American Science Fiction

So to write this story, I first had to figure out how to use the Book Title Generator. I tried signing in and of course the login sent me to another page called Marketplace that had absolutely nothing to do with a book title generator. I went back to the generator and chose sci-fi as my category and the first title generated was Blue Shadow. Now I am not by nature a believer in such things as divine intervention, or the supernatural, but I do own a Honda Shadow that is metallic Blue.

So what would anyone in my shoes do? They write a story that isn't true but has some true elements. At one time, I did have a fear of riding my new bike and I gradually overcame that fear with lots of riding and near misses. I think how do I fit my motorcycle into a sci-fi drama. Well it came down to this. Very well.

"Are you ready to go or not?" I heard in my helmet as my husband took off on his Harley leaving me sitting at the intersection that I deemed to dangerous to cross without the light changing. I am still a little leery of riding since it has been years since I had been on one.

"I will go when I'm ready. Go on without me I'll catch up." I said into the helmet mike. I looked up at the still red signal light and looked to my left and saw an endless line of traffic. My husband had already disappeared not waiting for me.

The light changed and I let out the clutch and took off. The crackling in my helmet told me that my husband was at least a mile ahead of me and out of range for our helmet radios. I took a deep breath and opened the throttle, drinking in the thrill of speed and open road ahead of me.

The helmet crackled again and I could tell that my husband was trying to tell me something but we were still too far apart. "I'm coming. I just passed Eggshell Rd." I said in the off-chance that he could make out what I was saying. The helmet speaker was crackling more and suddenly an ear piercing screech sounded in my helmet. I hit the brakes and pulled to the side of the road and removed the helmet. My ears were ringing and I could still hear the piercing screech coming from my helmet. A shadow fell across the road in front of me and I looked up expecting to see a cloud blanketing the sun.

The spaceship, UFO, or whatever they want to call them these days was hovering above me and my Shadow. My motorcycle engine stalled and I tried to start it up to no avail. I put down the kickstand and got off the bike and started running down the side of the road. I still had my helmet in my hand and I heard another squeal on the headset. I flung the helmet and grabbed my phone out of my pocket to call my husband to come back and get me.

The ship descended to the ground as I looked back over my shoulder while sliding into a ditch and hiding.

I laid there for what seemed like an eternity. What was the ship doing? My phone rang and I answered it seeing the caller ID was that of my husband. "Honey, you are not going to believe what happened to me. There is a UFO parked next to my bike and it won't start and my helmet was screeching. You need to come get me."

"Where are you? Did you turn the key on before you tried to start the bike?"

"Did you not hear what I said? There is a UFO here. I need help. It shut down my bike."

"You're f'n crazy. I'm going on to the restaurant. You can meet me there when you stop being hysterical."

I hung up the phone and screamed. I held the phone back up and dialed 911. Maybe they would believe me. I snuck a peek back at my bike and saw that the UFO had disappeared. I cleared the phone before hitting the send button.

Getting up out of the ditch, I walked into the field and found my helmet and headed back to my bike. I turned the key off and on and put the bike it neutral and hit the starter. She started up and purred like a kitten. Feeling foolish, I got back on and waited for traffic to clear and eased back into the road. I looked in the mirror and just for a split second I saw the ship landing in another spot further back. I gave the bike full throttle and fled, I didn't stop again until I reached the restaurant. My husband had already gone inside with the rest of our group and I sat on my bike outside debating on whether or not to join them. In the end, I went inside to face the music, knowing that they would not believe me. I didn't say anything to them. I know what I saw and that was all that mattered to me. I realized upon sitting down at the table that after the UFO, I had ridden all the way by myself without thinking about my fear of riding.

I go to submit this story and alas, I am under my word goal. How could that possibly be. I thought I counted every word up to this point. I thought well since this started off as an introduction to how I started to write this story, I decided that to do it justice it also needed a conclusion. The only truth in the above story is the fact that yes, I do own a Blue Honda Shadow and it takes me on a lot of adventures. As for the UFO, I have seen one in my lifetime and I am not sure if it was a weather balloon, prototype aircraft, or an actual visit from another planet. Time will tell I guess.

Posted Mar 14, 2025

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12 likes 3 comments

17:03 Mar 16, 2025

This was a fun read and I love the format! Very meta beginning and ending :)


Jan Keifer
17:22 Mar 16, 2025

Thank you.


Jan Keifer
14:39 Mar 16, 2025

This is a work of fiction. Just wanted you to know that I have never seen a UFO. Always wanted to though. I actually do own a blue Honda shadow. LOL


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