Boiling Over.
“I just can't take it anymore,” Sarah sighed heavily. “Everything feels like it's falling apart.”
“Is something bothering you?” I asked, curious
“More than just something. My life feels like a never-ending string of disappointments and setbacks.”
“That sounds really tough,” I said. “Can you tell me what's been happening?”
“It's just... work, relationships, everything. I had such high hopes, you know? But it's all slipping away.”
“What happened?”
“I worked so hard to climb the corporate ladder, and for what? Constant rejection and being overlooked for promotions.”
“That's incredibly disheartening,” I agreed. “And what about your personal life?”
“My friends seem to have it all figured out. Stable relationships, happy families. Meanwhile, I'm struggling to find someone who truly cares.”
“Remember. All that glitters isn’t gold.”
“I know you're right,” Sarah acknowledged. “I guess I've been too focused on what I don't have, instead of appreciating what I do.”
“It's never too late to make changes and find happiness,” I encouraged. “Maybe it's time to take a step back and reassess what truly matters to you.”
“You're right. I need to find my own path and not let setbacks define me.”
“Exactly. It's your life, and you have the power to shape it. Don't let anger and frustration consume you.”
“Thank you for listening and offering some perspective. It means a lot.”
“Remember, you're stronger than you think. Keep pushing forward, and things will get better.”
She sipped her tea. “I’m sorry for repeating myself, but I can't believe it, another promotion passed me by again.”
“Is that right that they gave it to Dave?”
“Yes,” she answered angrily. “He's always slacking off, and yet he gets rewarded?”
“Maybe it's just luck?” I shrugged.
“It's not fair. I work twice as hard as him, and still, I'm overlooked.”
“It's frustrating when your efforts go unnoticed, Sarah.”
“It's more than frustrating,” she snapped. “It's infuriating. I deserve recognition for all the hard work I put in.”
“Absolutely, you do,” I agreed. “But sometimes, it takes a bit longer for others to see it.”
“Well, I won't let this hold me back anymore,” Sarah said, determinedly. “I'll find a way to make them notice me.” She sighed. “Why does everyone else seem to have it all figured out? It's like they effortlessly find love while I'm stuck here feeling completely isolated.”
“I know, Sarah. It can be tough seeing everyone else in happy relationships. But remember, things aren't always as perfect as they seem on social media.”
“I know, I know. But it just feels like everyone around me is moving forward while I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of heartbreak.”
“Sarah, it's important to remember that everyone has their own journey. Just because yours looks different right now doesn't mean it's any less valuable or worthy.”
“But it's hard to believe that when I see all these happy couples and romantic gestures everywhere I look. It just makes me feel even more unworthy of love.”
“Don’t be so ridiculous. Sarah, you are worthy of love. Don't let comparison and jealousy cloud your self-worth. Your journey is unique, and love will find its way to you when the time is right.”
“Thank you for saying that,” she sniffled. “It's just hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes.”
“I understand, but remember that you're not alone in this. Lean on your friends and take the time to focus on yourself. Love will come when you least expect it, and it will be worth the wait.”
“I hope you're right,” Sarah smiled weakly. “It's just difficult to stay positive sometimes.”
“I know it's tough, but I believe in you,” I said, without realising it. “You're stronger than you think, and you'll get through this.”
“Will I, really?” She pressed. “I can't believe that! And you know how important this is to me!”
“Sarah, I’m just trying to understand where this frustration is coming from?”
“It's not just about this,” she said sadly. “It's everything! I feel like no one gets it!
“Sarah, I want to help, but you keep pushing me away.”
Sarah became defensive. “I know, I'm sorry. It's just... I don't know how to handle it all anymore.”
“Sarah, your recent behaviour has been affecting our work.”
“I've been struggling and it's been spilling over into everything.”
“I’m here for you, Sarah. Let me know how I can help.”
Sarah’s sea-blue eyes, stained with tears. “Thank you, I really need that right now. I'll try to work through this and get back on track.”
“That’s why I’m here.”
“I really want to work on my anger issues,” Sarah insisted.
“That's great to hear. I want to explore the root causes of your anger, frustration, and jealousy. It's important to understand that these emotions are often connected to deeper issues. Let's start by discussing any specific triggers you've noticed?”
“Well, I get furious when things don't go my way. It feels like I have no control over my reactions.”
“That's a common experience,” I said. “Often, anger is a response to feeling powerless. Can you think of any situations that make you feel particularly frustrated or jealous?”
“I get jealous when I see others succeeding in areas where I feel insecure or inadequate. It makes me question my own worth.”
“It's brave of you to acknowledge that,” I said. “Jealousy can stem from our own feelings of inadequacy. Let's dig deeper and explore the reasons behind these insecurities. What do you think might be causing them?”
“I think it goes back to my childhood,” she replied. “I never felt good enough in comparison to my siblings. I always felt overlooked and that has carried into my adult life.”
“That's a significant insight. Our childhood experiences can shape our beliefs about ourselves. Now, let's focus on developing healthier coping mechanisms. What tools do you think might help you manage your anger and insecurities?”
“I think practising mindfulness could be beneficial. Also, finding healthy outlets like exercise or journaling might help me process my emotions.”
“Those are excellent suggestions,” I said. “Mindfulness and self-expression can be powerful tools for managing emotions. Remember, this journey is about self-discovery and growth. You have the power to change your responses.”
“I've been feeling so lost lately,” Sarah admitted. “like I don't even know who I am any more.”
“It sounds like you're going through a period of self-discovery,” I told her. “What do you think triggered this feeling?”
“I think it's my insecurities. They've always held me back, and I'm tired of feeling this way. I want to rebuild my self-esteem.”
“That's a great goal, Sarah. It takes courage to address deep-seated insecurities. How do you plan on working towards rebuilding your self-esteem?”
“I think seeking your guidance is a good place to start. I need someone to help me navigate through this journey.”
“Absolutely. Having someone to support you can make a significant difference. What are some other ways you envision advocating for yourself?”
“I want to assert my needs and boundaries, both in my personal and professional life. It's time I prioritize myself and stop letting others take advantage of me.”
“That's a powerful mindset shift, Sarah,” I said with a smile “It takes strength to set boundaries and assert your needs. As you navigate your emotions, what changes do you hope to see?”
“I want my anger to subside. It's been consuming me for far too long. I want to make room for forgiveness and healing.”
“Forgiveness and healing are transformative processes, Sarah. I believe with the right tools and mindset, you can achieve that. Let's work together on this journey towards self-discovery and personal growth.”
I wrote in my report, to the boss, Sarah's story is a testament to the transformative power of self-reflection and resilience. Through her journey, she demonstrates that anger, frustration, and jealousy can be harnessed as catalysts for personal growth and positive change.
As Sarah continues to navigate life's challenges, she embraces her emotions, recognizing that they are a natural part of the human experience. With newfound strength and self-awareness, Sarah moves forward, no longer boiling over with anger, but instead simmering with a renewed sense of purpose and inner peace.
Satisfied, that my work is done, I returned to my rightful place at the right hand of the lord.
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1 comment
The dialogue drew me in and kept me reading. At times, the listener's dialogue felt stilted or cliche, but maybe this is how angels talk. [insert smiley emoji] I liked the ending because I had suspected it was a therapist and it turned out it was spiritual. The last line felt a bit sanctimonious. Perhaps giving it a more spiritual vibe would make it more approachable and comforting. Well done.