Submitted into Contest #285 in response to: Write a story about people preparing for Y2K.... view prompt

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Drama Fiction

With doomsday only a few days away, the epidemic-like panic was felt by all. The "Millennium Bug" was going to attack, creating extensive havoc. Y2K is a serious computer programming issue which will result in a malfunction causing a major glitch.

Milo worked on software development. He had been very happy with the company he worked for, but a year ago he signed a two year contract with (FEMA) Federal Emergency Management Agency. Hired on as (CORE) Cadre of On-call Response/Recovery Employee, Milo wanted to help people before, after and during a disaster, and Y2K was a disaster waiting to happen.

Milo knew his services were valuable but with the mania Y2K created, all he could think about was the emergency preparation he needed to do to ensure his safety. Milo tried to share his disaster plan with anyone who would listen.

Milo's anxiety was through the roof. He needed to stay and help with the patches that were supposed to keep the computer system's infrastructures in tact. If his team was unsuccessful, the Millennium Bug could bring down our government systems, banking, airlines, doctor's records... well basically anything ran by computers.

To think the world as everyone knew it could be taken down by a two digit code, this thought was consuming Milo. He couldn't focus, which made him feel useless. Milo had to go home to prepare for this transition. He weaseled his way out of the rest of his shift.

Milo slipped out the back door and jogged to the carport to retrieve his car. The tires squealed as he peeled out of his parking space. Reaching speeds of 90 mph, Milo had to get to the bank before it closed. He was going to withdraw everything from his checking and savings accounts. There was no way he was going to let this glitch steal all his hard earned cash.

As he turned into a parking space in front of the bank, he realized he was not the only person who had that idea. There was a line of people so long, they were standing outside. A bank employee was trying to maintain peace and order. Milo wondered how long this was going to take. Most of the people waiting were complaining. No one was happy, the fear of Y2K was rising.

The bank employee was appalled when line dissipated. People were pushing and shoving, obscenities were flying while they rushed the door. Hysteria overtook the crowd and several fights occurred. Milo wanted nothing to do with any of this poor behavior. He just wanted his money... so did everyone else.

The security guard called the police before he came out to try to do a little crowd control. Thank God he called the police because his presence was not helping the situation at all. It was apparent no one was getting their money today, when the bank employee disappeared and the bank closed.

By the time two police cruisers pulled into the parking lot, a full blown riot had ensued. Milo slinked away . He wanted nothing to do with the events that occurred right before his eyes.

Milo wanted all his money, but for now he would have to settle for whatever the largest amount of money he could get out of the ATM. Now, for a whole new line. Fortunately, the crowd was being held by the police officers, so the ATM line was only a fifteen person wait. Approximately an hour later, Milo was walking back to his car with $500 in his wallet. He still wanted the rest of his money, so he decided tomorrow he wasn't going to work. Milo planned on getting to the bank tomorrow at 6am and waiting until 10am when it opened. He hoped his plan would be more successful than today's attempt.

Settling into the driver's seat of his convertible Mazda Miata, Milo reassessed his plan of action. It was time for his contingency plan, but all the thoughts of what could go wrong were making him physically ill. Vomiting out his window, he could not think of any solutions... just more and more problems.

Reaching for a piece of gum from his glove box, he thought about what he should do now. Milo knew he needed to stock up on groceries and water, so off to the grocery store he sped. The mayhem there was almost as bad as what he had been exposed to at the bank. People were turning into savages, fighting over everything. Seeing this made Milo think he needed a weapon so he could protect himself and his supplies once the Y2K disaster occurred.

Somehow Milo accomplished the goal of food and water supplies. Next on his mental checklist was Big 5. He wanted a rifle, but due to the waiting period, he opted for an airsoft gun. It would have to do.

Every place Milo had gone fearful, angry people were fighting. He needed to get home with his agenda for tomorrow. Mentally and physically exhausted, Milo took multiple trips from the car to the house bringing his groceries and water inside.

Being driven by fear, Milo decided it would be best if he barricaded himself in. It was obvious to Milo that tomorrow he was going back to the bank and then to Home Depot to buy the wood required to board up all the windows in his home.

Milo couldn't sleep. The night seemed so long. When sunlight filled his bedroom, he jumped out of bed. Quickly he showered and got dressed. Milo wanted to be the first person at the bank in hopes of not having to deal with another riot.

Having successfully accomplished his objective, Milo made his way back to his Miata with all his money. Now if his Home Depot trip could go as well he'd be back home soon.

All the customers were pretty squirrelly, but at least no one was fighting. Efficiency Milo managed to get his wood. Behind the wheel, Milo decided to go home, do inventory, hide his money, board up his windows and move furniture to block the front and back door. Once each thing was done, Milo knew he had done everything he could to prepare for Y2K. This was the first New Year's Eve he was dreading the countdown and the ball drop.

January 12, 2025 05:53

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1 comment

John Rutherford
07:52 Jan 23, 2025

Interesting story. Really described the preparation, the feelings one would have in the hours leading up to Armageddon type situation. Thanks for sharing.


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