Teens & Young Adult Romance Happy

 Saddie sat at the table that morning sipping her coffee before relieving her twin brother for the day shift. They had been clerks at the family bed and breakfast since they were teens. Their mom and aunt had trained them so they could take it over when the time was right. And the time became right when they turned twenty - one. That was four years ago. 

As she took another sip, she found herself glancing at the small heart shaped boxes on her desk. One was her mothers the other hers. 

Of course both boxes held candy when they first got them, but now both held momento’s of their cherished memories.  Both boxes sat side by side now. The more she looked at the boxes, the more her memory went back to the day she and her mom had received them. It was on her sixteenth birthday. Because their parents never favored one child over the other, her brother Anthony also got a box of his favorite candy. 

Since he is such a health nut, he  probably still has the barely opened box somewhere. Whereas hers barely lasted a week.  What could she say? She loved chocolate. 

She also loved her parents very much and they loved their children. So when they asked if she and her brother wanted a one bedroom or studio built for them, she chose the large studio. She always believed that walls were for the building structures not inside and certainly not in relationships. When she finally moved out and into her studio, it was bittersweet because she would not have the company of her parents or brother under the same roof anymore. 

She also remembered the box was not among her things when she unpacked. When she told her parents, they said they would ask around and look for it. If for some reason they could not find it, they would replace it. 

And they did replace it. But it was not just the box that was returned, they had placed something special inside.  In the box was a ring with the birthstones of every member of her family. There were eight stones which reminded her of all the struggles and love her parents, Aunt and Uncle went through to give her, her brother, and cousins the life they now had. It also reminded her to have the courage to try and accomplish anything she wanted. 

Her parents had come from Ireland 25 years ago in 1997 and from the stories her mom shared with her as she grew up, her dad had built the very home they lived in with his own hands. My name is  Saddie O’Neil, and this is that story. 

When she was growing up, her mom would tell her bedtime stories of a handsome king and beautiful queen who came to America from a land far far away. They came here to find happiness and prosperity with her Uncle Greg and Aunt Tracy after her grandparents passed away.  

Now that she was grown, she realized those stories were about her parents. The more she watched them the more she saw that they were examples of the greatest love story she had ever known. Now unfortunately, those stories would have to be retold through the many pages of the book her mother wrote of their love for each other. A story of remembrance so family generations knew of the love her and her father shared.  

After looking at the ring now on her finger, Saddie smiled and reached for the journal that began them all. Her mom had always written in her journals as if she were telling a story. And a story she would read over and over again. 

Chapter 1   

Coming to America after William and Greg’s parents passed had always been the plan. Greg and his wife Tracy along with their two children had arrived first and set up housekeeping and  opened a family business. Then after their parents had been sent to their heavenly home, William and I began our journey to America.

We stayed with Greg and Tracy until William, Greg and a team of others set to work building what is now our home. It sits on the next lot to Greg and Tracy and is known as the “O’Neil Estates”. 

But I’m getting a little ahead of myself, let me backup a bit. It was about 8:30-9:00 in the morning and Tracy, and I were in the kitchen fixing breakfast for everyone when the door burst open. It was my husband, and he was excited about something. 

“Carmen, it's finished!! Our home is finally finished.” William said, as the door opened wider casting shadows on the floor as he came into the room grabbing my hand and pulling me outside. Tracy quickly turned off the fire and grabbed the two children following us outside. When she reached us, we were already across the yard and looking at the house that our husbands had been busy building. 

It was a beautiful 2 story peach and white house with a porch encircling the entire house. Some may wonder why he chose a peach-colored exterior, well that’s because he called me his peach of a girl.” 

As Saddie sat there reading that last line ‘his peach of a girl’ she wondered if she would ever find someone who would give her such a nickname. After taking a deep breath she continued reading. 

It’s a month later and William and I have finally moved into the house. With Greg and Tracy’s help the house has become a home. Now it was time to begin filling those rooms with lots of children.     

William of course wants boys to help farm the land and I want a girl or two to fuss over. Now with our home complete William and Greg are working on a third home for the bed and breakfast Tracy and I will run.”

Saddie smiled as she continued to read and sip her coffee. 

“I know when I do find myself expecting I will have a trained midwife close by when I have questions. She was a midwife back home and continued her training when she moved here. And I am so thankful. But what am I thinking, there is still much to be done before we can begin thinking of starting our family. As for right now I must end this entry because I have told Tracy I would help cut and wash strawberries so we can make Jam. She gives most of it to the general store to sell. She was telling me people come from miles around to buy it. And I can see why, it is delicious. I’ll update you later. Bye.” 

Valentines day entry 

Just a quick note and maybe a prediction of what’s to come.  It’s valentine’s day and while William says you shouldn’t wait for a special day to tell someone how you feel, he did not shy away from the day either. So, he came in with Greg beaming as he walked to me as Greg did Tracy. 

“Carmen, while I don’t believe someone should tell me when to express my love for you, I do want to show you with these small tokens,” he said, presenting me with a small heart shaped box of chocolates and a teddy bear. Well teddy bears. There was a papa, mama and a baby bear. He said that would be us one day. I still have that box which I use to fill with odds and ends. And of course the teddy bears sit on the bed when we are not in it. One day I will give it to my daughter.

I need to go now because the tears that threaten to fall will get the paper wet. Later.” 

And with that the journal ended. The next entry was from her father.

Turning the page Saddie  saw he had titled the page

    The universe listens. And she smiled before continuing the entry. 

     “The morning started early as light began to show through the blinds. Smiling, I rolled over to hold Carmen, but she was already out of bed. Thinking she was downstairs already making breakfast I got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen. But when I didn’t smell coffee, or see her in the kitchen, I began to wonder where she might be. 

     Then as I looked out the window, I saw her out by the lake Greg and I made. She was holding the shawl around her shoulders. Smiling I headed out the back door and toward her but the closer I got the more I heard her speaking. 

     “Heavenly Father, clearly I don’t understand your ways and as long as I could remember I have wanted to have children. And I know things happen in your time not ours but recently I have seen the sadness in William’s eyes when he looks at our nephews and the other children in the community. Please Father use my body to bear him a son.’ She was silent for a moment then said ‘amen.’ As she took a deep breath and looked up over the land still lost in thought.     

      Not wanting to startle her, I cleared my throat before I headed down the steps toward her. When she turned to face me I saw she wore the cross around her neck which her grandmother had given to her when she was younger. 

“My dear Carmen do you remember when we first came to this Land,” I began, as I walked up and stood next to my beloved wife kissing her good morning. “We barely had anything. Now look at us.” 

Smiling, she wrapped her arm around my waist, “Yes, we have a lot to be grateful for. For one, this beautiful house which we have turned into a home for generations to come.” 

    Just then someone came riding up behind us and when Carmen and I turned, we saw the boy who made deliveries for the shopkeepers in town. But why was he here? Neither one of us had ordered anything. 

    ‘Mrs. O’Neil, Doc Michel’s asked me to deliver this to you. He said it was important.” The boy said as he drew closer. 

 “I’ll take that young man,” I said, reaching for the folded piece of paper. Young Jason looked unsure as he looked from me then my wife. 

“It’s alright, Jason, Mr. O’Neil and I have no secrets.” My wife said smiling as she walked up beside me. 

“Yes Ma’am.” He said, handing me the piece of paper.  “Well, if there isn’t anything else I must be on my way back.”

“No, that will be all. Thank you.” I said as Jason turned on his bike and rode away.  

‘I didn’t know you went to see the doctor, is everything okay?”

“Yes, I just wanted to make sure I stayed healthy.”

“Oh okay. Here you are,” I said, handing her the note, “I hope it isn’t bad news.” 

Opening the note and reading it, she smiled, “On the contrary, it is good news. We are going to have a baby.” 

Blinking, I tried to grasp the words Carmen had just said to me. A baby. What greater joy than to know the woman I loved was carrying my child.

Later that day we rode into town, and she spoke to the doctor while I did the shopping. She wanted to make sure she stayed as healthy as she could during the pregnancy so she could deliver a healthy child and I agreed. When I returned to the buggy, she was waiting. 

“That was fast.” She said as I loaded the supplies in the back. 

“I was going to say the same about you. Is everything alright?” I said as I got in the driver's seat and started the car. 

“Just fine dear,” she smiled and placed a hand on my arm. “Doc Michel’s says I am healthy and sees no reason I can’t carry the baby to term.” 

“That’s good news.” I replied. 

“Yes, it is. Shall we head back home?” I asked eager to start work on the crib I wanted to surprise her with. 

“Yes, there is still so much to do.”

“AS long as you take time to rest.” I said gently yet firm.

“Of course, William. Of course.”  And with that we headed home. 

Nine months later we were blessed with not just one baby but twins. One boy and one girl.”

        Bye for now”


As Saddie finished the entry, she closed the book and reached for her coffee cup draining it. Then the chimes on her phone sounded letting her know she needed to get ready to head to the B-N-B and take over the day shift. 

So much of who she and her brother were, and had, come from the love her parents and aunt and uncle had for each other. As well as the hard work and blood sweat and tears they shared making this Estate a reality. 

Now looking at the bears which sat on the corner of her desk, she smiled. She would have to find another set of bears to display as a reminder of the hard work as well as determination her family had to make their dream come true after arriving here. But for now she had to go relieve her brother at the desk. 

The end

Posted Feb 14, 2022

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1 like 2 comments

Sandra Mayhugh
22:54 Feb 14, 2022

I liked the concept of this story; it was two stories put into one. I was interested and wanted to see what was going to happen. I was pretty sure the ending was going to be happy. Yet, I found myself smiling when I realized the happy ending, I wanted actually happened. It's a good read.


Debra Johnson
03:00 Feb 15, 2022

Thank you Sandra for stopping by and reading this... I enjoyed writing it. And kinda want to see if Saddie finds a guy like her mom did,


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