Inspirational Friendship Coming of Age


It was all rainbows and unicorns.

My life, was all I ever wanted; I had good money, good family, good friends, good everything, until...


I went down.


Hi I'm Nataly, and I'm 24. My full name is, Nataly Briar.

This is a story that will tell you something that happened 4 years ago.

Something, that, very well, changed my life and the way I think completely, and led me to move, to New Zealand. 

When I was 11 years old, I was interested in baking, and found this thing called Sourdough, and so I tried and tried but failed and failed again. I almost gave it up, but my dad helped me through and lots of my friends helped me too. 

The Sourdough starter is like the yeast to other kinds of bread, but this yeast, well, it isn't really yeast. It's more like a key thing for the Sourdough because without it, it won't be Sourdough. It takes exactly 9 days and a 24 hour gap in each day to mix, feed, then rest the starter.

On my second take and try at making the Sourdough starter, I failed, then I went to a big city which takes a 10-hour-long drive from my small town, just to meet a friend that came all the way from New Zealand. 

We and one other friend (who lives in the city.) talked about... life. And he reminded me how "3rd time's a.." I continued "LUCKY CHARM!" That pushed me through. 

I enjoyed the conversation with him very much. After our conversation, his dad gave me a 20 New Zealand Dollar, and his mum said that the money isn't for the price, but for its value.

I still keep it now, I keep it in the most honoured place in my wallet and I really wish that one day I can repay him with currency from all around the world, to remind him that on the day he gave me that piece of paper, it was the day that he gave me the best motivation and inspiration I can get from him and his family.

The best part of my best friend, was the way he put his arms behind his head and looked like a funny pretzel, and said: "Look at you, you're 11 and planning your career already. And me, I'm 24 and don't even know what I have done with my life" while shaking his head. I laughed at that, it was so comical yet serious at the same time.

Now, as I look back on it, and all the other wonderful moments, I think how wonderful the life I'm living right now. 

Yet, there's always the downfall of each person, but I believe that with enough hard work, effort and motivation + inspiration, we can always rise back up again, always a cut above of what we were before.

My breakdown was when I gave up trying to find customers for my bakery. I thought I'd rather close it than wake up everyday with a smile on my face and when I got to the store and opened it up and set it all up for lots of customers, none came. :(

But of course I pushed through with the help of my best friends and family. And I reopened it with stronger effort. The key thing to do is:


here's a poem about never giving up:

deep inside your heart and soul,

you're the one who's in literal control,

the fire in you is very bright,

guiding you with better light.

but you've done nothing yet to prove,

so do what you got to do,

make yourself okay again,

when you've done so you'll feel better then.

cause you don't really, really learn, so,

somewhere cold and somewhere hard,

you still have guts and you're tough in your heart, (4th and 2nd)

you're the one who has some sass, (1st)

but when you're mad you feel like you wanna kick someone's ass, yeah kick someone's ass. (3rd)

somewhere dead and somewhere dark,

you still act rough, (3rd child-boy)

leave something for the world to find, a mark,

you look weak outside but inside you're tough. (2nd child-boy)

hold your feelings that's so bad,

pour your feelings, then you'll be glad,

don't give up don't listen to them,

you'll rise don't give em a damn.

deep inside you're cool and alive,

but also you're bad and dead,

you have a happy life,

but at the same time, every night weeping in your bed.

one day you think,

"I wanna rise higher than anyone else",

but before you do that, go rethink,

you wanna be great? think about yourself.

what have you done?

"nope nothing yet",

do something as cool as the moon as bright as the sun,

put in effort, no matter how hard, don't get mad or upset.

once you've done that, make a plan,

think of what you'll do,

make a finish line, later, you'll look back at how far you've ran,

don't forget your support and materials too.

you're ready now, fly up high,

don't come back down,

you can cry, but for your wrongs, don't deny,

you'll be the best in your town! :)

sometimes when you're mourning,

don't forgot your losses and you're winning,

if you're sad, then that's a warning,

this is just the beginning don't stop grinning.

you can be sad and mad,

but it's better when you're glad,

hitch up a smile,

remember when you ran your first mile.

don't even think of giving up,

those be-damned people can't bring you down,

even if they be rude, just say, "wassup",

one day you'll get your crown,

so turn that frown upside down.

those people be weak and they ain't have no knowledge,

you're smart and great, you gone to the best college,

don't give em a care,

they'll kneel down to you later, saying a prayer.

you do all that, you'll be the greatest person on earth,

when you're old, you be chillin on the warm hearth.

The BIGGEST thanks to my friends (I think them as family though) from New Zealand, all of yall.

See you in New Zealand! :)


written with love and care, Naya Putryansyah. :)

P.S. Thanks to the 3rd one for the name inspiration, I made the first name so that it rhymes with your name and with a N for my name too.

July 26, 2023 06:47

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