Romance Drama Inspirational

“Life is in color, but black and white is more realistic”.

Hundreds of colors and thousands of shades are known in this world, nevertheless, I prefer black and white. Monochrome, it signifies my life.

It has been eight years since my father died, it was just me and my mother since then. I still have mother, but doesn’t seem like I do. She knows alcohol as the only liquid thing ever there is, she is wasted even before the day ends.

“Wasting time again with that?” she asked.

“Don’t even start, Mother.” I replied as I furnish the art of Ms. Yi.

“Sitting there, holding that filthy brush all day. Go hold hands with the pretty-rich girls in town, instead.”

That is what she always tells me. Ironically, I am painter at our town. I started painting, since father died, to support me and my mother. We don’t have much, but we do have a pile of debts. It was already two in the afternoon when I finished painting. Mother, at this time of the day, had already finished drinking up six bottles and on her way to sleep. I locked the door as I went to deliver the painting.

“Oh, you’re here. Come take a sip of juice inside, yes?” Ms. Yi offered nicely.

“I would love to ma’am, but my mother is alone at our house. Maybe some other time?”

“Sure, of course. Ah, yes, I nearly forgot to tell you.” She said as she gave the payment.

“There will be a painting contest in town, two weeks from now. They did not require much, but to enter, you must need a pair. The prize is good, better actually.”

Thinking of what Ms. Yi said, I wanted to join but I don’t have someone, nor anyone. I only have mother. I did not go home directly after my delivery. I wandered the town, not to look for my pair, but to think of a way to enter the competition without having a pair. But, of course, there is no way for that to happen.

As I walk past the abandoned building, there is a girl, painting the wall. She’s not alone, a boy is beside her, sitting and watching her at awe. Then a thought lit in my head.

“That’s beautiful.” I complimented, walking towards them.

“I know.”

We talked, well not much of a talk. I needed to befriend her; I need to have a partner to enter the competition. In the end, she agreed, ending up the deal with her getting the 55% of the prize. The 45% can still last a month, so it’s a win-win.

The day after, we went to the town plaza to register our names in the list, and to our surprise, there’s only one pair left needed.

“Aren’t we lucky?” She then asked sarcastically.

Given a less than two weeks of preparation, we only practiced in a duration of four days. It was fun. The day before the competition, she asked me to go to church with her and her brother to pray.

“What did you pray for?” she asked.

“I did not.”

“I don’t believe in God.” I continued.

“Why did you come with us inside then?”

I just smiled and shrugged. I insisted to take them home, but she refused. Before separating ways, his little brother wished me luck and told me that we can do it.

Today, together, we went to the church. I don’t even remember the last time I went to church nor even prayed.

The day of the competition came, and we are the first pair to arrive at the plaza.

“You should seek Him, pray that He’ll help us win today.” She said, staring at the sky.

Then again, I just smiled.

There are 10 pairs, us included, and most of them is our age. The competition began and ended the same day. Miraculously, we shot the first place. It was my first competition, and it was incredible.

“You did great.” She spoke.

“We did.”

After the competition, we treated ourselves to dinner and decided to go home after. This time, I walked her to their house.

“Thank you, for today.”

“Oh, yes. Thanking you, too. I enjoyed, so much.” She replied.

“What do you say, we go painting together, make money maybe?

Yes?” I asked tensely.

“Just make sure I get the 55 of it.”

“Certainly.” I replied instantly.

“Kidding. When do we start?”

I walked home pleased. I planned not to tell Mother that we won, or else the prize won’t even last a week. The following days were tiring, but it is worth the pay.

“You still want to go on?” She asked.

“Do you?”

She just grinned and continued working.

Weeks, months, years had passed.

Today is different, it’s a special day. The slow, wedding song filled the town church. Elizabeth is at the center, walking down the path filled with white lilies. She is lovely as ever, leaving the guests in awe. I composed myself and faced her with a smile.

“Do you, Eliezer Sy, take Elizabeth Ang to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?

“I do, Father.”

“Elizabeth Ang, do you take Eliezer Sy to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?

“Yes. I do”

“And so, I now pronounce you, lawfully husband and wife.”

It is then sealed with a passionate kiss. The guest’s ovations echoed within the corridors. My heart is overflowing with so much joy.

“Wait, Father.” Elizabeth called as I was about to leave.

“Thank you.” She continued.

“Anything for Elizabeth.” I replied, as I leaned to hug her.

One year after the competition, Mother died due to liver cirrhosis. I was lost back then, but I was never alone. Elizabeth was there, and Father Yang who took me in his care. I wanted to let Him in again, and that is when I decided to enter the seminary.

“How come someone who don’t believe in God entered the seminary?” Elizabeth asked flippantly.

“Don’t even start, Beth.”

“I am happy for you, Joseph.”

“That day of the competition. I actually asked for His guidance.”

“Oh really? Did you?” She asked teasingly.

“Thank you, Beth.”

“Thank you.”

I love her.

I just love Him the most.

All this time I have been avoiding to touch the colors, because I’m afraid that one day it will fade. I then asked myself, “Shouldn’t I be more afraid of never letting colors in my life?”

December 13, 2020 15:54

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