The College Tattler - Richard's Blog

Written in response to: Write a story in the format of a gossip column.... view prompt


Coming of Age High School Inspirational

Rejected and Selected

September 7, 2020

Rumor has it that Derek Rogers is going to the Homecoming Dance. This is scheduled to be held in the College Auditorium on Wednesday September 23, 2020. I heard on good authority, a young lady on campus has asked him to the dance. Last week, he was firmly rejected by a girl in his class and the nasty gossip about it did not circulate from me! We are very excited for you, Derek. Good luck to you and your lovely lady. We can’t wait until we know who she is. Speculation runs rife. An interview is pending.

Derek Rogers’ Secret Partner Revealed

September 17, 2020

After conducting their interview, I was blown away. Kelsey Stuart, one of the campus' prettiest cheerleaders, asked Derek to take her to the Homecoming Dance. She did not feel sorry for him. Her reason is admirable and puts many of us to shame.

When she fixed her baby blues on Derek, she said. “We actually have more in common than you think. Any boy I go with will be thinking more of their own status than about me as a person. Same for you. You’ve been rejected by girls more concerned about how they may look, than about you as a person. Also, we both really want to go to the Dance.”

When he asked her, “Why me?”

She replied, ““I know you’ll treat me like a lady. I’ll feel safe with you, Derek.” Way to go, Malibu Barbie!

The Truth About D. R.

September 18, 2020

It has come to my ears that some are not impressed that a certain couple are attending the Homecoming Dance together.

Some students have behaved abominably towards Derek Rogers.

I first heard the gossip about this boy Derek, when he had been rejected by a girl student he asked to the dance. Some feel he should have known better than to ask any girl. The story became viral overnight, and not in a good way. No way did I want a bar of this nasty situation, for print or otherwise.

I will explain fully about Derek. He has Mosaic Down’s Syndrome. This means that only some of his cells have the typical extra instance of Chromosome 21. He participates fully in class, does not look out of place among our fellow students, and has admirable qualities. He has a right to enjoy the same events and activities as we all do.

Kelsey Stuart said, “I believe that Derek is a regular person who just learns in a different way.” Wonderful affirmation, Kelsey.

Reynard TV Run a Story

September 21, 2020

Reynard News came to the college to interview them and did a sensational article with a beautiful photo of the twosome. I’ve included a lovely photo of the couple here. Derek looks like a boy next door, and Kelsey looks like a sweet, unpretentious girl. 

I questioned them about their TV interview. 

“So, Kelsey, what reasons did you give the interviewer for deciding to ask Derek to be your partner for the Homecoming Dance?”

“Out of all the boys who wanted to go to the Dance with me, Derek can be trusted to behave like a gentleman.”

“And Derek, why did you say, ‘yes’ to Kelsey when she asked you?”

“I wanted to go, and so did she. Neither of us wanted to go with the type of people who worry about how their partner will make them look.”

“I can tell you how you both look. Like a great match. We all want you to have a wonderful time. Have you got some special clothes to wear?”

“My mum is fixing up a lovely new sun frock.”

“My parents have bought me new pair of trousers, a sports jacket, and I have a shirt to wear with them. I’ve ordered a wrist corsage for Kelsey. It’ll match the color of her dress.”

“I’m sure you will both look great. What about the dancing?”

“Dancing is a good hobby for helping you learn and be coordinated. It’s a secret that my Mum has taken me to dancing lessons for a couple of years,” said Derek.

“I am impressed. What about you, Kelsey?”

Kelsey giggled. “I’m no expert, so Derek has been showing me how.”

“Go, Derek!” What a remarkable couple.

Reynard TV Follow Up

September 24, 2020

Reynard TV was so impressed with Derek Rogers and Kelsey Stuart, they had the two of them, including Derek’s mother, picked up before the Dance, on Sept. 23. Kelsey’s mouth opened wide, and she clasped her hands excitedly when she saw a Rolls Royce pull up in front of her house. They took photos of her surprise as she came out with Derek, and he, the perfect gentleman, opened the car door. 

Their first stop was a nearby, expensive restaurant. The Cuisine Royale. With the red carpet rolled out for their celebrity entry, they took on star status as they walked towards the restaurant arm in arm. Cameras flashed.

“I was so surprised,” said Derek’s Mum. “I’ve always wanted to go there, but it’s so expensive. And we were treated like royalty.”

The couple received a souvenir copy of the menu, probably for advertising purposes. Most students at the college wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go there. For your information, readers, I decided to include the list of mouth-watering gourmet meals and desserts they ordered.

Baby Beet with Flank Steak and salad on Parmesan topped Pain de Campagne (Steak Sandwich), Kelsey’s choice.

Macaroni and Brie with Crab. (Taking Mac and Cheese to the next level) Derek’s choice.

Scandinavian Steak and Hassleback Potato (aka Steak and Chips), Derek’s Mum’s choice.


Tiramisu Layer Cake – Derek’s mother’s choice,

Molen Chocolate Lava Cake – Derek and Kelsey both chose this one,

All meals have fancy names. Yum. Eat your hearts out, readers!

I have to comment on this fancy-sounding lunch dish. Les oefs au fromage avec crispy bacon and brioche. Any ideas? Cheesy scrambled eggs with bacon and French bread.

After the dine, without the wine, Mum was taken home, and the couple were dropped off at the dance.

When Derek and Kelsey arrived in the Rolls Royce loaned by Reynard TV, others were intrigued that a Reynard cameraman took photos. They loved the flash vehicle. Lots of couples cheated and had photos taken of them both, with the Rolls behind them. I hope they remembered that such memorable photos had their backdrop provided by Derek and Kelsey.

The Darlings of the Homecoming Dance – More Scoop

September 25, 2020

I forgot to mention, Kelsey and Derek wowed everyone with their smooth moves on the dance floor, not like John Travolta and partner, but with enough finesse to be voted Prince and Princess of the night! Wow! They have been surprised with one gift after another. Everyone is amazed at how the evening went for the young couple. 

It progressed like a fairytale. Not as in ‘Cinderella.’ This evening finished at 10.30 p.m. 

Disneyland – Here We Come

September 28, 2020

Karma just keeps on giving to this amazing couple, Derek Rogers and Kelsey Stuart.

Last but not least, Reynard TV shouted them to a free trip to Disneyland. What an excellent reward. Derek had been in despair about having a partner to attend the Dance. Kelsey chose to go with Derek for great reasons. 

Even without the added rewards, they would have had a lovely time. Two exceptional people. I have felt honored to share their story. Kelsey, by her thoughtful act, had proven that the more you give, the more you get back.

It’s all been a memorable experience to kick off their college years. Real life can be better than fiction!

 – Loosely based on a true story. Names changed.

June 14, 2024 02:07

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McKade Kerr
04:17 Jun 26, 2024

Wow, the story was already great, but it was especially cool to see that it’s based on a true story! I’m also impressed with the gossip column formatting, that sounds hard but you did awesome with it!


10:42 Jun 26, 2024

Thanks, McKade


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Kristi Gott
02:04 Jun 18, 2024

Very uplifting and I see in the comments it is based on a true story. The characters and their story is lovely. Well done!


06:32 Jun 18, 2024

Thanks for reading, Kristi.


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Daniel R. Hayes
16:23 Jun 17, 2024

This story was amazing, Kaitlyn! I love the title and format you used here to tell a wonderful story. Great characters and dialogue that jumps off the page...yes please...sign me up! With every new story you write, your talent as a storyteller shines through! Yes, I am a fan! Great job as always! :)


21:17 Jun 17, 2024

Aw. Such kind comments. Thanks Daniel.


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Marie Ward
09:10 Jun 17, 2024

I really enjoyed this story. The use of a gossip column format aligns well with the prompt. The story promotes inclusivity and kindness, showing how genuine connections can overcome societal prejudices. I feel Derek and Kelsey are well-developed characters whose motivations and personalities are clearly depicted, making their story compelling and relatable. There was a few formatting issues which did make the story hard to read at times.


09:21 Jun 17, 2024

The story was an afterthought, as I don't usually put in two in one week. It isn't submitted and I didn't run it thought Grammarly. But it is based on a true story and is so sweet. Seemed appropriate to put it in. Thanks for reading.


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Alexis Araneta
17:51 Jun 14, 2024

Aaawwww ! Adorable one ! And yes, I agree with Kelsey. A good heart is the most attractive feature ever ! Lovely work.


23:36 Jun 14, 2024

Thanks, Alexis. It isn't submitted.


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Mary Bendickson
05:07 Jun 14, 2024

Fairy tale evening.


05:17 Jun 14, 2024

Had a bit of time so came up with this one, but not for the competition.


Mary Bendickson
05:24 Jun 14, 2024

I can barely get one done.


08:40 Jun 14, 2024

LOL. This time I cheated. The second story is an earlier one which I converted into a gossip column to fit the prompt. The Regency Romance was already from a written chapter. I edited it, and added bits, changed the POV, to fit the prompt.


Mary Bendickson
10:55 Jun 14, 2024

Nicely done.


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