
,Today prompt is very interesting ”Err is human. Everybody tries hard to save himself from an Err but it doesn’t mean that smart or educated being would not commit an Err.Many problems are self created. There was a fisherman. He was very poor and humble natured.Daily he caught two or three fish,this was his living. One day he was going to market to sell fish.He caught only one fish that day.On the way a goon was watching him,He suddenly snatched that fish from him and went away.The fisherman became highly perturbed and went back home.That night fisherman and his family slept with out meal.That fish was still slightly breathing, it gave a slight stroke on the finger of the goon but he didn’t notice. The goon took that fish and fried it. After few days the goon's finger caught gangrene.He bandaged his finger, again after four days he opened the bandaged,the finger smell bad.The doctor advised him to had the finger cut. He did it. After a month his Palm gangrened badly.He again rushed to the doctor .The doctor again advised him to had a Palm cut or the infection would be spread to the whole arm ,He again followed the advice,but again the gangrene spread in his whole arm,the doctor cut out his whole length,now he became an amputee, became very horrified.It was a great danger of propping up of the gangrene again. He realized that he had made a great fault by snatching fish from the fisherman, may be he cursed him. To save his life from that horrible gangrene.He started searching the fisherman, but he failed to find him.That goon was very disappointed also tired of his miserable life,he always carried a pint of poison in his silver ring, whenever the situation would became worst,he would have a poison to end his life. His search for the fisherman was continued, He knew that now the only remedy is the forgiveness. As usual he was standing near the Fish Market ,,a big red car stopped near him,goon got scared, a man in rare ,beckoned him to come near .He went near the car,A man sitting in the rare, clad in a three piece suit,also wearing fedora brim cap, asked him ” whom you are looking for "“.said the man.”I’m looking for the fisherman lives near the river. “That man smiled, “come with me.,I would take you to his house”. That man in the car said.The goon got little scared, that why is he saying like this? he is a filthy rich man and that fisherman is old poor, what is he to him?, the goon thought for a while but seated in the car. That man took him to a big mansion, with big gardens and fleet of servants ready to serve.The man took him towards a pool. On the side of the pool was a bar. The bar tender prepared wine ,they had it. servant came and said “Sir, tea is served”. They entered in a great beautiful hall. It was not just tea,it was” HI tea”. The rich man asked him to start with.The goon never saw such a splendid life style.Why this man brought me here, I think he is mistaken ? .The goon thought,after a while he said”Sir,I think you have mistaken bringing me here, I’m not of your style, I had some work with that poor fisherman “.The goon said in a very low tone. “ Ah man, Look to me,you didn’t recognize me, I’m the poor fisherman,whom you are looking for “.The rich man said.The goon stood up very astonishingly, He was fully gaped.” You are that fisherman, how it could be possible, He had nothing to eat and you are a big boss".The goon said with mixing words."Look close to me “.The rich man said." Oh my God”..The goon said.Now a great confusion settled down. The goon was still looking towards the fisherman and  the fisherman laughed. “How this all happened so soon, ?it is just a dream”. The goon asked .”The day you stroked me.,I was very perturbed,.I looked up and just said these words “This man had shown his strength now you show your strength “with these words I cried. Next day I went towards dockyard, There was an auction,Heaps of cloth were lying,I just stood there for a while, watching the scene, at last I screamed ”Two hundred and ten".All the people were looking towards me ,a person came close to me and said “are you crazy, I know you are a poor fisherman, how would you buy this lot of lacs”?. As I was about to answer him ,a giant man just gave his entrance “He is my man”. An opulent person , standing with a cigar in his mouth. I didn’t know that man but he knew me.we won that lot and that opulent man paid for the lot. As we were about to pick up that stock, a person came and gave us twenty percent of profit to us. That profit given boost to me .After that event we both became partners. That man was filthy rich but issue less and suffering from heart ailment.He transferred all his wealth to me and now he is dead”.The goon was ashamed of his deed.” I came here for forgiveness,you forgive me, I’m now a destitute, pity on me or I would die”. Goon said it very nervously.”" Actually some times man considers himself a hero but he doesn’t know that he ruins one whole family,you did something like this but it’s an old saying “whom God’s keep,no frost can kill”.This some thing happens to me that day”. The fisherman was talking but the goon was thinking something else.He was looking towards his life style, his pompous life. The goon became greedy.Instead to beg for forgiveness he tried to snatch again the wealth from him but now....it was not a fish,that he would snatch from the fisherman's hand ,no doubt that the fisherman was very humble and he forgave the goon and also asked for monetary help but the fisherman was great alert. The goon was now became dishonest. In the meantime a servant brought some more coffee. The fisherman excused himself and went outside.The goon thought a trick.He very swiftly took out that poison from his silver ring and add it into the cup of a fisherman.Fisherman came quickly and poured some coffee in his cup and about to take a sip,a phat cat jumped on the coffee cup of the fisherman. The coffee spilt on the floor but some coffee split in the cat’s mouth and the cat’s fallen down and been killed. Fisherman was Very nervously watching the whole scenario.The goon laughed vampirely, Now the fisherman understood the whole game.He said”. Somebody very well said “ The wolf may loose his teeth but never loose his nature”,I forgive you but you didn’t pity on me and once again you attacked on my life.The fisherman uttered the word's very heavy heartedly.Goon immediately picked up a knife and attacked on the fisher man but in the meantime a fire triggered up by the guard and the bullets had stucked in the chest of the goon ,he had fallen down and died.(The End)

December 03, 2020 17:56

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Hamza Rehman
18:06 Feb 06, 2021

Im your prayee.


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Hamza Rehman
18:06 Feb 06, 2021

I really appreciate, not buttering you keep patience and walk on the same track.


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Hamza Rehman
18:04 Feb 06, 2021

People needs good light stories.comic , horror are the bt ones.


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Hamza Rehman
18:03 Feb 06, 2021

It's a layout or blue print you can shape it to a good story.


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Hamza Rehman
18:03 Feb 06, 2021

It's a layout or blue print you can shape it to a good story.


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Hamza Rehman
18:03 Feb 06, 2021

I wd also send you some stories ideas develop it,if it suits the prompt.


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Hamza Rehman
18:01 Feb 06, 2021

Something very classical sort, good read for college students.


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Hamza Rehman
18:01 Feb 06, 2021

This story is about a goon or a bad man and on the contrary a fisherman, good.


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Tariq Saeed
18:45 Jan 01, 2021

Shejee,I welcome your suggestions but please feed back is also more important.


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Sheejee Babar
16:20 Jan 01, 2021

Try some cowboy type.


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Sheejee Babar
16:20 Jan 01, 2021

Next time write shanza fanza type.


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Sheejee Babar
16:19 Jan 01, 2021

Try more but little funny one.


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Sheejee Babar
16:18 Jan 01, 2021

Good compiled story.


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Sheejee Babar
16:18 Jan 01, 2021

And the goon died according to his bad deeds.


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Sheejee Babar
16:17 Jan 01, 2021

The fisher man was very patient. His patience made him rich.


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Sheejee Babar
16:14 Jan 01, 2021

Goon was at time became ashamed but he soon became greedy again.


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Sheejee Babar
16:13 Jan 01, 2021

Timely adjusted :Fisherman was talking and goon was thinking something else.


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Sheejee Babar
16:11 Jan 01, 2021

When i was reading the story, an old story came in mind "The pearl".


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Sheejee Babar
16:10 Jan 01, 2021

Please add some little verses in the story. According to the event.


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Sheejee Babar
16:08 Jan 01, 2021

The proverbs are very timely adjusted.


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