Why did we let hate get so ordinary?

Written in response to: Write a story that involves the architectural plans for a building.... view prompt


Christian Kids Teens & Young Adult

Turn it around, flip the switch, judge slow, love quick. (JW)

Renovation, Restoration, or just plain boring Revolutionary.

I vote for Revolutionary. The ready, willing, able to fight onward and upward, not downward and backward. No matter the box. Or how it is packaged.

We all say “It’s for the kids”.

But do we really mean it? That it is for the kids. Or is it for us to look good. The freak show out there continues on and no I do not mean the Halloween, post Halloween festivities and the good ole’ remembrance shots and what not.

But when we say one thing and do another. The kids are gonna be confused. And it is our fault. Because we accepted too much, too many, in the night, on a plane with no plan but to wreak havoc on their lives in the meantime. In place. I am confused.

“What the heck?” The kids say. And then they do the worst thing possible.

They look elsewhere. For the answer. While the adults in the room, Blew It.

But why does much out there seem as if we do not mean it? There are no short cuts. Yet, we hurry and rush to the back of the book, the back of the end zone, to the doctor from the doctor, to the store, from the store, to the game, from the game, and for what?



When did we become so NOT responsible for raising the kids up right, and upright? Leaving it all to the “experts”, the producers, the directors and say “Roll it”!! Rolling our kids lives into a Neetflix movie to be made later or “Coming Soon”. And then dissecting it on screen, talk shows and the lime pretending to be the (unlicensed) head shrinker du jour. Unethical, if you ask me.But you didn’t. That’s ok.

If nothing is real, than everything is real. Or if everything is real, nothing is real. What message are we sending?

We gotta give our youth SOME direction other than that which they consume while in front of the camera, their faces buried in front of their camera? Don’t we?

Is it worth living this way? (PF) We think we win by defeating somebody. Concrete, never violent, never armed. People think peace comes by force and power. A “This is War” mentality. And that is a valid thought to some. Aggressive words and sharp words, complaints that fall on deaf ears.

It is about the listening.

It is about the hearing.

It is about the listening AND hearing.

Sorry to be a drag. It’s a process. Some may say it is the easy part. That most difficult is making a decision, and then putting into action the decision. Do something. Do anything. Even running. Not away from. But. To.

To do what is right. To do what is best. In the best interest. And not just to look good doing it.

Especially with what is allowed to “fly” across the younger generations” screens—tension, words that wound, gossip, controversy. Further pushing out those is desperate need into the margins of their lives, not knowing where in the world to turn.

Why have a spiffy, stylish, modern abode, if while you sit among its walls, the time spend there is time of war in the mind? Aggressive thoughts, sharp words, defensive barbed wires of complaints, concrete walls of indifference. (PF)

Hand on the trigger button, a trigger finger or harsh word to blow out there in the universe with press of a button. Causing devastation of unknown proportions.

Why not attempt to hammer out an agreement within yourself in regard to those around you? One of disarming of the heart holding onto the anger. There really are better ways than to saturate the mind’s of our younger “me”’s with our adult-like baggage.

The field of peace calls for the demilitarization of the field of the heart.(PF)

Yes. A tall order.

Where’s the answer? Back of the book? A “time out”? “Doing time” in a cell of one’s choosing? Who is gonna pull you out of the prisoner cage of


Well. You. If you will stop and breath and think about the possibilities while seeking forward progress. And not regression. As a victim. As an excuse. One may prevail, and still be “empty-handed”. That is far, far better that being “heavy-handed”. That is not cool. No good.

The peace that passes understanding. Try that. Look up, take a sec, ask for strength. Remember. Peace comes at a price too. A good price. The best price. The gold price.

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Doesn’t mean there are no problems, just tranquility. It means you have an inner yearning, a hankering, a “jonesing” to really help. And not just look good doing it.

Make peace. Kinda like a delicious donut. Only way better. Way better. The constructors of peace are desperately needed. So are the builders of peace. The workers of peace. Yes. A roof over the head. More importantly an end to the circus and circle of muted and watered down hatred that is quickly filling up our kids minds.

We can only pray not their hearts. And pray really hard. Because once they cross the line and start looking for direction, it becomes frightening. And not Halloween fun frightening.

Scarey frightening. God forbid the realness fades into the back of the nightmare. Then it just becomes a nightmare. Pray for the strength of a Saint on this time of year of remembrance of saints, sinners, and souls.

Saints are always revolutionary. They are not always perfect, straight pathed, precise, or starched(PF). Nor are the stereotypical

—the saints of our times. But they are good people with honest intentions to do good. Not only look good. To look good. To do good.

In your life, if you feel you have been dealt a bad hand, consider the Holiness of Holy Cards. Deal to yourself a good and honest life of service to self, so you can be of service to others. Don’t hedge. Don’t bet. Just do and be as you walk the walk.

Carry in your pocket the ID of the saint-like person you wish to emulate. And then. Go for it. Do good to do good. No other reason. No other motive. No other gig. You get the drift.

Avoid at all costs the gossip, threats, incitement, harassment and turn away from it. Run hard and run fast away from it. Turn into your inner strength, your inner-holy —promise-to-yourself-card of reminder to get you through the tough times.

Why does kindness seem revolutionary? (JW)

Cuz it is.

It’ll work.

I promise.


I’ve been there.

It only gets better!

November 02, 2022 23:56

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