ll come to visit when I can.”

Ida put a paw on Artemis’s hand. “Thank you for saving me, Protector.”

Quinn walked with Artemis. The idea of returning to her new life wasn’t something she was looking forward to. “Do I have to go back? I don’t belong there, I would like to live here.”

“Someday you can, but now you are young and have a family waiting for you. You need people right now and I know your family is worrying. Your gift is our secret.” Quinn smiled.

Artemis’s thoughts were racing, trying to make sense of everything. Exiting the forest, she found the market closed. Concerned that Shannon was worried, she ran to the cottage and burst through the door. A whirlwind of hands grabbed her and lifted her off her feet. Sounds of joy came from the woman who was always so kind to Artemis.

“I’m so happy yer home safely, love! Gave me quite a scare ye did.” Shannon with her blonde hair flying every which way put her down.

“I’m really sorry. I wasn’t feeling well.” Artemis cried. “I ran to the forest and climbed a boulder. It was so relaxing, I fell asleep. I’m sorry I scared you.” She wiped the tears away.

“Ye should be,” complained Connor. His mother gave him a stern look.

“I owe you all an apology. I’ve been a terrible guest and you’ve been so kind to have me live here with you. I promise to behave better and help more.”

Shannon paused then held Artemis’s hands and looked into her eyes, “You are no mere guest in our home, ye hear? Yer family now, and we take care of each other.” Artemis suddenly felt tears prickling in her eyes, and she quickly wiped at them with her red sleeve. Still, she couldn’t stop the shaking or the smile that was beaming on her face.

Daniel, Shannon’s husband, had snuck in and stood by the door. “Well, it sounds to me like you’re a nature lass. My ma was like that. What ye need is more time with the trees.” Artemis stared at Daniel with wide brown eyes. She wanted to hear more about Daniels’s mother. Maybe she had been a Protector too.

Shannon wiped the tears away and smiled. “Well, now that’s settled, everyone clean up and sit down for family dinner. I got some real nice chicken at the market today.”

A month passed, and Artemis felt like a completely rejuvenated person. Shannon and Daniel agreed she could go into the woods whenever she felt the need to. Aside from protecting the animals, it helped her relax and allowed her to enjoy the family. At dinner one night, Artemis said, “I feel like being here is my destiny, my purpose. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. My parents would be happy for me too. Thank you for giving me a loving home.”

Shannon hugged her with a teary smile. “I feel blessed to have ye, love.”

“Well, I suppose, I kinda like havin’ a sister. Kinda.” Connor smiled for the first time since she arrived.

Artemis began teaching Connor about all the different local plants and animals. They would now frequently play along the forest edge. She would see her furry friends and patrol the forest for dangers, running through it freely. Many days, she would just lay atop that giant boulder she first found, and stare at the sky. Thank you, Artemis, Protector of Animals, for this beautiful gift. I will protect this magnificent place and cherish it and my family every day.

March 27, 2021 03:39

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