Creative Nonfiction Romance


Pregnant. I had been waiting for that moment as long as I could remember. My vocation was to become a mother, and I have always known that.

From the age of three, I had begun to practice for this arduous task. My first doll was called Julia and with her I had learned how to change nappies, put on onesies and respect certain times for bedtime.

Then I had my younger sisters, then the little cousins ​​I had always taken care of.

I had worked for years as a babysitter and au pair, and eventually became the aunt of four lovely children.

In short, I had a lot of experience with children!

At 22, I had met James, and the second I saw him I was sure he was the person I wanted to be around forever.

James with milk chocolate skin, a joyful and reassuring smile, a slouching walk with his tall and slender body.

We fell in love and then celebrated the sweetest wedding on a sun-drenched beach.

And here we are, after a few years of life as a couple, to discover that in nine months we would have had a child.

I knew the first term was going to be tough, but then I could start setting up the bedroom, buy the clothes, the toys and in conclusion, prepare for the arrival of my first child.

Discovering that she was going to be a girl was the greatest joy for me, who had always wanted to have a baby girl.

Painting the walls, I wondered what it would be like. Would he have dad's features? I hoped so, but on the other hand I hoped she looked like me too.

And his character? Who knows what surprises she would have reserved for us!

The bond I felt with her was something unique and never experienced. All my life I had wondered what it would be like to grow within oneself a creature, the fruit of love.

A pure, innocent, small delicate angel.

She had a particular energy, I felt a great sweetness in her, and I couldn't help but consider myself so lucky to be a woman!

I had always been grateful for this, but in that moment my gratitude was immense: The power to give life, such a unique and wonderful experience.

Some nights I was gripped by the fear that the child might not be well. I tossed and turned in bed, fidgeting even more as I realized that doing so maybe I was making her temper anxious and fearful. In fact, the anxieties that a mother experiences during pregnancy can then pour into the nature of the future person who will be born. I didn't want this to happen, and I forced myself to stay calm and that everything would be fine.

Some days, I was so excited and happy that I still couldn't believe it. Most were like that. I felt over the moon, and looked at my belly with infinite joy.

-Thank you!

I told my husband one afternoon, kissing him eagerly. - If it hadn't been for you, I would never have been able to fulfill my dream of starting a family!

My sisters told me that they had always imagined me this way, and seeing me finally become a mother was as if everything were falling into place.

Months passed, and I honestly couldn't wait to finally meet my daughter.

It was a clear evening in early June, I was sitting on the porch watching the stars and the sea, hugging James.

The scent of the timid summer that was just beginning filled the air around us, and the fireflies made that evening even more wonderful.

Later, I went to sleep peacefully ,happy to have such a beautiful home where I could welcome my daughter, and a husband that I was sure would have been a great dad.

During the night, the time came. The bag for the hospital had been ready for a long time and, in the few moments when I was not overwhelmed by pain, I was able to observe in what perfect morning my baby had decided to come into the world.

The dawn was dazzling pink, which made all the air around us warm and nuanced. The dew shone on every blade of grass and the birds seemed to encourage us who were about to become parents with their song.

There was electricity in the air and I felt more excited than ever.

It doesn't matter what happened next. Excruciating pain, terror, agitation and more pain. Everything was instantly forgotten the second I took my daughter in my arms.

My daughter.

I could not believe it. It couldn't be true, a lifetime dreaming of this moment. I was a mom. A Mom. And my baby was fine. And she was beautiful.

I felt so happy, touched, exhausted, incredulous and exultant that I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy, the deepest of my entire existence.

When I managed to calm down, I looked at that sleeping bundle. Ambery skin, caramel hair like her dad. Would she also have his green eyes? What about my freckles? She certainly didn't have my pale, moon-like complexion, nor my raven hair. Did I feel disappointed? Not at all. They were the features of the man I loved, so nice to see, and so sweet on a baby. She held her fists with those perfect little hands that I had created myself. Wow. The magic of life. I was ecstatic, and I could have remained in contemplation for hours and hours. I knew that I would love her with all of myself, forever.

Amber, an autumnal colored gemstone, a little girl which had come to warm our hearts and enrich it with the greatest joy you can ever experience.


I was going to be a dad. My lovely and sinuous wife was pregnant. Pregnant with our first child.

We would have had a baby together, the perfect mix and the result of the union of our love.

I was very happy, although I was also a little scared: a new stage in our life was about to begin, a huge responsibility, would I have been up to the task?

My wife Midge, definitely. She perfectly embodied the idea of ​​sweetness, affection, patience and maternal love. But as far as I was concerned, I wasn't so sure.

In any case, this new challenge thrilled me.

Telling the relatives was almost like announcing that we had won the lottery, the reaction was very warm, full of congratulations and hugs, even if I noticed a semi-grim look from my father-in-law, as if at that moment the last hope that his daughter still possessed her pristine flower had shattered.

After that brief moment, however, everything became peaceful. Quiet, until Midge began to feel sick from nausea. I was incredibly sorry to see her like this, I became the man of the house for every job, taking care of everything. I was dead tired and the female hormonal changes some days almost influenced me too.

But those months passed, the belly grew and so did the baby, we discovered that she was a girl! I had no preference, but knowing that girls are usually dads' princesses, I was relieved that we would almost certainly have a great relationship.

I left the creative part of the room decoration and the clothes totally to Midge - she loved that kind of things!

I soon realized how many expenses we would have to incur: between cots, cribs, toys, diapers, pram, high chair, stroller .. luckily we intended to have many children, so at least everything would be used extensively.

The last months of the pregnancy were a godsend for me. I can't tell why, but Midge became even more tender towards me. Not a day went by when she wasn't cuddling me, or wasn't even more affectionate and passionate with me. Such a lucky man.

June came, and with it fiery sunsets and beautiful days.

One night Midge woke me up, his eyes wide open full of joy and fear at the same time.

We rushed to the hospital, and those hours were atrocious for me. Seeing the love of my life suffer like this, being panicked that both of them could die for some horrible reason, and the worst of all: feeling totally helpless.

 But everything went well, and when I took that adorable baby in my arms, it was like being invested with a higher mission: I would have always protected her, at any cost, for my entire life.

I couldn't stop smiling. She was the same as me! I was hoping, however, she had the character of her mother. I looked at my wife, beautiful with her long dark curly hair scattered on the pillow, candid and white as her skin. She looked exhausted, but radiated a very bright joy. That little girl was a dream come true. Meeting her, hugging her and finally seeing her was an indescribable emotion.

Later I gave Midge a ring with an amber stone set, a symbol of that child, of our first child, of the one who had made us parents for the first time.

Meeting her was a special moment, I felt that this tiny little person would do great things in life. She had already made one, despite only having a few minutes: she had improved our lives and enlarged our hearts, which overflowed with love and pride in being able to hold our little incredible baby girl close to us.

August 28, 2020 22:20

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