Adventure Christian Kids

Lest we forget.

It is never good to be in an enclosed space, unable to open the windows when an “eeeeker” wafts in the air. If it is adventure you want, it is adventure you will get.😩

Heck. For most of us, simply being born embarks our journey of a lifetime, our adventure, our lesson in long haul living. Hopefully. We will not run out of gas.😵‍💫 Or. Is it just a rotten egg? Or bad fish. Whatever it is, it can just plain stink. Leave a bad taste in our mouth.

Windows open. Windows shut. Doors open. Doors shut. Who cut the cheese? I need to plug my nose. Dribble out the results. (CT) Do something. Anything to erase the stench etched in my memory. Rid my taste buds of the unfortunate taste in my mouth😝

Which formula did I use? Was allowed to use. Or not use, based on the bigger numbers? The syllabus. The syllabi. Conventional wisdom denied my choice? Hmm.

Really. It is ok. As long as I can crawl, walk and run, you cannot stop me. But when I cannot haul it the way I want. Long or short. Watch out. For me.

Playing by the rules is not just child’s play. It can be a part of the real long haul journey. Desperately Needing something to hold on to while the dizzying, lightheaded, zoned out journey continues in the wrong direction.

It often begins with something to hold on to. Like a favorite doll. In the case of certain doll named Chucky, things turned gaseous. As the story goes, a single mother gives her son a much sought after doll, only to dis over it is possessed. As in possessed with trickery and out Witt-ful skills using personal weapons of mass destruction.

Shoulda gone with the sure fire GI Joe. Or even Barbie Doll. But nonetheless.

As Chucky found out in during his extended syfy journey in the series of lessons of his life called Child’s Play. Chucky spent his days terrorizing the fine folks of Chicago. While embarking on the journey of his lifetime, Chucky slashed and burned folks in his way. Even resorting to voodoo rituals (why didn’t he just try🧘🏼 Yoga) to transfer his soul into a “Good Guy”.

Like I said, rotten egg, bad fish, bad gas. Pity Chucky’s roommate during the cold midwest winters. 😣

Real and healthy child’s play is an important human developmental task. Through play children and young people gain improved cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well being. Through play we learn about the world and ourselves. We learn skills needed for study, work, and relationships such as: confidence. (Wk)

Chucky must have had a really bad case of indigestion.🧐. Perhaps a trip to a nutritionist coulda helped. I know. I know. With the price of gas and all. Instead. He could only thrash and burn. Burn and thrash his way to and through the journey of his life.

And when Chucky got mad. Watch out. He did not like the normal types of childhood play, such as solitary, associative, practice, games with rules (defintely not those), parallel, cooperative, symbolic, constructive. (Wk). No. No. No.

How to take turns. Nope. It was always Chucky’s turn. To show you who was the boss of you. Don’t want that kind guy sitting on my lap. Would cut the cheese right then and there…..😩. P.U.

Poor Chucky. All he probably had was really bad gas. He would not stop cutting the cheese forcing everybody to run for the hills.

What may have happened to cause Chucky to be so cross at everyone?

Life happened. maybe. His ability to play well with others? Maybe. Perhaps he struggled with the red eye long haul flight. Was unable to produce sticking with the task at hand in the long run. Overtime causing him demented dementia and the need to thrash and burn, burn and thrash his neighbors. Anyone in his way.

Poor Chucky. All he may have needed was to let it all out. And when he did or tried, it was not a pretty picture. 🤓 The air became thick with a fog of unexplainable aromas. He left devastation in his wake.

Oftentimes, it is difficult to play well with others. For any of us, at any time of our life. Coming to the middle ground can be down near impossible. Undoable. Incapable.

There are two sides to every story. One is lie. One is truth.

“One is right and the other is wrong”

Guess it depends which side you are on”

’cause one man’s blessing is another man’s curse

One man’s drink is another man’s thirst

One man’s pleasure is another man’s pain

One man’s loss is another man’s gain

One man’s lie is another man’s truth

There’s two sides to every story (JW)

And then. There is the foggy, gaseous, stench place in the middle. The stench so memorable and overwhelming that the dizzying effect causes the fainting spell of all time. Problem is the memories, because they stink so bad, return from time to time, and well, truth be told, Chucky begins to seem—normal—a normal way to be.

And that is not good. What mathematically, beneficially, factually begins to happen is the great divide becomes just that. Greater-ly divided. With the inevitable outcome being an imbalance of the scales so disproportionate, that the cheese becomes stinkier, the formula becomes spoiled and the thirst is never properly quenched in the first place.

We look in the mirror and we have all become “Chuckys from the block.” Thrashing and burning, burning and thrashing one another on our way out of the insanity. (CTBS)

Winning becomes an unattainable goal of wreaking. Just. Plain. Wreak. Over and over. Stinky cheese. Spoiled formula. Sludgey water. What happens now is anybody’s guess.





Chucky’s getting bored, zone-y, frustrated and ready to thrash and burn. He cannot take it anymore. He wants out of the madness too. But does not know how to get out. When he decides to blow. Will you be in the room when he comes looking for you?😳

I will be the one leading the way out the door running for the hills!🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️(In the sanely direction) Let’s go!

November 10, 2022 21:17

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