Submitted into Contest #292 in response to: Set your story in a world that has lost all colour.... view prompt



Earlier that morning, the sun had dawned crispy bright over the Gulf Sea.

A beautiful day just went by and now the sun was about to disappear into the sea.

The trees seemed to be dancing in the breeze. The birds were singing their wild tunes over the Ber tree and eating of its fruit, freely given. The parrot signal was sounded across the sky and a couple of them were enough to created the ruckus.

Juliet curled her long, lithe body on the hammock. She was in no mood to rise up and call it 'a day'.

Clop, clop... the sound of those slender long legs walked quickly by her.

Yet those legs were not slender like hers, but they were more like a marathon runner's.

Looking up, she spotted the same friendly face. The same one she saw everyday about this time.

"Now that’s the perfect combo- a gentle face and sturdy legs.

I gotta follow her," Juliet thought to herself. 

Keeping her steady catwalk, at a dignified space behind, she was nearly at the home of the lovely lady with the gold brown hair, blowing wild in the cold evening air. 

The lady who walked really fast.

There was a ber fiesta on the ground but it didn't catch her fancy.

“Hey mama, maybe you could shoot me some love. Can I have some tender loving care, please?” Juliet mewed her words without hesitation. "And by the way, don't you exist to serve me?"

This was not the usual Juliet. But today, she was feeling a little left out because it was now the evening hour and everyone had retired to their homes. 

Maya who had just returned from her brisk walk, opened her front door and went right in. 

Juliet would do anything to come indoors with her. What is life like indoors?


Maya had just shut the door on her face. Unheard of.

That’s when she got the whiff. It made her melt.

Juliet could smell the guy. 

She snuggled close to the door and inhaled the raw freshness of his footprints. 

Yes, IT WAS him. Her latest lover guy.

So this is where he lived.

Juliet knew she had no business to be standing so close to some stranger’s home. On their very front steps!!

It was not just foolhardy, but dangerous. 

From this time forth, this home would never be an unknown home. 

Her newfound love lived within.

They had met in the garden just a few weeks ago and had gotten to love each other’s quirks. If she remembered right, she was that bold even to steal a smooch from the pooch.

It was quite an unusual relationship. Usually she would have stayed away from such alliances. They were not meant to be together. The science didn’t work. Nature didn’t permit. It was seriously misaligned and there would be definite genetic malfunction. 

Surely not how the Almighty had panned out things.

Suddenly the front door opened and there was Maya standing there and talking much too loud, breaking into the stillness of the beautiful evening. 

Juliet was caught unawares hovering near the doorway, and she moved away, a bit sheepish. 

It was quite alien to her nature to feel sheepish. But at this point, she was ready to dive into anything. With dignified steps, she walked away towards the path.

Then came the second thoughts.

Braving the loud woman, Juliet paused, turned back and said, with the glance that could melt all the butter in the world. 

She didn’t even like butter. She had far too refined tastebuds and the yellow stuff was far too gooey.

Give her sardines any day.

“Please listen, my friend, I am hungry and friendless. And I’m out in the cold. Have a heart. Please mew I have something to eat?”

Maya stared at her and was yelling something. It didn’t sound threatening but didn’t look as if she was ordering food either. It could well be a call to her gentler giant.

“O, my poor thing….yes, you do look desperate lost. But sorry, I am not made to host your species. Sorry! I can’t have you inside. You’re an immigrant with no papers, no proof of residence, and your colors are questionable.” 

“At least can I have one look at my boyfriend?” Juliet dared to mew softly. “Never enough! I can have a million dreams and every night they keep me awake. But it’s never enough!”

Wooly Dolce was standing inside the huge home, feeling every bit royal, and downright silly. As royalty is wont to do these days. He was of a higher class and could not have this relationship exposed. 

What happened in the garden, stayed in the garden. 

It was like Zac holding Zendaya, the circus girl’s hand for a brief moment, and shoving it off when he got the look from his hotshot parents.

Inter class friendships worked for a while but you can’t get going anywhere with it. 

Inter species, even less chance.

"I hear you. You may have dreams and however big, however small, Juliet, I can't share your dreams with me. My mama is more than enough for me. And I can't be wrong. This is my world and you don't belong here with me...on my carpet.

And that is that." Dolce pronounced as posh as he could.

Have you no shame?’ Maya asked Wooly Dolce. “Leading her up the garden path. Filling her with some false hope? Fed her the crumbs of your kibbles, didya? I'm ashamed of you, Dolce.”

Wooly Dolce hung his head low. He couldn't bear his mama talking to him in this tone. A voice different from the time he chased the gardeners.

He took one last look at Juliet. She had climbed up the tree and was looking at him with threateningly loving eyes.

Here was one willing to forgive him all his misdemeanors. You surely don't find this in the world around.

The path of true passion was short lived. It never runs smooth as was in the books that Maya read daily. He'd see Maya poring over her books with a pen and making copious notes.

Juliet decided she must retire to her own once-upon-a-happy-time, green home, now dusty, dried up and drained.

At least there, she could pick up some fish ’n chicken tidbits and carry on living, mewing, whatever.

Life had to go on, no matter what.

March 07, 2025 11:43

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